One of his legs was suspended in mid-air, and it should have been the position of this leg that also suffered some damage.

"Leader, I'm really sorry, I'm late, I'm really late.

As he spoke, he walked over quickly, and then placed the things at the head of the bed.

The man just looked back at him.

"Are you

Xiao Ming?" "That's right, it's me, I'm Xiao Ming, lead you to take a look, I'm really embarrassed, on my construction site, there was such a thing." "

Do you know that you are operating in violation of the law?"

"Yes, I know, but do you know the leader, now, they have investigated and found out, that steel rope has been tampered with.

"That's right, I already know the result, so I also think that you should also be framed by someone, but the key problem is that this matter is in your construction site, Xiao Ming, no matter what, you can't shirk the responsibility."

"Yes, this point, I definitely admit it, no matter what the circumstances, I will definitely bear this responsibility, but the leader, I actually have some problems, so I am here today to discuss with you.

"What's the problem?"

"I wondered, at that time, I heard my engineering manager tell me that at that time, a few people were on the first floor, and then they were introducing the construction situation, at that time, why did you go to the third floor alone?" "Because, I heard

some movement upstairs.

"What? There is movement? No, except for those workers who are working there, there should be no other movement, are you talking about the sound of construction?"

"No, I heard a child's voice.

"You, what are you talking about? The voice of a child? This, how is this possible? How can there be a child on my construction site? Leader, were you hallucinating at that time?"

"No, I can hear it very clearly, it is indeed a child's voice.

"But, I don't think I heard from my project manager about it.

"That's right, because you can't hear it normally, only I can.

"You, what are you talking about? others can't hear it, can you hear it? You, what do you mean by that?" Xiaoming

was confused when he heard it, and he felt as if these words were not meant for himself.

"Let me tell you this, my ears are superior to those of ordinary people.

"What? different from ordinary people?"

"That's right, what I can hear sometimes, you may not be able to hear, and I still have no way to explain this, it may have something to do with the trauma I suffered in a car accident seven years ago."

"You mean, since you've been in a car accident, you've known that your ears are very sensitive, right?"

"Yes, a normal person should listen to a sound at about 50 decibels, but I can hear it if it's lower than that, but I can hear it."

"That is, in principle, the sound is not very big, so when you can hear it, you follow it. "

Yes, that's what I meant, that's why I kept finding the location on the third floor.

"But even after you get to the third floor, why do you want to enter the elevator? Isn't it possible for you to look for it on the third floor?"

"Yes, because when I walked over, I found a pencil case on the top of the elevator.

"What? pencil case, how can there be such a thing on my construction site?"

"I was also very strange, so I walked up to it curiously, and then, picking it up, to see what was going on, and at that moment, the elevator suddenly fell down.

Listening to these things he described, Xiao Ming really couldn't believe his ears.

All this is like a conspiracy, and step by step, they will be drawn into this trap.

"First I heard the voice, and then I could see that there was a pencil case right on the top of the elevator, leader, don't you

think all this is a trap?" "Yes, at the beginning, I really didn't think about it that way, but when I knew the results of this test, I realized that all this should be a trap.

"If he's really a trap, then this trap for me to say should be set for you.

"Yes, it's really set up for me, but I have no relationship with these people, could it be that I offended some other people at other times? "

So, this is one thing that I have not been able to explain, why, where the accident happened on my construction site?"

"Alas, when I think about it, it's really hard to say, but don't worry, I have officially introduced this matter to the case-handling personnel, and next, it's up to them to see if they can really dig out this person. "

Okay, then if that's the case, then naturally, it's the best, right, leader, what is the situation with your leg?"

"Thigh fracture, pelvic bone fracture, now, is recuperating in bed, however, the doctor said that the situation should be quite optimistic, probably, that is, about half a year, it should be, it can be completely recovered."

"Okay, then if I recover, then this is the best, but don't worry, the leader, all the follow-up costs, including all losses, will be borne by me." "

Okay, you shouldn't bear it, I won't let you take a penny, I'm a person, and I also see things to do things, do you understand?"

After listening, Xiao Ming just nodded.

Originally, I thought that this person was difficult to communicate, but I didn't expect that the communication would be so smooth now, and I didn't seem to blame myself at all.

"Leader, I have one more thing I want to ask.

"Okay, you name it. "

Who knows about this matter?"

"Who knows? There are a lot of people who know, after I had this situation at that time, I also specially told my colleagues in the unit, so most people know it very well.

"In other words, you are not a secret, many people will know about it, right?"

"Yes, I guess they will also tell this matter intentionally or unintentionally when they are chatting, so this should not be a secret." "

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