At this moment, in the depths of Jiraiya's spiritual world, in the endless darkness, a small flame emerged.

As the flame grew stronger, a figure emerged, with a divine robe moving in the wind.

As the line of sight gradually drew closer, the person who appeared gradually became clear, with golden hair and a young and handsome face.

It was the fourth generation Hokage of Konoha, Jiraiya's proud disciple "Namikaze Minato".

The next moment, Minato stretched out his palm and held the flame. At the same time, Jiraiya, who fell in front of Minato, stood up directly from the ground.

The figures of the two people overlapped, and Jiraiya replaced Minato's position.

At the last moment when the flames disappeared, countless figures emerged behind Jiraiya, and continued to the depths of darkness.

In the real world, Jiraiya's wounds healed instantly.

"Magic power. Descend to the world!"

Jiraiya's power increased greatly. At this moment, he was completely reborn from the fire, and his strength was also stronger.


The enemy in front of him had disappeared.



Jiraiya jumped up from the ground and scratched his head awkwardly.

In the state just now, not to mention that his heart was pierced, even if his body was gone, he could still be resurrected.

This is Jiraiya's true secret technique "Adventure".

Using his own beliefs and will, he communicated with the beliefs that once walked on the same path with him. Even if he died, as long as there was a last bit of belief, he could be resurrected again.

This is an extremely buggy ability. In Shanks' words, the true will of fire is like this.

A spark can start a prairie fire.

As long as the flame does not go out, it can become stronger and stronger.

So Jiraiya's immortal ability is to point to survivability, directly maxing out survivability.

There is no way around it. Jiraiya's epiphany was because of Shanks. At that time, he directly pulled all of Shanks' spiritual power over, which was equivalent to Shanks going down directly. Although the power level is different, the strength is the same.

Because Shanks's own characteristics are like this, even if he is only hanging on for a breath, the intensity of his attack will not decrease at all.

And what did Jiraiya rely on to drag Shanks to death? Rely on your own strong defense? It's impossible.

Shanks' attack is not something that normal people can completely defend against. Even if Jiraiya's spiritual power is not weak, even if his faith is strong enough, Shanks is stronger.

How can the faith and will that penetrate the future be compared? There is no comparison.

This involves things other than spiritual power. From some perspectives, spiritual power is actually an accumulation of "quantity", while will and faith will make the quality of spiritual power even more terrifying.

How to say the quality of Shanks' spiritual power? Jiraiya didn't understand how that guy's spiritual power grew.

In fact, according to normal people, if the world's will accidentally pulled their spiritual power, they might have fainted directly.

But Shanks was only pulled away a little, and he was still like a fine person.

So in Jiraiya's own spiritual world, he had no way to defeat Shanks.

It was the kind of embarrassing thing that he pulled others into his home court and was beaten up by others.

Of course, this is also in line with Jiraiya's previous style, but if he really failed, he would probably become a real shame in the history of the ninja world.

Anyway, at that time, the White Snake Sage and the Toad Sage thought Jiraiya was safe, and no one knew how he was tortured in his spiritual world.

In the end, this guy was lucky and directly developed such a heaven-defying trick as "Descend to the World".

Can't block it? I won't block it directly.

Kill me if you want to kill me. Kill me, and there are thousands of me. I don't believe you can't afford it.

"It seems that the disadvantages of this magical power are still quite large. The time it takes to descend to the world is still too long."

Jiraiya muttered.

"No wonder Orochimaru became a legendary dragon, and even occupied the Dragon Cave, and plotted against Shanks, but he didn't get any advantage at all."

"Facing someone like Shanks, it's simply impossible to start, but..."

Jiraiya suddenly thought of Jigen. Jigen, that guy, wouldn't really challenge Shanks in his current state?

Jiraiya recalled his experience when he was enlightened. He died nearly fifty times before he could block Shanks' attack.

You know, every time you use "Adventure", your spiritual power and will of faith will be superimposed, and even your ability to use chakra will be improved.

It was only after superimposing it fifty times that it could be as strong as Shanks.

That was still a weakened version of Shanks. I'm afraid I will never be able to surpass the real Shanks in my lifetime.

Jiraiya shook his head, and a trace of bitterness flashed across his face.

"Shanks, the future of the ninja world depends on you.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, right?"

Jiraiya withdrew from the Sage Mode and returned to normal. With his current strength, only Shanks in the ninja world can defeat him.

And Jiraiya is not without the opportunity to surpass Shanks, but he doesn't want to get that opportunity. In fact, he would rather die than surpass Shanks in that way.

