"Oh, no, the two of them, the eldest lady and the two of them, are not at home all day today, only the young grandmother is at home alone. "

Okay, I know, you go get busy, by the way, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Young master, it's still the same dishes from before, do you want me to show you the recipe?" "

No need, wait a minute, just call me, I'll go upstairs and rest first." "

Okay young master.

With that, the man stepped back, and then he walked to the second floor.

Before he reached the door, he suddenly saw Geng Jingshu walking out of it in a panic.

"You, why did you come back at this time?"

Geng Jingshu seemed to be a little surprised by his appearance.

Xiao Yunzhe stopped, and then, up and down, it was obvious that Geng Jingshu should be preparing to go out at this time.

"You, do you have something to go out?"

"Oh, my mother called me, said that a relative came to the house, and then asked me to come over, by the way, Yu'er He has now returned to work in the company, this matter, I really thank your father, when I see him one day, I will thank him well." "

Hehe, it's okay, it's all as it should be, and, after all, we're also relatives, by the way, so aren't

you coming back tonight?" "You should come back, if there's nothing to do, I'll be back after meeting my relatives over there and having dinner, I'm sorry, tonight, I didn't know you were coming back, so I can't accompany you to dinner."

"Hehe, okay, it's okay, then you go and get busy with yours." "

Okay, then I'll go first, you remember, you have to eat obediently, you know?"

"Hehe, I know.

After saying that, he watched Geng Jingshu disappear from his sight.

To be honest, when this woman spoke in front of him before, he did feel very happy

, but for some reason, at this moment, he actually felt numb and crispy on his body.

Especially when he said that he was going out and not eating at home, Xiao Yunzhe actually had a very relaxed feeling.

Could it be that it's because I don't have any feelings for her now

? But shouldn't it, the two of them have such a deep relationship, and they have been for so many years, how can he see a strange thought?

After thinking of this, he shook his head vigorously, and then walked to the study.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the building was now empty.

At this time, Xiao Ming was still sitting in his office, he was here, just waiting for a news

, finally, at eight o'clock, the phone rang, he picked it up and took a look, and sure enough, it was really here.

"Hey, how is it?"

"Mr. Xiao rest assured, everything is going well, now, I have brought someone else, is Mr. Xiao still

in the office?" "Yes, I'm in the office, remember, take the back door, and then, try to avoid those cameras, just bring this person directly." "

Okay, I know, Mr. Xiao, I'll be there soon."

With that, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Ming didn't actually want to do this, but now, he didn't seem to have any other clues.

And the only thing that can be done is to reopen all this from that Guo Xiaoming's body.

Although I know that I may not be able to dig up too many clues in him, but if I ask, it is better than not asking at all.

After a few minutes, he heard footsteps outside, so he stepped forward and opened the door.

At a glance, I saw that at this time, this Guo Xiaoming was directly escorted by his two bodyguards.

Guo Xiaoming looks like he is also tall and big, but at this time, in front of the two bodyguards, he does seem to be much shorter.

"Mr. Xiao, you, what do you mean by this?"

he recognized Xiao Ming at a glance, and then looked up and asked.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just want to come over and talk to you, what's the matter?" Don't you want to come here

?" "Mr. Xiao, you, what's the matter with you?" "What's the matter?" I think you should know better than me, right? I ask you, what did you do in

the construction site?" "Mr. Xiao

, I, I didn't do anything, and besides, isn't the construction site stopped now? So, I haven't been to the construction site for the past two days."

"Yes, there is really nothing on the construction site now, I mean, where were you when the accident happened that day?"

"I, I am also at the scene, but, Mr. Xiao, this, this has nothing to do with me, I am just a peripheral mason, this thing, I can't touch it."

"Okay Guo Xiaoming, it's already this time, do you think I dare to bring you here if I don't have any clues? If you don't cooperate, then I'm sorry, I can only hand over all this."

"Mr. Xiao, you, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all. "

I don't understand, I ask you, who is Xiaohong? Also, in Xiaohong's tailor's shop, there is a black high-end box, what is in that box?"

When Xiao Ming said all this, Guo Xiaoming was stupid all of a sudden.

He originally felt that all this thing was done seamlessly, and no one should find out, after all, when he did it, he had easily escaped all the surveillance cameras.

But he didn't expect that he would find out all this.

"Mr. Xiao, I, I didn't mean to, Mr. Xiao, I was at that time, I was also instructed by other people at that time.

After saying this, he pounced, knelt directly on the ground, and pleaded here.

Xiao Ming didn't speak, but all of this was also expected by himself, and he knew that there must be something wrong with this Guo Xiaoming.

"I'll give you a chance now, if you can give me some clues, then I won't be guilty of this matter.

"Mr. Xiao, actually, in fact, I know, what do you want to ask, who do you want to ask that person? But Mr. Xiao, I tell you the truth, I don't know. "

Oh, how did he contact you before?"

"He just checked the phone number, and it was a virtual network phone, and when he gave me the money at that time, he also transferred it to me through a foreign account.

"In other words, he hasn't met you since the beginning, and you don't even know who he really is, do you?"

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