"Well, if it's not the studio's business, then why do you still look so flustered? When I first looked at me, I could clearly feel that your face was a little pale. "

Dad, what's the matter, maybe I've been standing on the balcony for too long, so the wind is blowing a little uncomfortable."

Xiao Yuchun hadn't lied before, especially in front of Xiao Ming, he felt that there really was something that he couldn't deal with.

"Come, come here."

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yuchun still pretended that nothing had happened, and then walked forward.

"Dad asks you one last time, what's going on?"

"Dad, I already told you, there must be nothing."

"No, it's certainly not that simple."

"Why isn't it that simple? And it's all going around and around, isn't it all about the company, and there's really nothing.

"If not, there would be no one at night, and besides, why would you hide on the balcony and make a phone call?" There must be something going on. "

Dad, I'll tell you again, it's really fine."

"You tell me, is it Xiao Yunzhe's business?"

"No, no, what does it have to do with Xiao Yunzhe?"

"No, you have already told me all this now, when I mentioned Xiao Yunzhe just now, you suddenly seemed to be in a trance, obviously, this matter is related to Xiao Yunzhe, you tell me, otherwise, I will investigate these things myself, I believe that they can also be found out."

When Xiao Ming finished saying this, this Xiao Yuchun didn't continue to speak, because she knew that even if she continued to say it, it seemed that it didn't make any sense.

Because she has already sold everything, even if she is lying, it seems that there is no way to really bring this reason back.

"Dad, that's right, it does have something to do with the eldest brother."

"What's wrong with Yun Zhe, he should be in the company now, nothing should happen, and besides, I just called him before I came back."

"Yes, he shouldn't be fine, in fact, I suspect that something may have happened to my sister-in-law."

"What do you say? Geng Jingshu? What's wrong with her? Isn't she at home?

"In the afternoon, my sister-in-law went over to deliver food to my eldest brother."

"Oh, send food, isn't that very good, and, as I said, Jingshu is a gentle and virtuous person, and he is very good."

"No, Dad, that's not what I mean, because I also suspect now that my sister-in-law may be hiding something from us, so I've already sent someone to start following my sister-in-law."

"You, what did you say? You sent someone to stalk her? Xiao Yuchun, this is not your style, besides, we are all a family, how can you treat her like this?

"Dad, in fact, I was also forced to be helpless, and the reason was because of a phone call."

"Phone? What phone?

"That day, when we were with him, we were having dinner here, and all of a sudden, his phone rang, and then she hung up, and then she just pretended to have nothing to do, and just took the phone and left the house."

"You mean, she couldn't answer the call because you were here, and she went out to make the call alone, did you mean that?"

"Yes, if she really made a mysterious call, then wouldn't it be the same when she went back to her house to make a call? However, she did not do this, she just said to get something in the yard, and in the end, she went directly to the small garden outside, and the two of us could see all this clearly.

"It's just a phone call, how can it be so mysterious? Is there any misunderstanding here?

"Is there any misunderstanding, this, I don't know, but I feel that this call must be unfavorable to our Xiao family, otherwise, she would never be so nervous and so concerned."

"Are you saying that she wants to harm the Xiao family now? It's impossible, Jingshu shouldn't be such a person.

"Yes, in principle, it shouldn't be, but she must have some secret, and this secret must be directly related to our Xiao family."

After saying this, this Xiao Ming also felt a little heavy.

After all, now that you are in the light, and others are in the dark, these things are not something you can control at all.

"If you want to say that, it's true, and there are some things that are not as simple as we think they are, so what about this phone call? Today, what is going on today?

"It was because of this phone call that I became suspicious. So, I'm going to have someone follow her closely today, and after she got out of your company, she went straight to the country park in the west, and then met a man over there.

"With a man? With whom?

"I don't know, because it's in the dark, so this person doesn't know who that person is, but he just got into the man's car, and it took about ten minutes, and then he got out of the car again, and left there in a panic."

"Meeting with a man? And then, with only a dozen minutes in his car, what exactly is he doing? "

Dad, this is one of the things I'm worried about, I don't know, whether she has betrayed my brother, and I don't know what kind of relationship she has with that person, anyway, it's a little complicated when I think about it now."

"The man, if you don't know who it is, what about the car? What about license plate numbers? Did I figure it out, and based on this clue, I was able to find out. "

Dad, it's dark all around, I can't tell what the car is, and the person I arranged is not specifically to track, the key is that the man didn't have a license plate at that time."

"This, this is nothing, how can this be investigated?"

"So, we have to continue to track it next, I know, there are a lot of things in the company now, you just manage the company's affairs well, and you don't need to meddle in anything else, okay?"


Xiao Ming's words were not finished, and suddenly, he heard the sound of someone walking outside, and then, the two of them hurriedly looked back, and then, they walked out of it.

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