"You, what are you doing here?"

"But it wasn't until I got these cases and this ring today that I really understood that I could never be so selfish for the sake of my beloved woman. "

What do you mean

?" "Jingshu, I won't force you, but I only have one thought, can you be with me again?" "

What are you kidding, do you know, I, I'm going to marry him soon."

"Yes, but you're not married yet, are you? Moreover, how their Xiao family treats you, I believe, you should know very well in your heart. "

Xiao family?" Geng

Jingshu muttered to himself.

Actually, at the beginning, this Xiao Yunzhe was really good to himself.

However, now he gradually felt that some of the tastes had begun to change quietly.

It's just that he, a stupid woman, has been in it all the time, and he didn't even notice all this.

It wasn't until yesterday that he followed that Xiao Yunzhe and saw him mysteriously with that woman that he knew that all this had been completely explained.

"That's right, it's Xiao Yunzhe, let me tell you, the eldest young master of the Xiao family, did have true feelings for you before, but once he climbed into the position, he would definitely kick you away.

"I don't dare to jump to conclusions about this thing that didn't happen.

"Yes, I know that it is indeed not easy for you to get to where you are today, so I will also give you time to think about it, and you can completely refuse me if I say these things to you today.

"What do you mean? Didn't you say that you want to take that core document?"

"Yes, I feel that all my methods are really a bit too despicable, so I don't force you, and besides, I have already returned all the evidence to you, Jingshu, I only hope that you can really consider this matter, and being with you is more important than anything else." "

You, didn't you say that without this thing, you wouldn't have a foothold in the company?"

"Yes, that's true, but I think, after all, I have already provided the documents once, so they want to kick me out, I'm afraid it's not that simple, it's a big deal, just start all over again."

Geng Jingshu didn't speak, she just lowered her head slowly, and then seemed to fall into the previous memory.

"Jingshu, I called you over today, in fact, just to explain these problems to you, now, what should be explained has been explained, how about it, I'll send you back?"

Unexpectedly, this Zhao Yixuan didn't continue to entangle, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed that he was going to send himself away.

"You, are you serious, do you really want that thing?"

"Hehe, I've already said it, I will never force you to do anything, if you want to take it, then naturally you will give it to me, but if you don't want to give it to me, then, I will never complain about you, go, I'll take you something to eat."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and then, taking his hand, walked straight forward.

I don't know why, at this moment, this Geng Jingshu didn't have the strength to resist.

In fact, she obviously had the strength to push him away, but Geng Jingshu didn't do it.

Just when Geng Jingshu was talking and laughing with other men here, Xiao Yunzhe was in the study at home at this time, as if he was thinking about these questions.

Even for dinner tonight, he didn't eat a few bites, but he felt as if his heart was deeply suppressed by a stone.

At this moment, the wall clock on the wall rang, he looked at it, and before he knew it, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and he

still remembered the time he was with Mr. Monnie that day, to be honest, until now.

He has a mobile phone in his hand, and he keeps flipping through it, but he never has the courage to call the phone number of Mr. Monnie.

He really didn't want to bear this kind of painful torment anymore, and finally, he made such a determination, and then called the phone number directly.

And this phone only rang once, and soon, it was connected by Zong Mengni.

That's right, it's really smart, and at this time, Zong Mengni is actually holding a mobile phone in her hand.

The two people's thoughts at that time were actually exactly the same.

"Yun Zhe, what's wrong

?" "Oh, Miss Zong, where are you now?" "

I'm at home, isn't there, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just feel annoyed, I don't know, do you have time? I want to have a drink with you." "

Okay, no problem, you say, somewhere, I'll go over right away."

"Okay, I'll send the location to your phone later, and then, I'll wait for you."

After saying that, Xiao Yunzhe suddenly felt a sense of excitement.

And just now, it was obviously still listless, and at this moment, it seems that all the interests have been completely seduced.

He walked quickly to the mirror, and then, after looking at his dress, he hurriedly got up and left the house.

The two of them met at the agreed place, this is a bar, and there is a private room in the bar, so Xiao Yunzhe has already set a location here.

The bright lights are naturally something that Xiao Yunzhe doesn't like very much.

However, in order to meet Zong Mengni, he can only choose to be in such an environment now.

After all, he is a person with status and status, and at this juncture, if he is with Zong Mengni above board, I am afraid that he will be talked about.

"I'm sorry to call you back so late.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I'm idle at home, so I'm out to have a drink with you." It is just breathable, too. "

Oh, are you still at home by yourself? What about your father? Didn't he go

back?" "Hehe, I'm used to it, and I've long been used to life without him, what about you? What's wrong with you? Your dad is not at home, by the way, what about your daughter-in-law?"

"Oh, she said that there was something going on at home today, so she went back to her parents' house, and tonight, I don't know if I can come back."

"Hehe, my daughter-in-law has returned to her parents' house, what's the matter? Come to me to relieve your boredom

?" "Look at what you said, can't we meet up, drink, and chat?"

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