Lying on the beach on the shore, Zabuza looked at the sky and laughed wildly.

"Mizukage, I will make you pay."

Zabuza looked at the broken beheading sword in his hand, with a wry smile in his eyes.

Make Mizukage pay the price, he will definitely do it, but not now, he doesn't have the strength now.

Because there are not only Mizukage in Kirigakure Village, but also many ninjas. What's more, the power of tailed beasts is not something that he, an elite jounin, can fight against.

"Strange, why is the wind blowing towards the sea?"

Zabuza took off his forehead protector. His current physical injuries were not optimistic. As an experienced ninja, he would not reveal his identity at this time.

Seeing those clouds falling in the sky a few kilometers away, Zabuza felt a little curious.

"It couldn't be caused by some powerful ninja beast, right?"

Zabuza was shocked and confused.

If it is really some kind of ninja beast, it will be an opportunity for him. If he can sign a contract to become a psychic beast, it will be a great help.

But now he may not be able to face such a powerful ninja beast.

After thinking about it, Zabuza decided to walk into the forest. It was still too dangerous at the beach.

After a while, Zabuza took care of the ship and walked towards the forest.

Zabuza also discovered some clues on the way. There were very few animals in the forest. Based on Zabuza's experience, it seemed that there was some kind of powerful creature in the forest that would cause such a situation.

But as he continued to move forward, Zabuza became more and more shocked.

There are countless ravines on the ground and trees that have been chopped off.

This terrifying scene all reflects how terrifying the ferocious beast living in this place is. Judging from the destructive power alone, it is second only to the tailed beast Zabuza saw.

But as Zabuza continued to move forward, he found no trace of the ferocious beast. Instead, the lakeside cabin not far away was revealed.

Outside the hut, a "samurai" dressed as a civilian was closing his eyes and clenching the katana in his hand.

A terrifying chakra was condensed on the knife by the man, and that chakra gave Zabuza a creepy feeling.

There are no ferocious beasts, no powerful ninja beasts. The most powerful person in this place is the man in front of him.

"Red hair?"

Zabuza noticed the hair of the "samurai" dressed as a civilian.

"As long as they are not enemies."

Knowing the identity of the other party, Zabuza breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter 3 You call this swordsmanship?

Zabuza knew Shanks' identity the moment he saw him. He couldn't help it, that red hair was too conspicuous.

Ordinary ninjas may not know it, but some information is not a secret to him, one of the former Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Red hair is the iconic feature of the Uzumaki clan. In addition, there is also the terrifying amount of chakra, which cannot be matched by ordinary ninjas.

The Uzumaki clan was destroyed by the Kingdom of Whirlpool decades ago, and then the Uzumaki clan basically disappeared from the ninja world.

At this time, Zabuza felt sad when he saw the other party.

Now I am just like the other person, just a displaced person.

"you know me?"

Seeing Zabuza's expression, Shanks walked over and said doubtfully.

He wasn't crazy, it was just that he didn't sense any danger due to his "knowledge and color domineering".

"It doesn't count as acquaintance."

Zabuza replied indifferently, and then sat down directly.

"My name is Shanks, we know each other now, hahaha."

Shanks grinned and sat down too. The smell of blood on Zabuza's body had not dissipated yet, and the bandages on his body were still covered in blood.

It seems that he has experienced a hard battle on the sea. Sure enough, the sea is still too dangerous and he cannot go to sea for the time being.

But if someone is able to come to this place, I can also take this opportunity to get to know the outside.

Shanks still welcomes Zabuza's sudden appearance. It would be nice to be able to use Zabuza to understand the outside world.

"My name is Zhan."

Zabuza replied in a cold voice.

Afterwards, both of them became quiet.

Shanks was not in a hurry, and after resting for a while, he got up and continued practicing his sword.

With a thought in his mind, the powerful power in his body began to condense into the katana. Zabuza who was not far away felt envious when he saw this scene.

The chakra of the Uzumaki clan is really terrifying. Such a rich chakra, is it already beyond the limit of a jounin?

But what on earth is that man doing? This is not how the ninjutsu Chakra Blade is used.

Zabuza could tell that what Shanks was doing now was similar to a chakra blade, which was to cover the weapon with chakra to make the weapon more lethal.

But obviously, Shanks did more than just that.

"It's still a little bit off, what should we do?"

"If you use too much force, the knife in your hand will be completely unable to withstand it. It's not just a matter of strength, but the fact that this force has not produced a qualitative change."

Thinking of this, Shanks looked at Zabuza not far away.

Zabuza held a knife hilt in his hand, and he seemed to be a knife user. He couldn't do it behind closed doors. Since someone was here, Shanks decided to ask the other party for advice.

After a while, in front of Zabuza, Shanks brought a skewer of grilled fish to Zabuza.

Zabuza looked at the "Uzumaki Clan" member in front of him with some doubts, but he hesitated and accepted Shanks' food.

