When Zong Mengni thought of this, she hurriedly stood up, and then, from the cabinet behind her, took out a unique cloth pocket of the company.

He put all the money into the cloth pocket, but he didn't expect that Yan Yan was filling this bag just right.

Could it be that what they were holding

at that time was 200,000 yuan in cash? Where did the 200,000 yuan in cash come from, and was it the reward given to him by another person?

You must know that kidnapping oneself should bear a certain amount of risk, so to be honest, 100,000 yuan is not much at all.

But why, the 100,000 yuan has to be taken in cash

? Even if the other party wants to make a secret deal with him, he only needs to use an account to transfer the money, why, he didn't do it?

Unless there is a point, this person does not want to leave any clues at all, and he does not want to leave any handle at all.

Who the hell is this person? He felt more and more now, a little mysterious, if it was really those two foreigners, Zong Mengni felt that he should not have thought of this.

After thinking of this, he just felt that something was indeed strange, so she suddenly stood up.

In the end, she put the money in her safe temporarily, and then went to the monitoring room downstairs.

He knocked lightly on the door, and soon, a security guard walked out.

"Miss Zong, you, why are you here?" After

the security guard saw Zong Mengni coming, he felt that something seemed to be strange.

You know, senior leaders like them rarely come here, unless there is something important.

"I want to ask, recently, there is no problem with the monitoring in this building, right?"

he said as he walked into the monitoring room, and then took a look, the screens on the wall, basically every one of them were clear, and there was no problem.

"Oh, Miss Zong, don't worry, since the equipment has been replaced, basically, all the surveillance here is now high-definition, and it can also be recorded in real time. "

Okay, I want to adjust the video here, I don't know, is it convenient now

?" "Investigate the video?Miss Zong, you, what do you want to check?" "

No, I want to check other things, and besides, I lost something in the corridor before, and I'll see if it was taken away by the cleaner or by someone else." "

Miss Zong, then, what day do you say? I'll help you see it right now."

"No, you don't need it now, by the way, is your office right here?"

"No, Miss Zong, there's a room in it, which is my office. "

Okay, then I want to borrow your office, and then, I'll investigate the video myself, but during this process, you are not allowed to come in, understand?"

"Miss Zong, I know, I will arrange for you right now, come, you come to me." Although

the security manager didn't know what he was going to do, he should have something important to do.

Since it is the leader, then, naturally, he will not refute it, after all, this is someone else's company, so it is normal to retrieve a surveillance video.

Finally, you sit in front of him

on the weekend, he pulls out his phone, looks at the time of his kidnapping, and then starts his own calculations.

He thought to himself, if these three people really came to the company, they would be able to leave a mark in this place, but who were they when they

came to the company? While thinking about these questions, he began to look through them here, and he knew that if these three people came to the company, they would definitely attract the attention of others, unless, he was at the end of the day, and no one had seen him.

In this way, the scope of Zong Mengni's investigation was narrowed.

Here, he went through all the after-work videos.

Sure enough, on the night of the first two days of his kidnapping, at ten o'clock, he saw three people mysteriously coming from the other side of the hall. He

immediately paused this picture, and then, zooming in on the picture, and taking a closer look, he saw that these three people should be the three people he saw.

Unexpectedly, they really came to the company, and all this really made Zong Mengni guess correctly.

She was surprised, although all this seemed a little incredible, but after all, this person had come to the company, which proved that this matter must be related to the people inside their company.

She followed their route into the company, and then traced it all the way to the thirteenth floor.

Zong Mengni took a closer look, at that time, these people went all the way to the top, and in the end, they disappeared.

At the top of the 13th floor, isn't this Dad's office? In other words, those three people, they used to go to Zonglong's office.

When Zong Mengni saw this, he really couldn't believe his eyes, she played the video back over and over again, yes, he saw it very true, there is absolutely no doubt about this.

These people listened to it for about twenty minutes, and then they came out of it.

It's just that after they came out this time, there was really an extra white bag in their hands, and the bag looked bulging, so it should have been taken out of it.

"Then, if that's the case, then, isn't the person who kidnapped him at that time his own father Zong Long?" "

Why? Why did he do this, and what kind of benefits did he do for them?

Zong Mengni really couldn't believe all this, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was really something terrifying in this.

She took out the USB flash drive she had with her, and then directly copied it into her USB flash drive, and then left the monitoring room in a hurry.

Back in his office, he still felt that his heart had been pounding, and he really couldn't imagine all this.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and he felt his body tremble, and then he stabilized himself.

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