Nowadays, martial arts is prevalent in the Country of Tea. There is no way around it. There are more and more pirates and bounty hunters. The geographical location of the Country of Tea is ridiculous.

The Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of the Sea are equally outrageous. There are also many pirates in these two places.

But... no one dares to cause trouble in the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of the Sea.

Even the five major countries dare not target the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of the Sea, let alone their ordinary pirates?

At this time, Ichiraku, who had been away for several months, was also preparing to return to Konoha.

At first it was only said that it would be released for a month, but as soon as it came out, it took so long.

When he walked into the tavern, Ichiraku habitually looked at the reward list on the wall of the tavern. It was only after he came out that he learned Shanks' identity.

"Yile, long time no see. Have you gone to sea to look for ingredients again?"

The tavern owner Sancha poured a cup of hot water for Ilaku. Well, the hot water was free.

"I came here this time to say goodbye to you, Boss Sancha. It's almost time for me to return to Konoha."

Yile replied, but his eyes kept falling on the reward list on the wall.


Sancha was a little curious, why did Yile suddenly choose to leave at this time?

"It's not good to just leave the store alone, hahaha, Sancha, if we have a chance, we'll see you in Konoha."

Yile took a sip of water and left Sancha's tavern.

Whether he can return to Konoha or not is the second priority. More importantly, a madman seems to have appeared nearby. If he doesn't leave, it might be too late.

Yile squinted his eyes. Although he didn't open his eyes, it could be seen that he was also extremely careful.

He just wanted to be his own chef and didn't care about other things in the ninja world, otherwise he wouldn't have learned about Shanks so late.

He really just has the identity of an ordinary person.

"It's better to return to Konoha quickly!"

Yile carried his backpack and ran away quickly. He even took a long detour.

However, when Yile woke up again the next day, he appeared on a small fishing boat at sea.

Ichiraku sat up, touched the back of his head, and then turned his attention to the other person on the boat.

On the bow of the boat, an old man was lying stretched out, his grunts echoing around the boat. Every time he snored, the surrounding seawater would produce bursts of abnormal ripples.

"Long time no see, Ichiraku."

The next moment, the old man opened his eyes, a wave of ripples came out, and an invisible force gathered around the old man's body, with a faint brilliance, looking very extraordinary.

"Long time no see, Lord Qingmeng."

Yile scratched his head, it was over, now he was really caught by a madman.

"Don't worry, I'm already old and won't do anything impulsive anymore."


"Hahaha, of course it's fake."

Fukuda Qingmeng opened his mouth and laughed, how could he be idle, but even Fukuda Qingmeng did not expect that in this day and age, there would be an immortal like Ichiraku.

Although his strength is not very good, there are not many people who can target Shanks. He, Fukuda Kiyome, recognizes this Ramen Sage.

"I heard that you are also looking for Shanks. It just so happens that we can go together."

Chapter 155 Huh? Why is it so dark?

Fukuda Kiyome had said so, what else could Ichiraku do? He didn't want to face the lunatic in front of him at all.

It is said that the guy in front of him had attacked many immortals a hundred years ago. He was a completely unreasonable person, and many immortals and strong men died at the hands of Futian Qingmeng.

At that time, the whole world was looking for Fukuda Qingmeng, and Fukuda Qingmeng himself wanted this result, but in the end... he failed, and this era also failed.

After realizing the gap in strength, the other immortals immediately gave up chasing Fukuda Qingmeng. As for what Fukuda Qingmeng wanted to do, that was up to him.

However, the legacy of history has continued into this era. Fukuda Qingmeng is still the immortal that all immortals least want to contact, and he is also the strongest immortal in this era.

Ichiraku doesn't care about being the strongest, but he doesn't want to be exposed to it the least, which Ichiraku also recognizes.

Once Fukuda Qingmeng is entangled, it means there is big trouble.

"There should be immortals looking for Shanks by now. Although those guys don't have much courage, they never give up any benefits they get."

"It would be great if there were more immortals like you in this era. Although their strength is not great, at least they still have the most basic brains and do not act rashly."

"Well, is that right?"

It doesn't matter to Yile anymore, he can't run away anyway, so since he can't resist, he can just enjoy it.

Fortunately, with the awakening of dragon veins, many changes have occurred in the creatures on the ocean, and I can start studying delicious food again.

Seeing Ichiraku's reaction, Fukuda Kiyome even recognized the middle-aged man in front of him.

He was actually able to stay in the Country of Tea for so long, and he has been exploring all the information about Shanks in the Country of Tea, without taking action rashly.

Likewise, he doesn't have the timid look of other immortals. This is what an immortal should look like.

Look at what the other immortals have become.

As the strongest immortal of this era, Fukuda Kiyome knows far more things than others. For example, he knows things like historical texts very clearly.

What were the people in the ninja world like during the Six Paths Sage era? They dared to rush up with torches and bows and arrows to chop off the Six Paths Sage's mother, and even killed the Six Paths Sage's father.

If Kaguya hadn't eaten the Chakra Fruit later, you don't know whether Kaguya would have died or not.

What is called a tough folk style, this is it.

Although the "ordinary people" recorded in history may not be ordinary people, real ordinary people would not dare to kill the Six Paths Sage's mother with torches and ordinary weapons.

But no matter what they were like, people of that era at least had the courage and guts.

What happened next?

