Outside the outside world, the Ninja Villages of the five major countries also learned the news that the pirates had been kidnapped not long ago. This news instantly changed the situation of the five major countries.

Originally, the five major countries were still arguing with the daimyo of small countries. They looked down upon the assets of small countries. For the daimyo and nobles of the five major countries, assets are simply worthless.

The most valuable thing is power, and power requires strength to maintain.

So strength is what they value most.

But at this time, the pirates ran away. Once the pirates ran away, the big names of the small country quit.

After talking for so long, you said that your big country can protect us, but this is the result? The pirates have all run away, and you are doing nothing to protect them.

In short, when Jiraiya returned to Konoha, Nara Shikaku also looked embarrassed, and Jiraiya stood aside with an equally embarrassed look.

"You guy... you're so embarrassing. I was the one who was taught a lesson, but that old man dared to teach me a lesson.

If he hadn't given me the money, I wouldn't have let him go so easily. "

Tsunade punched the table. Because of this, she, the Hokage, was called over.

Of course, he was asked to give money, but in the process of giving money, he was inevitably ridiculed and ridiculed by those old guys again, and all kinds of weird things happened.

"There is nothing I can do about it. That guy is too strong. If he hadn't fought me, it would have been very easy for him to rescue those pirates."

"There's simply no way to stop it."

Jiraiya grinned, with embarrassment on his face.

His strength is not weak either, but how can I put it? His secret technique is completely designed to deal with Shanks.

Even the resurrection of "Avatar. Avatar" took so long because of Shanks and Jiraiya. I knew I would die even after being resurrected, but I just had to hold off.

As a result, the problem arises. If someone else runs away during your resurrection, what should you do?

What else could Jiraiya do? I can only stay in embarrassment.

He originally developed this secret technique to deal with Shanks, not to deal with other people.

"Forget it, now the daimyo of the five major countries want to see you. As the person in charge of this operation, Jiraiya, you go and meet them."

"Although those big names won't give you any good looks, you still have to give them the face they deserve."

Tsunade waved her hands and sighed.

Chapter 151 The third generation was whipped to death again

This matter is also a problem on the Ninja Village side, and Jiraiya is to blame no matter what.

This is still this era, and the tasks performed are not important tasks for the village. The escort task is considered a cooperative task of the five major countries, and is not led and responsible for the village.

This can be seen from the personnel distribution. Not only ninjas are involved, but soldiers composed of ordinary people are also involved.

Therefore, the investigation of Jiraiya is actually just a formality.

There is no rule without rules, so Jiraiya must go through this scene.

"Okay, then I'll leave for the City of Fire today."

Jiraiya nodded without any complaints. He also understood that he needed to set an example and admit his mistake.

After all, among that group of people, other than him, it would be difficult for anyone else to take the blame. Well, Kirabi is qualified for this.

"Jiraiya-sama, don't worry, if you go like this..."

Nara Shikaku stopped Jiraiya. Although it was a cutscene, he couldn't just leave like that, right?

"Shikaku, is there anything else?"

Tsunade looked at Shikaku, wondering what Shikaku was doing again. There were enough things going on now.

With the advent of the pirate era, the village of "Konoha" has become bigger and bigger, with countless people coming and going every day, so there are not many things going on in the village.

Compared to the affairs of the five great nations, Tsunade still felt that the affairs of the village were more important.

"Jiraiya-sama, you have also gone through a hard battle. It is difficult to explain to the daimyo when you go through it dressed so cleanly."

Shikaku reminded, Tsunade reacted suddenly after hearing Shikaku's reminder.

Yes, why didn't I expect that after returning to Konoha for so long, Tsunade, although not very involved in the management of Konoha, has been exposed to some things for a long time and learned a lot.

For example, this time, although she was scolded, Tsunade relied on her shamelessness to get another sum of money from the daimyo?

What? Are you saying it wasn’t given by the Daimyo on his own initiative?

If the Daimyo takes the initiative to give it, it is for Konoha. If Tsunade wants it, it is Tsunade's own personal thing.

Of course, the three hundred million was spent on the way back.

However, based on this alone, it cannot be denied that Tsunade is very sensitive to money. Jiraiya has gone through this hard battle, how can he justify not counting money.

After a while, Jiraiya put on a set of tattered clothes and left the village under the watch of Tsunade.

After sending Jiraiya away, Tsunade stood on the roof of the Hokage Building overlooking the entire Konoha.

At this time, Konoha was extremely prosperous, with busy traffic and people coming and going. The bustling crowd and the laughter coming from the crowd made Tsunade couldn't help but reveal a smile on her face.

"Well, Konoha is getting better and better. Even though I haven't done anything, it's all thanks to my hard work."

Tsunade sighed.

She never expected that not long after she came to power, her popularity would already surpass that of previous Hokages.

Well, that's really too proud to say.

But Tsunade knows very well what the Third Hokage was treated like before.

And what is Tsunade's current treatment?

Every day when she walks home from work, she will receive gifts from passers-by to express her gratitude. Both ninjas and civilians highly respect her.

