In this process, Xiao Yunzhe could feel that his heart was pounding all the time, and his hands were constantly trembling.

After taking off this coat, he just closed his eyes, he didn't dare to look at Zong Mengni's body at all, it was really too white and dazzling.

And then, he quickly withdrew the pants of Zong Mengni's shoes, and now, on Zong Mengni's body, only a black lace underwear remained.

This woman's figure, I have to say, is really very, very perfect.

Xiao Yunzhe could feel that his heart was pounding all the time, and he felt as if he was about to lose control all of a sudden.

He gritted his teeth, and then the quilt was once again placed on her body, so that out of sight and out of mind.

Then, Xiao Yunzhe withdrew from the room, after all, he had already vomited once, I believe, he should be more comfortable.

He found a basin from outside, and then, with a slow basin of water, washed all the clothes out, and finally placed them on a sofa in his office.

When Xiao Yunzhe was busy with all this, it was already the second half of the night, and he breathed a long sigh of relief, this night was tossed, as if the only bit of alcohol in his body had completely disappeared.

It's been tossing for so long, so Xiao Yunzhe doesn't have the slightest strength at all now, so he just lay on the sofa and fell asleep directly.

Xiao Yunzhe slept quite soundly on this, but Xiao Ming did sit in the study all night.

He is thoughtful, and, in this situation, to be honest, he must be able to figure out all these things.

It's just that he has only heard a layer of superficial things now, and the deep layer, what they represent, this, Xiao Ming has not yet figured out.

He only vaguely felt in his heart that this Bol and Tom, they seemed to have entered another situation.

And the one who was really kicked out and isolated should be Zong Long.

Now, it's as if the whole thing has been reversed.

And now, if he really is with Zong Long, wouldn't it be true, he is really defenseless?

What's even more terrifying is that the division of shares he said before, although he has now taken some of it, but the key problem is that, depending on what they mean, this thing doesn't seem to have any value at all.

So, is there anything wrong with taking these shares yourself? If that's the case, then I'm afraid I'm really losing a lot this time.

After thinking of this, he suddenly stood up, at this time, the clock on the wall happened to point to seven o'clock in the morning

, no matter what, a new day has begun, Xiao Ming must figure out all these things within these two days, otherwise, his heart will still not be able to let go.

After leaving his room, Xiao Ming went directly to the hall on the first floor.

At this time, he saw that Xiao Yuchun and Xiao Jingrou were already sitting here and starting to eat breakfast.

"Dad, you're up, hurry up and eat something, this morning, I got up to make breakfast."

"What? What did you do?

After hearing what Xiao Yuchun said to him, this Xiao Ming only frowned slightly, because, in his impression, these two daughters never seemed to do these housework.

They just put all their thoughts on work, and two days ago, they were arguing because of work, and now at this moment, it seems that the whole situation has suddenly changed.

"That's right, I did it, you see, this is what I did, and this is my sister's doing."

As he spoke, Xiao Yuchun introduced it here.

Xiao Ming nodded lightly while listening, but looking at this, he had an appetite.

"What are you doing in a daze? Besides, we did a lot of it today, and I don't think my brother is at home at all. "

What? Your brother isn't at home? Where did he go?

"I don't know, isn't it supposed to be busy at the company? Didn't you tell him any tasks? "

No, I deliberately asked him to come back to rest yesterday."

"Ah, Dad, really? So where did he go?

When Xiao Ming finished saying this, he suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong.

So, Xiao Ming nervously glanced in the direction of the second floor, because he knew that Geng Jingshu should be at home at this time.

If this Xiao Yunzhe really stayed in the company last night, wouldn't it be that he was sold out of all this?

Fortunately, this Geng Jingshu doesn't seem to have appeared, so if that's the case, I believe what they say, it shouldn't be heard.

Xiao Ming really made a mistake this time? In fact, Geng Jingshu had already come out of the room at this time, but he had not yet appeared in their sight.

Therefore, she listened to these conversations downstairs also clearly.

After hearing all this, his hands were also tightly clasped together, because he remembered very well that what Xiao Yunzhe told him yesterday was that because there was something in the company, he couldn't come back.

It seems that Xiao Yunzhe lied to himself again.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Jingrou seemed to see Xiao Ming that the situation was not quite right at this time, so she hurriedly walked up and asked in a low voice.

"Your sister-in-law, are you at home?"

"Oh, at home, are you worried that your sister-in-law will hear it?"

"Of course, we can't figure out what the situation is right now, but we can't let them have conflicts because of this, you know?"

"Oh, Dad, if you don't say it, I really forgot, okay, okay, then we'll say it together. That is to say, my brother didn't come back at the company because of something yesterday. "

Okay, I see, I'll get in touch with him later."

"Dad, you're already up, come on, have some breakfast and then go."

"No, there's still something going on in my company, I have to hurry up."

"Dad, don't you have time for breakfast? Sit down for breakfast, and, just in time, listen to what has happened to us for the past two days. In

fact, these two sisters rarely ask him, so Xiao Ming really has no way to refuse.

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