"Hey, hello.

"Monny, where are you in the office? When I called, I said you weren't there. The

voice on the phone was none other than Zong Long.

"Oh, Dad, I just went out for a while, what's wrong? Is there something going on?"

Zong Mengni knew that she would never be able to reveal all this until something was clarified.

She really couldn't believe that her father had colluded with outsiders to kidnap her, so what did he do with all this?"

"Oh, Monny, come here, I have something here and want to explain it to you."

"Okay, I'll go right now.

After finishing speaking, Zong Mengni hung up the phone, and then took a deep breath again, trying hard to restore her emotions to a stable state.

After entering Zong Long's office, he took a look, and at this time, Zong Long was sitting there.

"Come here, there's something on my side for you to take a look at.

As he spoke, Zong Long put a drawing in front of Zong Mengni.

Zong Mengni just glanced down at this drawing, looking strange, and if he didn't look carefully, maybe, she really couldn't see that this was actually a factory design drawing.

"Dad, what

, what is this? Isn't this a factory blueprint?" "That's right, look at the

scale?" "In terms of scale, there must be no problem, Dad, what

do you want to do?" "I want to set up a factory in this place, and some of our later export trades are mainly clothing, I don't know, for this, Monny, are you interested?"


"That's right, and since you were in college, haven't you always liked fashion design? So, Dad is fulfilling your dream now, and when you were abroad, Dad kept ignoring this, Monnie, what do you think of this now

?" "Dad, you want to say, you let me do fashion design? Then, produce and build your own brand?"

That's right, that's what I thought, and besides, the situation is not stable now, and this company can't stay forever, so Dad wants to buy you his own business.

"Dad, this, I really haven't been mentally prepared at all, and let me take over such a big stall, I, I'm really a little unsure, not to mention, you haven't built it yet."

"No, this has already been built, and now, all I can show you is his construction drawings, and, if nothing else, in another month, it should be officially delivered."

"You, what are you talking about? has it already been built?"

"That's right, I didn't expect it, in fact, Dad has been planning this thing for a long time, and now several production lines and production equipment have all been ordered, and in another month, it should be all put into production." "

Dad, why, do this suddenly?"

"I don't know, I feel that if you keep following me like this, I will be frightened, and Xingya Company will not be in our hands one day after all, so Dad wants to leave you a way back."

"Dad, Xingya Company, what do you want to do? Do you want to sell it? But, didn't you say it before? This is our foundation, and now, we can't easily move it.

"Hehe, some things are always changing, okay, you don't care about these business things, anyway, he just wants you to withdraw from this Xingya company in time, when the time comes, this factory is an independent company, do you understand?"

"Your matter is a little too sudden, can you, let me think about it again?"

"Hehe, what's the consideration for this? Even if Dad sent it to you, okay, if you want to think about it, you can also think about some details, today, I will officially inform you, if there is nothing to do, you should hurry up and go back."

"Dad, aren't you going back tonight?"

"Yes, there are still some things over there that need to be dealt with, so you don't have to worry about it." "

Okay, you watch your body and drink less.

After Zong Mengni finished speaking, she was about to walk out of it

, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly seemed to think of something in her mind.

"Dad, by the way, what about the two foreigners? Didn't they chase us all the way and ask us for money? Now, what's the situation?"

"Oh, you said they, don't worry, I've dealt with him for the time being, there should still be a way to stop this, okay, you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, I know, Dad, what about these people who kidnapped me before? Now, have you looked for them? If

you find them, shouldn't you send them in?" "Well, you don't have to worry about this, and besides, they are also instructed by others, so if you find them, you can't solve it with money, we have to solve it at the root."

"Okay, then I got it.

After speaking, Zong Mengni nodded, and then, turned around and left directly from here

, after returning to the office, he felt that his heart had been pounding and beating, because this has now been strictly everything, and it proves that this matter is really from Zong Long's hand.

He could even imagine now that the reason why Zong Long did this was perhaps just to lure them into the Xiao family's father and son step by step into this trap.

Now that he has figured out these things, how should he deal with

them? Should he help his father and continue to hide this matter, or should he say that he will kill his relatives in righteousness and tell all about it?

In her heart, she has been constantly entangled.

But this time, what Zong Long did did make him feel a little disappointed.

In order to achieve his goal, he actually kidnapped his daughter, you must know that all this is really not something that ordinary people can do.

However, Zong Mengni only knows one thing, that is, people are watching the sky, and there are some things that cannot be hidden after all.

When Xiao Yunzhe returned home, it happened to be more than six o'clock in the evening.

"Young Master, you're back.

After he returned home, he saw his subordinates coming over, and then he took Xiao Yunzhe's coat and briefcase.

"What about Yuchun and Jingrou? aren't the two of them at home?"

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