"Lord Jiraiya!!"

At this time, Kai and Killer Bee in the distance also ran over. The two of them were relieved to see that Jiraiya was fine.

Fortunately, otherwise there would be big trouble.

"Kai, Killer Bee!"

Jiraiya packed himself up again, and his face became much more serious.

"There weren't too many casualties?"

"No, no.

The other party didn't attack us, but all our ships were taken away by the other party, and those pirates were also taken away."

Kirabie and Kai's faces were not very good. The power of those pirates was not strong, because they were arrested after getting the power of the devil fruit.

And their power was restricted by the seastone, and they had no chance to develop themselves.

But the beliefs and ambitions of that group of people were terrible. Now that they all ran away, there would be a lot of trouble next.

Who knows if there will be another "Jigen" among that group of people.

"Master Jiraiya, is that Jigen really a pirate?"

Kirabie's face was solemn. Before this, he had never heard of that person's name.

If the pirates have become so strong, then...

"Yes, a great pirate.

Even a great pirate who can challenge Shanks' status, but not all pirates can do that."

Jiraiya walked towards the distant team, explaining as he walked.

"The other party didn't say his identity, but his spiritual power is very abnormal. He should be a person who has lived for a long time.

Maybe he used the power of the Gray Stone. In this era, there shouldn't be many such people."

Jigen didn't say that he was from the Otsutsuki clan, so Jiraiya could only give Jigen such an identity. What's more, it is reasonable and there is no problem.

Isn't it normal for such a strong man to appear in the ancient country with the Gray Stone technology?

"I see, as long as there are not too many of them, it's fine."

Kirabi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not left behind by this era.

Although he had experienced the Third Ninja World War, Kirabi felt that the pressure in this era was even greater than that during the Ninja World War.

At that time, it was just a war between villages, and the consequences of the war were not serious.

What is not serious? That is, although people will die on the battlefield, they are human beings, unlike now, the intensity of the war is completely uncontrollable.

If you are not careful, even the country may be destroyed, a real destruction, not a single inch of land will be reborn.

In the past, there was a "tailed beast" in the village as a "nuclear deterrent", but now? Now these devil fruit ability users are nuclear deterrents.

"Let's go, the mission failed, it seems that the five major countries will start to be busy again."

Jiraiya said helplessly, the nobles and daimyo of the five major countries may take this opportunity to jump out and make trouble again, but it has nothing to do with him.

This matter has nothing to do with him, Jiraiya, and at that time, the nobles and the village will argue with each other, and then get more benefits from it.

This is actually not bad. No matter what, the ninja villages of the five major countries still stand with the five major countries, and the so-called arguments are all small things.

If you really encounter a big thing, I'm afraid there will be no time for arguments.

On the other side, Jigen took many ships and pirates all the way to the southern coast of the Wind Country and found a place to land.

At this time, Jigen's body was almost gone.

If the remaining power of the dragon vein had not been gathered during the battle, Isshiki should have come out at this time.

Fortunately, under the life force of the dragon vein, Jigen's body was not completely dead.

Boom! !

More than a dozen large ships fell from the air, raising a cloud of sand and dust on the beach, and all the pirates' faces were more or less panicked.

They also saw the battle between Jigen and Jiraiya.

That kind of power is not an exaggeration to call it a natural disaster.

"We... ran out?"

"Why did that guy save us?"

"I don't know, but let's run now, otherwise the ninjas will catch up."

Some pirates reacted immediately.

The shackles on their bodies were all metal, not seastone.

It's just that everyone has a lot of seastone tied to them. No one is guarding, so it's easy to get these seastones off.

After a while, some pirates got rid of their restraints.


Looking at the sea in front of them, smelling the smell of the sea.

Finally, the era of their pirates has finally come.

"Hahaha, I finally ran out. This new era still can't be without me."

"Hehe, ninjas, the next time we meet, it won't be so simple.

I hope you can be like today on the sea."

"This is... the taste of the new era. Even the sea breeze is so free. It's time to step on the waves to break the power of the old era."

A young man clenched his fists and looked at the sea with interest. This ocean belongs to them pirates.

And just then, the young man saw the figure sitting on the reef by the sea.

The smell of blood came, and Jixian's clothes were soaked with blood. Jixian lowered his head and put the samurai sword aside.

The young man walked forward a few steps with a nervous mood.

Jixian's power is daunting.

"Is that the guy? He's unexpectedly powerful."

"This is the power of the devil fruit. One day, I will be able to possess such a powerful power."


The crowd gathered around.

The young man also spoke.

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