"Okay, no problem, if you want to drink, I'll accompany you.

As she spoke, Zong Mengni picked up the wine glass in front of her, and the two of them touched the glass, and in the end, they drank a few big gulps.

"You say, I really sometimes can't figure out what this person is doing when he's busy, just for the person he loves, and then, for her whole life

?" "What do you mean? Why, all of a sudden, you have such a thought?"

Zong Mengni looked at her curiously and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that sometimes I feel that it's really tiring, and it seems that there are many things that don't need to be pinched on me.

"Yes, isn't life like this? busy, hard, hurried life, only in this way will your life be more meaningful."

"However, when you finally find out that the person next to you is not the person you like, then, do you feel that all this is in vain?"

When he finished saying this, this Zong Mengni was suddenly stunned for a moment.

This is obvious, this is something in the words, and it is so decent, how can you say such a thing to yourself

?" "Yun Zhe, have you drunk

too much?" "No, I didn't drink too much, and besides, I was also very sober, I just suddenly had this feeling, but I don't know who to talk to?"

"You, in fact, are comfortable living habits.

"No, you're wrong, I didn't actually live like this at all in the past, and I'm afraid you'll never imagine it. "

Oh, I've heard of this, it seems that your father just got you back two years ago, right?"

"That's right, I had to follow my two younger sisters at the time, and life was really very difficult at that time, but when this happy life came, I seemed to suddenly feel the pressure a little different from before.

"That's right, now that you have enough food and clothing, and you have everything, why do you bother to touch

these things again?" "Yes, when I really have these things, I began to reflect on who I am doing all this for, and these people around me are really worthy of my trust

?" "Are you quarreling with your daughter-in-law?"

Hehe, no, even if I want to quarrel, I have this time, I'm really too lazy to quarrel now.

"You can't do this, and after all, people have been pregnant and miscarried for you, so if you really do something sorry for her, then I'm afraid, you will be charged with a crime."

"Hehe, I naturally know, so I'm just here to complain to you, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

"That's right, in fact, sometimes, the people around you really don't necessarily make you trust so much. When

Zong Mengni said this, she just looked out with a melancholy look in her eyes.

In fact, she was thinking about what was going on with Zonglong and all this.

"What's wrong with you? Look at you like this, you're also sentimental, by the way, what about those people before? Are they looking for trouble with you? Also, did your dad deal with this matter?"

"Hehe, I don't know, maybe, if he wants to, he can handle it."

"I ask you, you, what do you mean by that?"

When Xiao Yunzhe finished listening, he suddenly became nervous.

After all, Xiao Yunzhe has also been in the mall for a long time, and a person has already seen all this before.

Through this Zong Mengni's words, Xiao Yunzhe already felt that there must be something going on between Zong Mengni and Zong Long.

"No, it's nothing, by the way, your father, are you still going to

buy our Xingya Company?" "This is also in the plan, and we have now reached the point of desperation, if we don't buy Xingya Company, I'm afraid, our company will be completely explained."

"In other words, you have to use a new shell to help you escape all this, right?"

"Yes, this is the only way, so I guess the acquisition of Xingya Company should also be a must-win, and besides, your father has also called before." "

You, what did you say? My dad, call you?"

"Yes, he did hit at the time, and that's what I heard my dad say later.

"He means to urge you to make this deal, right

?" "What's wrong? Why do you look weird today

?" "Heh, it's nothing, I just think that if you want to use this shell to successfully escape, this is not as simple as you imagined, should you redeploy again, maybe, there are other ways?"

I really didn't think about this, and besides, this kind of strategic deployment is usually controlled by my dad, and I basically can't help much.

"Then if that's the case, then you should also advise your dad to think more about what is going on, and maybe, there will be other ways out?"

"Okay, I see.

Xiao Yunzhe didn't speak, but he knew in his heart that Zong Mengni you must have something to say to yourself, but you never said it.

Xiao Yunzhe would never force her.

Because, he knows, if he is too forced, he will definitely dispel this secret for him again.

The two talked here until late at night, and then got up to leave.

To be honest, even so, this Xiao Yunzhe was reluctant, and he felt that there was always something to say in front of this woman

, and after coming out of the bar, he just saw Zong Mengni get into the car, and then, he suddenly heard that someone was calling his name.

So, he hurriedly looked back, but he didn't expect that what he saw was Geng Yu'er.

At that time, this Xiao Yunzhe immediately nervous, if this is the case, could it be that he has seen everything just now?" "Yunzhe

, why are you here?" "Oh, it's nothing, I'm drinking here with a friend tonight, you, are you also drinking here?"

No, I came from another place, and I happened to pass by here, looking at that back, like you shouted, but I didn't expect it, it really is. "

Well, my friend just got him in the car because he drank a little too much, why didn't you come home so late?".

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