And it's already this time, although he doesn't know what's going on, but he knows that if he goes out so blindly, he may not be able to find any new answers.

simply, he also sat down to have a good meal with his daughter, because, in the next few days, he really didn't know if he would have time to go back home and sit here and eat a hot mouthful of food.

"I see that the two of you seem to be in a good mood, what the hell is going on?"

"Hehe, Dad, do you know, I was still last night, and suddenly I knew that that Mengni Studio, she actually withdrew from this bidding."

"What do you say? Exited? This can't be, it stands to reason that their strength this time should be very strong, and normally speaking, the biggest competitor should be that studio.

"That's right, so the two of us, too, feel very strange, and have been thinking about it here for a long time, but we have never figured out what is causing all this."

"How could this good guy quit all of a sudden? Did you two use any methods to persecute you?

"Dad, to be honest, we do remember those things you told us before, but the key problem is that this time is too short, we haven't had time to do it, and she didn't expect it, so she took the initiative to quit."

"That's so strange, what, could it be that this Zong Mengni knows something?"

"I don't know, anyway, when we both met her yesterday, she didn't seem to be like this."

"What do you say? Did you see him? "

Yes, I did."

"What are you going to see her for?"

"Of course, I want to know what the situation is like for my competitors, but this Zou Mengni seems to be defenseless against us at all, and told us all about their company and some things in their factory."

"You mean, did she tell everything?"

"That's right, it's all said, in fact, she also said that their factory is currently facing a predicament, and these are unknown."

"You say, what does this Zong Mengni mean? Moreover, you are obviously his opponent, if she says these things to you, isn't this the same as showing her hole cards? "

yes, so the two of us felt weird, and we heard the news that night."

"Well, anyway, if she can quit, what about the others? Are there any questions?

"We haven't paid attention to the other ones at all, and we have already received a call from the other party this morning, and they said let's go over in the morning, and then talk about the details of the next cooperation."

"Okay, if that's the case, then it proves that the other party is now ready to cooperate with us, right?"

"That's right, that's how it should be."

"Okay, so it seems that it's really something to celebrate, how about it? After this matter is negotiated, do you want Dad to have a good banquet for the two of you?

"Hehe, Dad, let's wait for this matter to really settle down, let's talk about it, and the moment when the contract is not really signed, I think it's all just speculation."

Xiao Jingrou was still relatively calm at this time, and she was not as excited as Xiao Yuchun.

"Well, if you want to say that, I think so, well, let's celebrate after this contract is officially signed."

"Dad, do you know who we saw yesterday?"

After saying this, Xiao Yuchun still didn't hold back all this.

At the beginning, Xiao Yuchun didn't think about telling Xiao Ming these things.

But today I learned that he didn't go home because of the company's affairs.

On the contrary, because she went to the woman's place and did not go home, she felt that this matter must not be able to continue to be hidden.

"Yuchun, what are you doing?"

At present, Xiao Jingrou didn't want to say this, so she hurriedly stood up and looked at Xiao Yuchun and said nervously.

"Sister, it's already this time, if you don't say it, don't you think this matter will be more and more difficult to end?"

"But, but at this time, you say, something is inappropriate, right? Don't forget, my sister-in-law is still at home.

"It's okay, she shouldn't have gotten up yet, so let's say here first, and when we face her, naturally, we won't mention this matter again."

Seeing the two sisters talking mysteriously here, in fact, Xiao Ming was basically able to guess it, and it was estimated that this matter should have something to do with Xiao Yunzhe.

"You two, do you know something?"

"When we came out yesterday, we saw the eldest brother's car over there, and he went to find Zong Mengni."

"You mean, yesterday? What time is it?

"I guess it's around six o'clock."

Xiao Ming thought about it carefully, at that time, when Xiao Yunzhe came out of the hospital, it should have been five o'clock, and if he really rushed to the factory in the suburbs, it should have been around six o'clock.

It seems that after he came out of the hospital at that time, he simply ran there at all, and he had not been anywhere else.

"Okay, I know, but we only know where he was there now, but if he was there last night, I don't think you need to guess."

"Dad, I think there is a good chance that my eldest brother should be with a woman, what can I do? This is what I let my sister-in-law know, isn't that really a world upside down?

"Now the eight characters haven't been skimmed, and besides, it's not clear what the situation is at all, all of this is just our guessing, remember, don't talk nonsense, just do your own thing, understand?"

"Okay, we got it.";

"Okay, I'm almost done, you two hurry up and finish eating, and then, hurry up and meet each other to discuss the details."

Xiao Ming spoke, and after explaining, he got up and left directly.

The two sisters also hurriedly ate something here, and finally, they packed up this thing and left the house.

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