While Zhao Yixuan was talking, this Zhao Yixuan lowered his head, and then, on Geng Jingshu's mobile phone, kept tapping.

The two of them got along in the car for about ten minutes and less than twenty minutes, and then Geng Jingshu hurriedly got out of the car and returned to his car.

And not far away, there is actually a person who has been secretly observing all this, and this person is the person arranged by Xiao Yuchun.

After watching this scene, this person actually didn't approach, only knew that this Geng Jingshu was currently meeting a man here, mysteriously, but no one knew what they had done.

After seeing Geng Jingshu leave again, this person hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called him directly.

"Hey, how's it going? Did you find something? "

Yes, we found out that he first went to Minghui Group today, and then stayed on it for about an hour."

"Oh, I know this, he walked from home, don't talk about this, just say, where did he go after he left the underworld marriage group?"

"He took the west side of the road, which is this country park, which is the newly developed place, you know?"

"Oh, I know, it's really just newly developed, but it's very deserted around, there's nothing at all, what is a woman doing in that place in the middle of the night?"

"This, I don't know, he came here and saw a mysterious man, but that man has been in the car and never got out of the car, and I don't know who he is at all."

"What? Met a man? What did he do with that man?

After Xiao Yuchun heard this, he suddenly became excited, he went to that remote place in the middle of the night, and then went to meet a man, it was obvious that the relationship between the two people must be a little abnormal.

"I don't know what he did, anyway, after he got out of his car, he got into the man's car, and then, the two of them didn't know what to do in the car, and then, he got back into his car, and now, he got up and left."

"How long have the two of them been in the car?"

"Probably, about ten minutes."

"Ten minutes, normally speaking, if even if there is a relationship between men and women, these ten minutes will not be so simple, could it be that they are plotting something?"

"This, I don't know, anyway, I just saw these things, and I told you all these things."

"What about that man, can you find a way to take a picture of him, or rather, his license plate number."

"No, this environment is too dark, and besides, I can't keep following like this, if I keep going, it is very likely that he will be discovered, and he is still here, alas, no, no, he has now driven away."

As he spoke, he saw a car turn around, and then he walked towards him, and when he flashed in front of him, he clearly saw that there was no photograph on the car.

"How? Do you see it clearly? What kind of car is it, and what is the license plate number?

Xiao Yuchun asked after this.

"No, I guess, it doesn't make any sense to provide it to you, this car doesn't have a license plate at all."

"What do you say? Didn't take a picture?

"Yes, it's true that there is no license, so what should I do next?"

"Okay, then you don't have to follow it anymore, I guess if he doesn't have a license, it's very likely, it's all arranged in advance, if you follow like this, you'll expose yourself, you hurry up and go back first, if there's anything, I'll contact you in time."

"Okay, then I got it."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and now, what is left for Xiao Yuchun, I'm afraid, is some infinite reverie.

This Geng Jingshu, in the end, is mysterious and secretive, and who will be the person he sees? Moreover, it was obvious that she had gone to see a man in the middle of the night, that there was something irregular, and it was obvious that she was hiding what they were doing.

Xiao Yuchun's mind at this time had been thinking about these things, and at this time, she heard a knock on the door, and then opened the door to take a look.

I don't know when, Xiao Ming has already returned.

"What's going on? I see the light is on in the study, and besides, neither of you is here anymore, what is this for?

Xiao Ming saw him standing on the balcony and didn't know what he was doing, so he just asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I'm just here to breathe, and then, I made a phone call just now, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly come back at this time? Didn't you say that there was something going on in the past two days, and you won't be back for the time being?

"It's nothing, I'll come back and get something, by the way, what about Jingrou?" Why wasn't she there? "

Oh, there's something delayed in the studio, so I came back early, Dad, haven't you eaten yet?" If you haven't eaten, I'll go to the kitchen now and make you something to eat.

As she spoke, Xiao Jingrou was ready to flee, because, after all, she had something in her heart now, and she always felt that if she communicated with Xiao Ming, it was very likely that the secret in her heart would be completely exposed, and he didn't want to do it.

"Wait a minute."

Xiao Ming seemed to really see something, and when Xiao Yuchun just turned to leave, Xiao Yunzhe stopped him.

"Dad, what's wrong? Do you have anything else going on here?

"What's the point of you leaving in such a hurry? Tell me, is something going on?

"Without Dad, what else can happen here, and besides, isn't everyone all good?"

"No, absolutely not, besides, when I came here just now, you seem to be a little flustered, is something wrong? Is something wrong with the studio? And, what about Jingrou? Where is she now?

"Dad, don't worry, the studio is fine, and besides, she is in the studio now, and she is catching up with the customer's design overnight, so I'm afraid she won't be able to come back tonight."

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