"Jigen... Sir!!"

Jigen did not respond to the young man's words, and still sat quietly.

Seeing that Jigen did not respond for a long time, the crowd came up and found that Jigen was seriously injured.

Almost all the bones in his body were broken, and even his skull was cracked.

And Jigen also fainted.

"Can anyone save him?"

"I'll try."

"I'll try too. It's a waste for such an arrogant guy to die here."

"Hehe, he said he wanted to challenge Shanks, but he almost died at the hands of ninjas. He is really a... thorough pirate."

Everyone carried Jigen back to the beach. Looking at the man lying on the sand, everyone felt an unspeakable emotion in their hearts.

They naturally understood why Jigen came to save them. After all, he was a pioneer pirate of this era. They were not stupid to be treated so carefully by the five major countries.

"The goal is the strongest man in the ninja world? It's probably not enough to rely on one person alone. Even that man has his own capable assistant."

"I hope you can survive!"

Some people stayed, while others left this place decisively.

Their goal is not the so-called strongest, but their own ambitions.

But no matter what, the man not far away will be remembered by them for a lifetime.

The golden armed color domineering, the man like a mad lion, arrogant and powerful.

"I hope one day you can really stand in front of Shanks."

The pirates left, and they also want to start their own era. The name of this era is not Shanks... but "Pirates"! !

Chapter 150 The original destiny

At this time, Jigen's true spiritual power also revived.

Although this spiritual power is not strong, at least compared with Isshiki, there is nothing to praise.

However, even Isshiki would not underestimate Jigen casually, because the man's spiritual power has been suppressed by him for thousands of years, and there is still no change.

However, this is also related to Isshiki not killing Jigen. On the one hand, Isshiki looked down on Jigen, and he also had his own pride. Relying on the power of the Otsutsuki clan to deal with Jigen, it would not be glorious even if he won.

Another reason is that he was calculated by Jigen.

And Isshiki also knew that he was calculated by Jigen.

Isshiki was too proud, and Jigen also understood this, so thousands of years ago, Jigen and Isshiki had an agreement, an agreement belonging to this world.

"It seems that I didn't lose, Isshiki.

In today's ninja world, there is also a very remarkable person, a person that you care so much about."

In the dark spiritual world, Jigen's face was gentle, and under this gentleness, there were naturally other emotions. After thousands of years of silence, he finally did not let him down.

Similarly, Jigen also thanked Isshiki for letting him live for thousands of years, so that he could see a man like Shanks in person in this era.


Isshiki still had a proud face, as if the person who called Jigen out before was not him.

"You don't understand at all. I don't care, but I admire him.

Mortals like you can't imagine how powerful and majestic Shanks is. How much wisdom and power is hidden in such a body."

"But as a member of the Otsutsuki clan who has inherited endless years, I deeply understand the wisdom of Shanks and know the spirit of that man.

If this era has a name, it must be Shanks. Even if I can defeat that man, I will never be proud of it in this life."

Isshiki said such astonishing words with great pride. Who can be so proud when praising others?

To be honest, Isshiki is the strong man standing on the shoulders of giants.

The foundation of the Otsutsuki clan is too strong. Under this foundation, Isshiki can see more things.

Who else in the ninja world can compare with Isshiki? Even Jigen can't understand Isshiki.

It is because Isshiki is ahead of many people in the ninja world that he is so arrogant and doesn't regard these people in the ninja world as human beings.

Can you empathize with a monkey? Of course not. Let alone empathy, it is already very good that you can understand when the monkey speaks.

That is the difference between the two sides, one is a human and the other is a monkey.

However, in this situation, the appearance of Shanks completely broke the upper limit of the people in the ninja world.

How come there is a "Great Sage" in this group of monkeys?

Shanks's state is not even close to being called the "Great Sage", and he directly broke the upper limit of the ninja world.

You can tell what Isshiki thinks by looking at yourself when you were a child. When you watch Journey to the West, there are so many female demons, and you only have monkeys in your eyes.

Similarly, Isshiki is in this state, and there is only Shanks in his eyes.

And the most important thing is that Isshiki can get in close contact with Shanks, so Isshiki's feelings for Shanks become more complicated.

Although Shanks is also a "monkey", don't say that a monkey like the "Great Sage" must have a handsome face and eyes, which is much more handsome than other monkeys.

Shanks is the same. He is still a person in the ninja world, but Isshiki just likes him.

Similarly, Shanks, as a native of the ninja world, can be so powerful, which makes Yishi feel terrible. Shanks's strength leap is too outrageous, not only the strength leap, but also the terrifying wisdom leap.

He was so far ahead of this era that he couldn't even understand Shanks' wisdom and planning.

"You are really..."

Ci Xian looked at the "Shanks Chui" in front of him and shook his head with some emotion.

"But I really don't understand your heart, but I know that I didn't lose this bet.

Before the rest of you Otsutsuki clan came to the ninja world, a different character finally appeared in the ninja world. "

"Hehehe, even if they come, they are no match for me."

Ishiki sneered, Otsutsuki clan? Don't blame him for looking down on the other Otsutsuki clan. Those people all have high standards and are not worthy of being called the Otsutsuki clan.

They simply don't understand what their status and strength are, and Yi Shi is clear precisely because he knows this.

"The accumulation of the Otsutsuki clan is too deep. Even if I can defeat Shanks, I will rely on the accumulation of the Otsutsuki clan. This is irrefutable.

