"Okay, then I know, leader, then I won't disturb your rest, you see, this is my business card, if there is anything, you can call me at any time, I will come over immediately."

As he spoke, he took out a business card from his pocket and placed it in front of him.

"Okay, I see, then you can get busy first. The

conversation between the two went relatively smoothly, and after that, Xiao Ming followed the assistant and left the hospital in a hurry.

"Mr. Xiao, what did you say inside? Moreover, I feel that the time you stay is not very short.

"I was trying to find out what had happened at the time of the crime, indeed, it was just a premeditated thing, and it was led into the trap step by step.

"What? Premeditated? We've said it before, it's premeditated, but the key question is, how did he do it?"

"He first used a child's voice, and then, he drew the leader to it, and of course, he took advantage of the leader's special situation. "

Special situation?"

"Yes, because he can hear things that others can't hear, so he was led up alone, and then he put something on top of the elevator, and then led him step by step to the elevator. "

What was there?"

"It was said to be a child's pencil bag.

"The child's pencil case? This, isn't that right? I didn't find this thing after the elevator fell." "

Yes, we were also discussing this issue in there just now, and this should have been manipulated. "

That is to say, someone at the scene took advantage of the chaos and hid the thing, so that no one else would be suspicious.

"Yes, so, I've been guessing that this person should be that Guo Xiaoming.

"Guo Xiaoming, Guo Xiaoming, now, all the questions are pointed at Guo Xiaoming, it seems that this person, we have to ask a good question."

If he doesn't say it, what do you think we can ask?" "But, but if we don't ask

him, it seems that there is no breakthrough in it, after all, he is the one who directly handles this matter."

"I'm suspicious of the other party now, who is that person? I don't think he knows this Guo Xiaoming.

"Are you saying that there is no connection between them?"

"That's right, it's very likely that it's just a remote operation, and if I want to do this, I will definitely not leave any clues in front of this Guo Xiaoming." The

assistant didn't say any more, this, like a big problem, trapped all of them here at once.

"Then Mr. Xiao, according to what you mean, then this time, we are really helpless, right?"

"It's not that there is no way, I don't believe that they can make this matter so hidden." "

Mr. Xiao, did you think of something?"

"Let's not talk about these things for now, let's go, go back to the company first."

"Okay. The

assistant didn't speak, then turned around and drove the car directly into the company.

At this time, Zong Mengni returned to the company and simply handled some daily business.

After returning from abroad, she didn't seem to stop once, and every time she felt a lot of pressure.

Zong Mengni just stopped, and then, the kind of picture that came to her mind immediately came to mind, when she was with that Xiao Yunzhe yesterday.

It's really strange, why is she so happy when she is with him?

And when she returns to the company and faces these businesses, she feels as if she is a little anxious.

At this moment, the phone on her desk rang, so Zong Mengni picked up the phone.

"Hey, I'm Zong Mengni. "

Miss Zong, there is a contract here, I need you to check it.

"Which contract money?"

"Miss Zong, have you forgotten? We ordered that event before, and now, they have sent all the money, but they sent it in cash, not the bank account.

"Nonsense, why don't you take the bank account for so many days? Why, do you have to take this cash?"

"Miss Zong, this, I don't know, people say that it is indeed a little inconvenient for them to go through the account.

"Okay, you take those contracts and those payments, all to the office, and I'll let the finance handle it later."

"Okay, I got it.

After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone, and Zong Mengni just shook her head helplessly.

Soon, there was a knock on the door on the other side, and then, a man who looked like an assistant walked straight in.

He carried a black box in his hand, and then placed it in front of him.

"Okay, you go out first, I'll deal with this matter. "

Okay, Miss Zong, if there is anything, you can call me in time."

After speaking, he left here, Zong Mengni opened the box and took a look, this box full of money, now, is in front of him.

After so many years, he really rarely saw so much cash, after all, many things can be directly solved through transfers.

He took out the money, and then took a brief look, in fact, about the authenticity of the money, this, he is really not very good at it.

Perhaps, they should send the money to the treasurer, and then let them carefully verify the money, and as long as it is okay, they can collect it.

Zong Mengni took out the contract and looked at it, and the contract money shown on it should be 200,000.

Obviously, the 200,000 cash should have all been here.

She took out the phone and was about to call the financial director, but at this moment, Zong Mengni suddenly seemed to think of something.

So, she turned around, and then, taking out the brand new yuan, put it under her nose and smelled it.

That's right, it smelled, the last time he smelled it in the bag, and it was exactly the same.

It turns out that I have always felt this smell, as if I was familiar, and this is actually the taste of money.

That proves that the bag should have contained money at that time.

But why did they put the money in that bag, and where did the money come from at that time?

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