"Yes, that's true, and the box you saw in my house was indeed a chemical in it, and they sent it to me from abroad at the time.

"What did you say? What about the address?"

"Mr. Xiao, that, that, that, I have already thrown it away, and besides, after they sent this thing over, I knew how to use it." "

What did you study before?"

"Mr. Xiao, when I was in college, I majored in chemical engineering.


right, so I'm wondering how these people got their hands on me, how they could know, how they knew how to do it, how I knew how to do it."

"That is to say, it should be you who does the tricks on the tightrope, right

?" "Yes, it is indeed me, and I admit it, but I have done nothing other than this

," "I ask you, what did you do when you were at the scene that day?" "

Mr. Xiao, I, I really didn't do anything, oh, yes, I remembered, I took a pencil case from the scene.

"Pencil bag? Why is there a pencil case in that place? Also, who put that thing there?"

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know, I just received a phone call before this happened, and he told me that if the elevator falls down, there will be a pencil case on it, let me put this pencil case away as soon as possible, otherwise, I'm afraid everything will be revealed."

"In other words, you're in charge of the elevator right now, and you didn't do it when you released sounds, including placing pencil tapes, did you?"

"No, I really didn't do it."

"In addition to these, is there anything else, in addition, how much money does he give you to do this?"

"Mr. Xiao, what the other party promised me at that time was 100,000 yuan, and after this matter was completed, he did keep his promise and transferred the 100,000 yuan to my account. "

Is there a transfer record of the account?

"Mr. Xiao, this should be there, I'll show you now."

While talking, Guo Xiaoming took the transfer record from his mobile phone, and then directly found it, and then put it in front of Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming just looked at this account, because just by looking at this number, he knew that this was definitely not a domestic account.

"Check out which country this account comes from.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, I know.

After the assistant next to him heard it, he took the mobile phone, and then entered all these letters and numbers into the computer, and soon, a clear picture appeared,

"Mr. Xiao, I have found out, this is a VIP customer of country Z."

"Country Z?" he

suddenly frowned suspiciously.

Actually, this country doesn't mean anything to him Xiao Ming

, but there is only one thing in his mind now, the place of country Z is the country that Zonglong and the others came out of.

If there was no Zong Long, perhaps, this foreign account would not attract his attention, because he knew that even if he tracked it down, in the end, he would be confused, and he would never be able to change anything.

And now, this Zonglong is from country Z, and now this account has been transferred from here, so is there any inevitable connection between all this

and Zonglong? He was a little unclear in his heart, and why Zonglong wanted to do these things to himself, and also, after doing these things, what could Zonglong get?

His mind felt very messy, and besides, there was no way to connect everything before and after.

In the middle, there must be an inevitable link missing, so what is this inevitable link?"

"Mr. Xiao, I really didn't mean to, Mr. Xiao, I didn't think about doing this, Mr. Xiao, I beg you, can you spare me? My wife, my family, and my parents need me to support."

"Okay, I haven't thought about how to deal with you, after all, it's just taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, okay, from now on, don't appear in front of me, take your money, and go to another city to live again." "

Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao, I, I know, I know. In

fact, this is already the greatest favor for Guo Xiaoming, after all, he did not pursue it, if it is really traced, then I am afraid, the consequences are really unimaginable.

When the men had left, the assistant stepped forward.


. Xiao, did you really just let it go?" "Of course, I must let him go, and besides, if I don't let him go, then, how can the other party show up easily

?" "Mr. Xiao, you, what did you say? The other party showed up? This, what does this mean?"

"Hehe, what, don't you understand? Let me tell you, if my guess is correct, this person should have been under the surveillance of the host behind the scenes, so he was arrested by us, and these things must be able to make him aware of them. "

Mr. Xiao, do you mean that they know something now?"

"Yes, if they knew, then they would definitely be thinking about what clues I have, so after putting him back, this is the biggest breakthrough point." "

Mr. Xiao, I understand, you mean that there will still be people who

contact him, right?" "Yes, there will definitely be contact with him, didn't I already tell you before?

"Okay, I got it.

When the assistant heard it, he also felt a little excited, and he didn't expect that all these things were all carried out under Xiao Ming's step-by-step arrangement.

This assistant originally thought it was strange, but in the afternoon, they were still discussing, saying that after arresting this Guo Xiaoming, there would be no benefit to them.

But he didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, he received a phone call, saying that he was going to bring Guo Xiaoming to the institute, yes, he finally knew why for this variable.

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