After that, Kaguya ate the Chakra Fruit and killed that group of people.

But do you think that's the end? Of course not. Although this group of people was killed, Kaguya didn't dare to leave the sacred tree too far.

I don't know which sage of that era made Kaguya so afraid of his magical powers, so she kept guarding near the sacred tree.

Later, it was the era of the Six Paths Sage.

When the Six Paths Sage was born, the first thing he did was to seal his own mother on the moon.

The other immortals were dumbfounded.

Anyway, at that time, the power of the Six Paths Sage was already able to suppress other immortals.

After all, sealing one's own mother is actually more difficult than killing one's own mother. Don't doubt it. If the Six Paths Sage really wanted to kill Kaguya, it would be very easy.

This has been verified by countless immortals.

During this period, that is, what happened when the Six Paths Sage traveled around the Ninja World after sealing Kaguya.

However, during the Six Paths Sage's travels around the Ninja World, he also found that the brain circuits of this group of people in the Ninja World really had a little problem.

Because even if these people knew that they were not strong enough, they would find a way to do him, and they were not reasonable at all.

Well, this is also a tradition of the Ninja World.

Because at the beginning, the Six Paths Sage's mother was done this way, and she lived well, but was besieged by a group of people.

So, the era that truly belonged to the Six Paths Sage came.

What was the Ninja Sect founded by the Six Paths Sage about? It was about bonds, about the bonds of peaceful coexistence between people.

Otherwise, with the situation in the ninja world, peace is a fart.

So the Six Paths Sage began to preach, and he talked to everyone about reason, but you didn't listen? I beat you until you listened to my reasoning.

It can be said that many saints' teachings were not spread through "politeness" at all.

Just look at how many people Confucius brought with him when he traveled around the countries, and you will understand. Then look at what kind of person Confucius was, and you will also understand.

The premise of talking about reason is to make the other party listen, and the condition for making the other party listen is also very simple, beat the other party until he listens.

Let's not talk about the distant, let's talk about the near.

Without the Paris Commune and Big Brother, can Marxism become a real doctrine?

The path taken by the Six Paths Sage is the same.

I talk to you about reason, and you don't listen, so I will use my fists to talk to you.

The result is that this method of "talking about reason" that has been practiced many times in another time and space succeeded.

The establishment of the Ninja Sect, the ancient nobles of the Ninja World and the Ninja Sect reached a tacit understanding, and the sages also hid behind the scenes.

Thousands of years have passed. Except for the immortals in the three holy places, the immortals in the outside world have long been replaced.

Under the system established by the Six Paths Sage, the immortals in the ninja world have also lost their original blood, and each of them seems to have become a canary in captivity.

That's why Fukuda Kiyomune used such extreme means to make the ninja world have more powerful people, because he saw the consequences of the "contract" of the Six Paths Sage.

The entire ninja world is getting weaker and weaker.

However, Fukuda Kiyomune failed. He could see the problem, but he didn't have the ability to solve it.

Fortunately, in this era, a more outrageous person appeared.

For Shanks, Fukuda Kiyomune's evaluation is that even he, a lunatic, can't understand what kind of person Shanks is.

However, as long as you see it, you should be able to understand it.

On the other side, Shanks and his party have left Xingguang Island.

At this time, Xingguang Island has expanded more than three times, and the degree of expansion is far beyond Amado's estimation.

"The dragon veins of Starlight Island have been fully stimulated. The impact on the island surface is not very large. The real impact of the dragon veins is on the seabed.

The real Starlight Island may have expanded four to seven times."

Amado told his investigation results.

"Four to seven times, the gap is too big, right?"

Shisui and Shanks looked at Amado. This kind of investigation result did not look like Amado's at all. Instead, it looked like an experimental report that Zabuza casually estimated.

"There is no way. The dragon veins of Starlight Island will allow everything around it to grow randomly, including the island itself, so it is difficult to estimate."

Amado pointed to the group of people not far away. The crew members under Zabuza were all strange.

The style of each painting began to deviate towards the pirate style. The upper body was all strong muscles. Although the lower body was also strong, the difference was very large in comparison.

"Is this how these guys practice life return?"

Shanks was really powerless to complain. When these people absorbed the power of the dragon veins, were they only absorbing it with their upper bodies?

"It's already amazing to be able to do this. After all, the heart is the blood supply center of the human body, and the upper body is easier to absorb."

Amado explained, and then took out the pointer. They should rush to the next dragon vein location.

Well, to be precise, it is the confluence of two dragon veins.

As for Shanks, Shanks himself did not feel anything wrong. This month can be said to be the most relaxed month.

"It's still better on the sea. There is nothing to do, and under the stimulation of the dragon vein, the strength can also be further improved.

It's been a long time since I felt this kind of strength improvement. How do you feel?"

Shanks turned his head and looked at Shisui. Shisui's talent is unquestionable. He is talented and hardworking. Such a person cannot fail to make progress.

"I'm not you, the captain. If you want to make progress, you must work hard to practice. Moreover, our ninja training system itself is somewhat different."

Shisui smiled bitterly and shook his head. He is still a traditional ninja.

However, the more this is the case, the more Shisui can perceive the gap in physical skills. People who follow Shanks' path will become stronger and stronger in physical skills.

The secondary condensation of chakra is so powerful.

This thing is the same as the "multiplication detonating talisman". It is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"That seems like a lot of progress!"

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