"Do you know how to arm yourself with Haki?"

Before Zabuza could finish his sentence, Shanks suddenly asked.

"Armed Haki? What is that?"

Armed and domineering? Zabuza has never heard of this kind of thing. Could it be that what this guy has been practicing is something called Armed Color Haki?

"You don't know? It's the kind that can cause damage to natural forces. For example, the opponent's body turns into water or fog, but after possessing Armament Haki, it can still cause damage to the opponent."

Seeing Zabuza's confused look, Shanks explained.

I don’t even know the armament and Haki. It seems that the guy in front of me is not that strong, or in other words, I am not in the Grand Line.

When I think about it, there seems to be no problem. Although there is no memory of the original person, Roger should have died at this time, and I was still at the scene when Roger died, which means that I should be in the Sihai area.

"So this kind of power is Armed Haki? I really don't know."

After hearing Shanks' explanation, Zabuza understood.

He is not a newbie in the ninja world, he knows all the things Shanks said.

The so-called natural power refers to some special blood inheritance limits. For example, Ghost Light Full Moon, who is also one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, can turn his body into water.

The only ninjutsu that can cope with this kind of ninjutsu is the art of sealing.

In this way, "Armed Haki" is a special sealing technique? It seems that apart from their huge amount of chakra, the Uzumaki clan is best at sealing techniques.

"How could I know such a thing? How could something as advanced as Armed Color Haki be passed on to a passerby like me?"

Thinking of this, Zabuza suddenly reacted.

Isn't this so-called armed haki the secret technique of your Uzumaki clan? How could I, a passerby, know such a profound sealing ninjutsu? Is there something wrong with your brain?

"Huh? It seems right, hahaha."

Shanks also scratched his head in embarrassment. Sure enough, after traveling to the pirate world, his style of painting was not normal.

How could just anyone know such a thing as Armed Haki? Even Luffy only learned it with Rayleigh's help.

"But if you don't even know how to use Armed Color Haki, it's still too dangerous to go to sea."

After hearing Shanks' words, Zabuza next to him also became a little solemn.

Shanks was right. It was still too dangerous for people like them to wander independently in the ninja world.

"I'm resting here, so I won't disturb you, right?"

Zabuza suddenly asked. He planned to stay in this place for a while, waiting for his injuries to recover, or to further improve his strength.

Otherwise, it would still be too troublesome to deal with the pursuit in Kirigakure Village.

"No, I haven't gone to sea for a long time. Instead, I need you to tell me some things outside, and we can also exchange each other's sword skills."

Shanks said with a smile.

He welcomed Zabuza without being so wary, not to mention that there shouldn't be many strong people in the world.

"Exchanging sword skills?"

Hearing this, Zabuza became interested.

As one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, although he is good at assassination, his swordsmanship is not bad either.

"My swordsmanship isn't bad either."

Shanks could see Zabuza's pride, but this was the world, and Shanks's swordsmanship was definitely not bad, and the swordsmanship of the person in front of him should not be better than his.

Shanks put the katana back into its sheath and then faced the lake behind him.

"Want to see it?"

"I think so too."

Zabuza also stood up, he wanted to see the swordsmanship of this Uzumaki clan member.

The next moment, Shanks' eyes narrowed, a surge of momentum burst out from him, and the surrounding things became quiet at this moment.

Zabuza felt that Shanks in front of him had turned into a terrifying beast at this moment.

As his momentum continued to rise, Shanks' vision began to shrink. At the last moment, he only had his target in his eyes.

Buzz! ! !

Clang! !

The katana in his hand was unsheathed, and the momentum that had been accumulated to the extreme exploded at this moment.

Zabuza felt that the surrounding light completely dimmed at this moment, and then, a terrifying sword light flashed past and slashed directly towards the lake.

etc? Blade light? What it is?

Zabuza couldn't calm down at all. There was no chakra fluctuation at all. How could that katana explode with such terrifying power?

Even A-level ninjutsu cannot achieve this level. Is this really swordsmanship?

You know, swordsmanship in the ninja world does not have this effect. Swordsmanship is the collision of weapons and weapons, and there will be no special effects at all. Is this really swordsmanship?

With one strike of the knife, the light of the knife extended directly for nearly a hundred meters.

Looking at the exploding lake, Zabuza stared at Shanks with his mouth agape, his whole body was stunned. The style of painting has completely collapsed.

"You call this swordsmanship???"

Chapter 4 Zabuza’s realization

It can destroy everything. This sword alone is comparable to A-level ninjutsu.

He didn't use any chakra power, just relying on the ordinary-looking katana in his hand.

Is this really something humans can do?

"How can this be!!"

Zabuza looked at the hilt of his sword. His beheading sword had been completely broken, leaving only the handle.

But even with such a famous sword, it was impossible to use such a terrifying slash.

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