"Oh, that's right, for the sake of safety, the other party will pass on a new instruction now, and I can't tell you about it in detail on the phone, so I'll give you an explanation myself, and you see, this is a fax I received today.

With that, the Pol mysteriously took a fax out of his bag and placed it in front of them.

They just looked down, and then put the fax back into his hand.

"I understand, it seems that they really can't wait, it doesn't matter, all these things are still under our control, and there shouldn't be too much deviation.

"Yes, that's what we mean, so you have to be careful, remember, don't let him see any flaws, understand

?" "Okay, I know, by the way, did he say when?"

"Probably, they should be here in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, but they won't come from the airport, they should take the pier road." "

Wharf, hehe, these people are really not taking the usual road, according to normal circumstances, they must have come from the airport, but I didn't expect that they would still take the waterway.

"That's right, the form is so tense now, and it is absolutely impossible for Zong Long and Xiao Ming to find out anything, so it can only be from the bottom of the plan. "

Okay, then I know, by six o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, I will be on time at the dock, and when the time comes, after we meet, we will go to discuss the next details, and you will not move again for these two days." "

Okay, I see, then you should be careful, if there is anything, we will contact in a special way." The

two of them gave a brief explanation here, and then, in a hurry, got up, and left in two different directions.

After they were all gone, Xiao Ming stood up from the darkness, and then, he did hear the conversation between them very clearly.

And it is obvious that Zong Long is not the only one who has been fooled, and even he has entered this shady scene.

What the hell is going on with all this? He has always felt that everything is under his control, how can he be completely reversed in the blink of an eye, as if the whole order has been completely reversed?

Things will definitely not be as simple as he thinks, and besides, if he guessed correctly, he should have entered the interface of the game within the game.

He felt in his heart that there was still some pressure.

If that's the case, then I'm afraid that if you continue to implement your plan, then in the end, you will definitely die worse than anyone else.

Therefore, in this case, he has not yet figured out the real purpose of the other party, what is the situation, he must stand still, and he must not do this thing in such a hurry.

He now regrets a little in his heart, why, he bought Xingya Company in such a hurry? If there was no such acquisition, perhaps, there would not be the conspiracy of the two of them today

, but it is a pity that he is a little far away from Tom and Bol, and there is no way to know what their hearts, real thoughts, are?

It's just that he only decided on one thing now, anyway, this Pol is problematic, including, this Tom, he must also have a great background

, Xiao Ming knew that this place could not stay any longer, so it turned into a trace and disappeared directly into the darkness

At this time, Xiao Yunzhe and Zong Mengni, the two of them were in a farmhouse in the suburbs.

Since it is not a holiday, there are not many people who come here.

The two of them are in a private room in the far corner, although the room is not very large, but if the two of them are inside, it is indeed more than enough.

On the table, in addition to these leftovers, there are also a lot of beer bottles

, tonight, the two of them drank happily here, they did drink a lot of wine

, Zong Mengni is a woman after all, so the amount of alcohol is still a little less than Xiao Yunzhe's, but because of drinking, Zong Mengni's

cheeks are crimson, and under the illumination of the light, it really looks very charming.

"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Zong

Mengni inadvertently glanced up, as if Xiao Yunzhe had been staring at her face, she really thought that there was something hanging on her face, or rather, it was not wiped clean.

So, she hurriedly lowered her head, and then took out a mirror from inside herself, and looked at it, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

"Hehe? It's nothing, I just look at you, it seems that you did drink a lot tonight

?" "Yes, to be honest, I haven't drunk so much for a long time, do you know, I've been really stressed recently?" "

I know all this, after all, I walked in with you, and in addition, there is another point, that is, I also know what you are thinking in your heart, is that kind of tangled and difficult to choose, right?".

"That's right, what I'm struggling with is my father, and I'm struggling with my conscience on the other side, can I be worthy of my conscience, worthy of my father?

"Don't think about it so much, everything is going according to plan, and you just need to be yourself, and you don't have to worry about anything else, understand?"

"But, but I know after all, a lot of things, if I don't do these things, I'll always be really kept in the dark, you say all this, it still makes me a little entangled, I'm sorry Dad." "

This matter has already happened, then, you can't think about it like this anymore, you, are you okay?"

Xiao Ming said as he spoke, and saw this Zong Mengni, as if even sitting in that position, her body had begun to shake.

"No, I, I'm fine.

"Otherwise, I'll send you back." "

Go back, where am I going? Okay, you send me back to the factory. "

What? Go back to the factory? You have no one at night, you are going back to the factory at this time?"

"That's right, go back to the factory, go, I don't want to go home."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll send you back right now.

Xiao Ming stood up as he spoke, and then pulled Zong Mengni up from her seat.

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