Today's Tsunade has reached the point where she can get things for free in Konoha without paying.

It's not that Tsunade doesn't want to pay, and people don't accept it. Konoha can take in so many people, plus the implementation of various policies, ordinary people can't thank Tsunade in time.

Hearing Tsunade's sigh, Shikaku's face behind her darkened.

"Tsunade-sama, you also know that you don't do anything?"

Hearing Shikaku's voice coming from behind, Tsunade's proud expression was instantly embarrassed.

Then she turned around and patted Shikaku's shoulder carelessly.

"Hahaha, I don't do anything, doesn't it just show your ability, Shikaku?"


Tsunade ran away with a smile. Go to work? She doesn't want to go to work.

When Hashirama was here, Hashirama didn't work much, but he still became a very popular Hokage in Konoha.

Seeing Tsunade running away, Shikaku had no idea what to do, and he returned to the office of the Hokage building alone.

At this time, Dilu had already returned from outside with a bunch of information and sat in his seat to handle official business.

Seeing Shikaku coming back, Dilu didn't even raise his head.

"Tsunade-sama ran away again?"

"Yes, Konoha is getting better and better now, but it's not the same to let Hokage-sama run around outside like this every day."

Shikaku himself is not bad in wisdom, and his vision of people is even more vicious.

Tsunade is not that incompetent, and she can definitely be a good Hokage.

"I think Tsunade-sama is already the best Hokage now."

Dilu said lightly, and picked up the teapot beside him and poured a cup of tea for Shikaku.

"It was shipped from the sea. It is said that this tea has been affected by the power of the dragon vein. It tastes pretty good."

Shikaku took a sip and it was really good, very bitter and refreshing. He was instantly refreshed and could work three more days.

"Although Tsunade-sama does nothing now and just wanders around the village every day, both civilians and ninjas have far more praise for Tsunade-sama than the Third Hokage."

"Even the daimyo like Tsunade-sama very much."

Di Lu smiled. Although Tsunade has a bad temper, she is not without weaknesses. Who knows how much money this guy owes outside.

In any case, in the eyes of Di Lu and Shikaku, it is not just about owing money, but also a lot of favors.

When did the daimyo meet such a good-talking Hokage? As long as they give money, it doesn't matter if they exceed a little. Everyone is happy to let this woman who seems to have no heart and loves money.

As for the ninja clan, let alone.

When the Third Hokage was still there, they were very cautious, fearing that their family would be gone if they were not careful.

And Tsunade now?

Shikaku let Tsunade take power, but Tsunade didn't want to touch this thing at all, and just ate and waited for death every day.

Because of this, this part of power was divided among the various ninja clans, so don't think that Tsunade went to the family industries of various ninja clans to eat and drink for free, in fact, these industries originally belonged to Tsunade herself.

But this guy didn't know this, and he was silly and happy when he ate and drank for free in the village every day.

In Tsunade's view, being invited back to the village to be Hokage was really the most correct thing she did.

And the civilians? The civilians are easy to say.

Konoha is now the safest place in the entire Fire Country. They must thank Tsunade for being able to live in this place.

"Think about it this way, Tsunade-sama did nothing, but was unexpectedly loved by everyone."

Thinking of this, Shikaku also nodded.

Although Shikaku and Dilu looked at each other and fell silent again.

The Third Hokage said he was stupid, and he was indeed stupid, but neither Shikaku nor Dilu could deny that the Third Hokage and Danzo had an ambition to work hard to govern the village.

They were even willing to sacrifice their lives for the village.

However, the reality is so ironic. If the Third Hokage and Danzo knew about Tsunade's situation, they would probably cry to death.

Without doing anything, Konoha has become such a prosperous and harmonious village. In the position of Hokage, she doesn't need to do anything to get everyone's support.

In fact, it was Tsunade's luck that she became Hokage at an extremely appropriate time.

However, even in the era of the Third Hokage, if Akamaru was pushed up and replaced the Third Hokage, Akamaru could do better than the Third Hokage.

Who is Akamaru? Akamaru is the dog next to Inuzuka Kiba.

In the situation of Konoha, it is really better to do nothing than to interfere in everything. Even if you put a dog up, it will not become what it is now.

In short, as time goes by.

The ninjas of Konoha have also understood a lot of things.

Although the ninjas have their own beliefs in their hearts, some of them once had the will of fire.

The third generation still has a good reputation in the hearts of ordinary ninjas.

But when the third generation was still there, and then compared with the current fifth generation Hokage Tsunade, they don't know anything else.

But now they no longer have to carry out such dangerous missions, and their living standards have also greatly improved.

They can also spend more time with their families.

All of this is what they want.

The whole Konoha is a peaceful scene.

This change also made ordinary ninjas slowly start to think about how Konoha used to be like that?

Was the third generation too stupid, or was the current fifth generation Hokage too good?

Tsunade didn't understand this either.

She crossed the street, picked up a bottle of wine from the izakaya, and walked to the cemetery of Konoha alone.

She stopped in front of her brother's tombstone.

Just as she was about to pour herself a glass, Tsunade remembered something and took the wine pot back.

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