You have developed your domineering skills, and you think this is Hokage? Author: Naiheqiao sells soy milk


I traveled to Naruto, but looking at the red hair on top of my head, there was a straw hat not far away, and a katana in my hand... I understand, it turns out that I am red-haired Shanks, this must be a pirate world.

When I develop my domineering power, I can go to sea again.

Volume 1

Chapter 1 Am I a redhead?

"Time traveled?"

Looking at the unfamiliar face on the water, coupled with the conspicuous red hair, the samurai sword beside him, and the straw hat placed under the tree not far away, the man was sure that he had traveled through time.

"Red hair? Katana?"

The man took a closer look at his appearance reflected in the water, and a figure instantly appeared in his mind - red-haired Shanks.

"No way? I traveled to the world of pirates and became Shanks?"

At this moment, he sensed a strange force in his body. Then, the man immediately calmed down as an inexplicable force spread.

His sight seemed to spread out, and all creatures within a one kilometer radius were observed.

It was at this moment that the man directly confirmed his identity.

"Seeing and hearing the domineering power? Am I really Shanks?"

As a time traveler, he quickly accepted his identity as Shanks, but acceptance was acceptance, but Shanks was still confused at this time.

Obviously one second he was complaining to his friends about One Piece, and the plot of One Piece became more and more like a bunch of excuses. The next moment he got married, he turned into Shanks.

There was no warning, even if it was retribution, it wouldn't be so quick.

But my appearance, coupled with the feeling just now, and the straw hat lying on the ground not far away, although it is a little different from my impression, the main elements are complete.

He really traveled through time and became Shanks.

"What needs to be determined now is the timeline. My power of seeing and hearing does not seem to be weak, but I don't know how to use the other power in my body."

"Although Shanks has no fruit abilities, his swordsmanship and domineering are among the best in the entire pirate world.

But now I can’t even use the overlord color and the armed color, and..."

Shanks touched his face. There was no stubble on his face, indicating that he was still very young.

It was very likely that he had just disembarked from the ship.

Shanks walked over and picked up the straw hat lying on the ground. This hat was of extraordinary significance, but it was casually thrown to the ground by its original owner.

But when I think of it being Shanks, it's normal to be so casual.

Putting on his hat, Shanks looked up.

The entire forest is full of towering trees, which are completely different from my previous life. They are bigger and more lush than the trees in the so-called primitive forest.

This is the world of pirates.

It is difficult for ordinary people to survive in this world. Even Shanks now has a difficult time surviving in such a world.

Because there are too many dangers in this world.

Pirates, navy, sea kings...even some strange beasts on the island may kill him.

"Although it is very dangerous, with my talent, it only takes a while to become stronger. After I fully master the domineering power, I will have some ability to protect myself."

Shanks sighed.

He is not the protagonist, Luffy is the protagonist, and he dares to go to sea just by taking a boat.

"According to this time, Roger should have just died. The World Government is still searching for the crew members on Roger's ship. It's best not to show up casually."

With such thoughts, Shanks could only calm down.

As a traveler, caution is the most important thing.

Just kidding, he doesn't have any plug-ins on him. Even if he is a pirate, he can't sail the boat and rely on the waves.

Fortunately, although I don't have Shanks' memory, my body's accumulation is still there.

"Just settle here for a while, and then go to sea when you are almost done practicing."

It's a good thing to be able to practice, otherwise if you really don't have any foundation, then Shanks really doesn't know what to do besides exercising his body.

Since this is the world of pirates, domineering is the most important thing.

Of course, physical exercise is also indispensable. The physical limit of people in the pirate world is extremely terrifying. As long as you are willing to believe in your muscles, you can become stronger.

Thinking of this, Shanks looked at the big trees in the forest.

He didn't hold the knife, but clenched his fist.


The next moment, the muscle power of the body gathered together, and Shanks' body surged with a huge force at this moment.

Peng! !

The fist with terrifying power directly hit the big tree with a diameter of more than three meters in front of him. The hard trunk was instantly covered with cracks, and the place hit by the fist was directly dented.


Immediately afterwards, the giant tree collapsed.

When Shanks saw this scene, the corner of his mouth curled up.

"The power of the physical body is also terrifying. As expected of a person from the pirate world, this is not enough. Although it is already my current upper limit, the upper limit of my body can continue to be developed."

"Let's try my swordsmanship next."

Shanks picked up his katana. In his memory, Shanks' weapon was a Western sword, but it was still early and the Western sword hadn't been in his hands yet.

Holding the katana in his hand, Shanks felt nothing familiar.

"As expected, I don't know any swordsmanship, so I have to start from scratch."

As Shanks slashed down with his sword, he didn't even cut a tree.

"Let's practice swordsmanship first."

Shanks now knows his shortcomings. He is good in other aspects, but his swordsmanship is a bit outrageous.