As for those guys, they don't even have the ability to see clearly, let alone face the current ninja world. "

"Among the Otsutsuki clan, there are also completely different weaklings, but they don't know their own weakness.

He obviously has no ability, yet he is so arrogant. "

"It seems you are ready to attack them."

Ci Xian's tone was calm. He really couldn't understand what Yi Shi was thinking.

"After all, according to the rules of the Otsutsuki clan, the ninja world is my territory, and they cannot enter my territory rashly.

Moreover, even if we kill them, it will be okay. You know that we can be resurrected anyway. "

Yishi spoke very confidently, of course he didn't really want to kill, but if someone really came over, he wouldn't mind beating them up.

Entering the shinobi world without his permission also broke the rules.

This is also one of the reasons why the Otsutsuki clan did not send anyone over until the time of Boruto in history.

Under normal circumstances, if Isshiki didn't respond for so long, he should have sent someone over long ago, but the Otsutsuki clan also has its own rules.

So it took thousands of years to finally arrange for "Otsutsuki Momoshiki" and "Otsutsuki Kinshiki" to enter the ninja world, and these two guys were also ridiculously weak.

how to say? The strength they can display is completely different from their real strength.

This kind of situation can be seen often in the ninja world. It seems that the strength of the panel is so strong, but the result is that the death is silent.

For example, the third generation Kazekage, and another example is "Uchiha Fugaku", the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Each one of them has a ridiculously strong panel, but the result is that the strength they can display is pitifully weak.

And Ishiki, well, he admitted that this problem is actually a problem that the Otsutsuki clan has always had.

The power in his body is obviously terrifying, but the power he can exert is probably less than 1%.

That's right, at first Isshiki might be proud that he was from the Otsutsuki clan and had such powerful power.

But after seeing an outrageous person like Shanks, he completely changed his views.

As mentioned before, Jiraiya's judgment of Shanks is that he is the kind of person who can overdraw his power infinitely, as if he is borrowing power from the future.

From the perspective of the first move, it's not just that, because the power Shanks can exert is far beyond what his body can bear.

This is very perverted.

That is, other people's critical hit damage is only 200%, but Shanks's critical hit damage can reach 500%.

A very outrageous intensity.

"The affairs of the Otsutsuki clan are indeed not what I need to care about. Compared with this, I am more concerned about how you will deal with Shanks.

It's not that simple to defeat that man, even if you can rely on the foundation of the Otsutsuki clan. "

Ci Xian smiled, very interested in what Yi Shi would do next.

After thousands of years of silence, he was finally able to see Yishi's joy. At this time, it was impossible for Ci Xian to say that he was unhappy.

Moreover, he did not lose this bet.

As a monk thousands of years ago, the path Ci Xian followed was similar to that of the Six Paths Sage. To be precise, it was similar to that of the Ninja Sect.

He has always believed that ordinary people in the ninja world can build a more different era through themselves.

Ci Xian himself is a complete idealist, but in addition to being an idealist, he also has wisdom that transcends that era.

Jiraiya was able to see some of Shanks' practices through his own experience of traveling in the world, and Ci Xian was naturally able to see that Shanks was a man who could break the situation of the ninja world for thousands of years.

A true game changer.

In fact, Yishi didn't know that after thousands of years, Ci Xian's spirit was already on the verge of collapse, and he even began to doubt his original beliefs.

Because he didn't see the hope of the ninja world.

According to the original history, Ci Xian would be finished in another ten or twenty years.

In the true history of the ninja world, the Fourth Ninja World War ended with Naruto and Sasuke sealing Kaguya again. At that time, it was not actually a so-called new era.

Because the power of the Six Paths Sage has descended on the earth again, for Isshiki, it is not all the power of the Ninja World.

And for Jigen, this is the control of the Six Paths Sage over the Ninja World.

As for the changes in the Ninja World? There is no such thing.

After the Fourth Ninja World War, there was no so-called peace in the Ninja World, and the struggles between various countries were just as fierce.

The so-called child of destiny has never existed. Jiraiya has worked hard all his life, but nothing has changed in the end.

That is, in the era of Boruto, Jigen's spiritual power really stepped into destruction, and at that time, Isshiki also really controlled Jigen's body.

But for Isshiki, he didn't want to see such a situation.

Although Isshiki was arrogant, he was also humble. For thousands of years, he had been abiding by the bet with Jigen and did not interfere in any affairs of the Ninja World.

After Jigen's death, Isshiki also came out and really appeared in the sight of everyone in the Ninja World.

Isshiki himself understood this. At that time, his spirit was not very good. He and Jigen lost the bet of thousands of years.

And Isshiki also lost.

Jigen let Isshiki travel in the ninja world for thousands of years. Isshiki has always been indifferent to the ninja world and never treated the people in the ninja world as human beings.

But he never realized that Jigen, who had always been by his side, had already been recognized by him, and Jigen also did not realize this.

So after his death, Isshiki appeared. The appearance of Isshiki and Isshiki's actions towards the ninja world were accompanied by a kind of "hatred", which was born because of Jigen's death.

It was also because of this that Jigen lost, and Isshiki also lost.

But in this era, it is different.

The appearance of Shanks made Jigen cheer up again, and similarly, Isshiki's power was once again improved.

They did not know what their true destiny was. If they could see their true destiny, Isshiki would understand that at this moment, he had truly transformed.

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