Fortunately, this farmhouse provides a substitute driving service, and you only need to pay some honorarium, so there are staff here who will drive you directly back to your destination.

When the vehicle drove to the factory area, in fact, it was already pitch black, only the office building, there were a few lights on.

Xiao Yunzhe supported Zong Mengni, and then, back in her office, Xiao Yunzhe

took a look, now, in this design area, no one exists.

After entering the room, this Zong Mengni sat on the sofa all of a sudden, and, after the bumps along the way, coupled with the wind, he felt as if his dizziness was even worse.

"Come, we, we keep drinking, keep drinking. As

Zong Mengni spoke, she stretched out her hand, but she didn't have any strength at all, just raised her hand slightly, and soon, this hand was put down again.

"Okay, hehe, don't worry, I'll buy you wine right now.

While talking, this Xiao Yunzhe looked left and right, and found that there was a water heater in the corner, so he walked over and poured a cup of hot tea.

"Well, come on, start drinking.

Xiao Yunzhe helped Zong Mengni up from the sofa, and then put the cup of tea in his hand.

"What is this? This wine, why is this wine still hot?"

"Yes, this wine is specially heated for you, and it tastes very good.".

Xiao Ming was like fooling a child, so he asked Zong Mengni to drink all this cup of tea into his stomach.

"No, this, this wine, this wine is not strong, I still want it, I want to drink other wine. "

Okay, wait a minute, you drink another drink, go, I'll let you in and lie down for a while."

She looked up and saw that there was also a suite inside, which he should have used to rest here in his usual days.

Xiao Yunzhe picked up Zong Mengni's whole person, and then walked inside.

At this time, Zong Mengni was like a little bird, the whole person curled up in his arms, his hands around his neck, quietly surrounding here.

At this moment, in addition to smelling the smell of alcohol on his body, Xiao Yunzhe also smelled that there was a special fragrance of a woman.

After pushing open the door, he saw that it was inside, and sure enough, a bed was placed, and finally Xiao Yunzhe threw Zong Mengni on the bed as a whole.

After putting it down, he was about to stand up, but he found that Zong Mengni's hand had been tightly wrapped around his neck.

"Monny, Monny, you let go of me.

"No, you, you accompany me, you accompany me.

"Okay, I'll accompany you, you let go of me first, and after you let go, we'll talk again."

Xiao Yunzhe stood here, just wanting to take Zong Mengni's hand off, but he found that Zong Mengni suddenly turned over directly, and pulled Xiao Yunzhe's whole person to the bed.

At this time, Xiao Yunzhe's body was completely pressed on Zong Mengni's body.

He was able to feel the softness of this woman's body.

Xiao Yunzhe probably didn't expect that one day he would have such close contact with Zong Mengni.

And at this moment, he really felt that he had changed a lot, both physically and psychologically.

It was from that moment that he had been trying to restrain himself, because he knew that although he had some other thoughts in his heart, he would never be able to cross the thunder pool by half a step.

But now, it has come to this point, to be honest, if he is really not impressed, it seems that he really doesn't look like a man.

"Come, you accompany me, you accompany me, you know? I am lonely, I am afraid, and what I fear most is the coming of night, because there is no one, no one can protect me.

Zong Mengni actually cried as she spoke.

Perhaps, a woman's natural tears are a powerful chemical weapon, so when Xiao Yunzhe realized all this, he had a deeper compassion for this woman.

He flipped over, and then held Zong Mengni in his arms.

And Zong Mengni seemed to have lost consciousness at this moment, and she directly put her fiery lips on Xiao Yunzhe's face.

And in the end, the two of them were here, kissing passionately.

At this moment, he felt that the whole world had completely fallen into a white world, and there was no one around him to disturb him.

After kissing like this for a while, a picture suddenly appeared in Xiao Yunzhe's mind, that is, the picture of him being with Geng Jingshu before.

When he thought of this, he felt that this situation could not continue any longer, and if it continued like this, he was afraid that he would really make a mistake.

Although he had to admit that for this woman, he did have a heart-pounding feeling.

He quickly pushed Zong Mengni away, and at this time, Zong Mengni seemed to have fallen asleep.

She lay directly on the bed with her back and all over her back.

After seeing all this, this Xiao Yunzhe just sighed softly, yes, he did have this kind of thought, but there was no way, he definitely couldn't take advantage of others, because he knew that Zong Mengni at this time was completely unconscious.

He stood up, then pulled out the quilt, covered her, and prepared to leave, but as soon as he reached the door, he suddenly heard something wrong from behind.

So, he quickly turned on the light, and then took a look, but he didn't expect that Zong Mengni would vomit the whole bed, and his body was already covered with this kind of vomit.

He let out a long sigh, it seems that women really can't drink more, and if it is in this state, he can only change her clothes temporarily.

But a man, and he and Zong Mengni do not have such a close relationship, if this move is made, then, how to explain it?

In the middle of the night, there is no one in this factory, is it difficult to let other people come to help?

After looking here for a long time, he finally made up his mind, no matter what, he just slept here for one night, it would definitely not work, these clothes must be changed.

He stretched out his hand, and then, helping Zong Mengni button by button, slowly withdrew the clothes.

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