After figuring out his situation, Shanks also knew which direction he should work towards next.

Since he had no foundation, Shanks started from the basics.

The three actions of stabbing, chopping and slashing were enough for Shanks now.

Shanks was helpless. For him, he couldn't get used to these three actions and could only take one step at a time.

After doing these three actions for a day, Shanks felt exhausted.

The good news is that after a day, he has built a wooden house next to him. Although it looks a bit simple, Shanks' requirements are not high, as long as it can be lived in.

However, feeling his progress for a day, Shanks was still overjoyed. At least he can hold the weapon well now.

"I'm starving to death. This kind of training can be considered a little progress, but if I want to become a strong man, the road is still very long."

"Although I am very talented, when I think about Luffy becoming a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors in just a few years, there is really no comparison between people."

Shanks sighed, it took him nearly 20 years to become a Four Emperor, and then look at Luffy.

Although he is a genius, he is the protagonist, and there is no comparison between people.

"Let's eat first."

Shanks didn't think about it anymore. It's no fun to think too much now.

After a while, a fire was lit outside the wooden house, and Shanks had already started grilling fish.

There was a lake next to him, and there were many fish in the lake, at least Shanks wouldn't starve to death in this place.

As for the taste? As long as it's edible, Shanks is not picky about food at all.

Chapter 2 Broken Sword Pirates


A loud shout echoed in the forest, and the next moment, flocks of birds flew out in panic.

Following it, huge smoke and dust rose from the forest, and dozens of dead trees collapsed in the smoke and dust.

A month has passed. Shanks looked at the samurai sword in his hand and felt very emotional. In the past month, his swordsmanship has improved rapidly. He is worthy of himself. Such talent can become one of the Four Emperors, relying on real strength.

In the past month, Shanks can feel his progress every day, and he is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wind pressure!"

A flash of knife light passed, and all the smoke and dust around were cleared.

"The swordsmanship in the pirate world is really terrifying. It can be achieved to this extent by using skills. It can be done by cutting the air with a sword and controlling the wind pressure."

Only a few knives cleared the dust around. Shanks once again felt the power system of the pirate world. It was not that he was strong, but that the power system of the pirate world was strong enough.

From a distance, it can be clearly seen that there was a huge wind pressure within a hundred meters in the area where Shanks was. A huge wind column blew from top to bottom, blowing away the previous dust.

This is the skill of swordsmanship. In just one month, Shanks has mastered several skills.

"But that's not enough. To be able to cut the iceberg like Hawkeye, that's not enough. At least you have to learn Armament Haki."

"There is still a big difference between Armament Haki and iron, but both are related to life energy. But to be able to separate the Armament Haki from the body, it's probably not enough to rely on life energy alone."

As he said that, Shanks directly mobilized the energy in his body.

In this month, he has been able to mobilize the invisible energy in his body.

The next moment, Shanks's samurai sword was covered with a layer of invisible energy, and the flow of the surrounding air was also affected by this energy.


Shanks swung his sword, and a terrifying blade light directly shattered the air, and the surrounding air began to tear. The next second, strange cracks appeared in the torn air, like broken glass.

The cracks appeared quickly, but disappeared quickly.

But the lake surface not far away that was cut by the blade did not recover. The cracked lake surface has verified the horror of Shanks' swordsmanship, but... it's not enough.

Shanks was not in a hurry as he looked at the samurai sword in his hand.

"At the current speed, I don't know when I can really learn the Armament Haki. Although fighting is the fastest way to improve combat power, it is still too dangerous for me."

Shanks dared not follow the protagonist's route. If he didn't have Armament Haki and happened to meet a natural fruit ability user, he would really have to run away.

"Natural ability users are really tricky."

Shanks, who had no idea, could only continue to practice.

Now all he could do was to continue to use his spirit and will to condense this power, so that this power in his body could really cover the weapon.

Anyway, Shanks had no intention of going out to sea before his weapon turned black.

Being able to cover the Armament Haki is the most basic for going out to sea.

On the other side, on the coast at the edge of the forest, a small boat docked on the coast, and a strong smell of blood came.

Then a man dragged his tired body out of the boat.

The man was wrapped in bandages, blood stained his upper body, and he was holding a broken sword in his hand. The sword was almost only left with the handle, but in the man's hand, it was still a murder weapon.

After the Third Ninja World War, the Ninja World once again ushered in peace, at least on the surface.

But in fact, not long after the Third Ninja World War, Konoha's Fourth Hokage died in the village, Sand Village fell into chaos, and Mist Village also fell into the chaos of the blood mist policy.

The remaining Rock Village and Cloud Village were dealing with the disaster left after the Third Ninja World War. The entire Ninja World was still undercurrents under this "peace".

Peace has never existed.

At least for Zabuza, he has never seen it.

"Hahaha, I am alive again. It's not that easy to kill me, Momochi Zabuza."

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