After hearing Shisui's answer, Shanks understood that this guy was completely humble and that the path of a ninja was not a dead end.

Everything depends on people.

"Compared to the paths that everyone is taking now, all my paths seem to be more of a trick."

Shisui sighed.

Whether you are a Devil Fruit user or a simple physical expert, they are all following the path of improving their basic qualities.

As for traditional ninjas, it seems that they are just trying to do tricks.

Hearing Shisui's words, Shanks shook his head.

"Chakra is not a trick at all, and neither is ninjutsu.

Chakra, as a combination of a person's own spiritual power and physical power, is the combination of the most basic qualities of the human body.

As for Ninjutsu, if it is the technical use of Chakra, it can be completely reversed through Ninjutsu to the most basic use of Chakra. "

Shanks suddenly thought of something.

"In other words, the first use of chakra by the Ninja clan seems to be in ordinary life, watering crops, making fires and so on.

Thinking about it this way, the Ninja Sect's use of chakra seems to be more inclined to..."

“Tend to control natural energy, which is the fairy mode.

However, even if I want to practice the immortal mode, I still have to find my own direction. "

Shisui added, he looked at the other ship, forget it, there is not a single ninja here, let alone a group of people discussing how to practice Sage Mode.

The only person who can communicate with him is Shanks next to him, but Shisui is also Shanks' right-hand man.

To discuss it with Shanks, it would be better for him to do it himself.

Shanks is not the kind of person who hides his secrets. The problem is that the path Shanks takes is simply inaccessible to ordinary people.

"Indeed, but it seems quite dangerous to break through the Immortal Mode on your own. I failed at the beginning, so I had no choice but to practice this counter-Immortal Mode."

Shanks nodded. He didn't seem to succeed at first.

This sentence made Shisui on the side even more speechless. He also heard Shanks' glorious deeds from Zabuza. Directly letting natural energy enter his body, can you be more outrageous?

In the eyes of others, this kind of thing looks like Shanks risking his life to survive, but he has been with Shanks for a long time.

Shisui understood that it was completely because Shanks was out of his mind and practicing randomly.

The only difference between Shanks and other people who practice randomly is that Shanks himself can turn the wrong things into right ones.

But he couldn't stop water.

"Forget it, for now, I'm not in a hurry.

Now, I am far from reaching my limit. It is too early to practice Immortal Mode now. "

Shisui sighed, he was indeed not so nervous after going to sea.

And with the power of dragon veins rendering it, Shisui could clearly feel that his limit had not been reached yet.

When the body reaches its limit, it is still too late to practice the immortal mode.

"Well, if that doesn't work, you can also go to the three holy places. It should be easier to practice the immortal mode of the three holy places."

"That's what I say, but if we want to go in, I'm afraid the entire ninja world will think that we want to destroy the ninja world."

Shisui rolled his eyes, and Shanks looked heartbroken when he heard what Shisui said.

He said, Danzo shouldn't be killed, otherwise Danzo would definitely take the blame. Well, now that Danzo is dead, he will take all the blame.

But as long as he no longer interferes in the affairs of the ninja world, it shouldn't be so serious after the limelight passes.

Just as Shanks was thinking about it, an abnormality suddenly appeared in his perception, and a powerful natural energy gathered in front of him.

At the same time, a wild laugh came from the sky.

"Hahaha!! I thought that guy Fukuda Qingmeng was lying to us.

I've been guarding you for a week, Shanks. I never expected that you, the so-called strongest man in the ninja world, are actually a waste who can't even successfully practice Sage Mode. "

"In this case, give me all the remaining power of the dragon vein!!"

Looking at the middle-aged man falling from the sky, everyone looked like an idiot.

Even Zabuza couldn't figure out what the opponent was doing. Although he seemed to be not weak, he was no match for Shanks no matter how he looked at it.

"Who are you……"

Shanks said in confusion. Not only was he confused, but Shisui on the side also shook his head at Shanks in confusion. He had no information about the person in front of him at all.

Hearing Shanks' words, the visitor narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is normal for the world not to know the name of the Immortal. After all, he is a born Immortal, not a guy with a false name who cannot even successfully cultivate the Immortal mode.

"Listen up, I am the Immortal of the Land of Earth.

Three earthworks! ! Shanks, draw your sword, I'll give you this chance! "

Santai Hijikata looked down at Shanks below with contempt in his eyes.

But then, Hijikata's heart suddenly palpitated and he looked at the sky.

"Huh? Why did it suddenly get dark? Is it going to rain?"

Chapter 156: Born to be a Immortal


It was not dark, and once the lightning shook away the dark clouds in the sky, at that moment, the thunder light illuminated the entire sea.

Once the black shadow flashed from the reflection on the water, at the moment when the waves broke, the figure stopped in mid-air.

There was a harsh tearing sound in the air in Santai Hijikata's ears, and a gust of wind hit him. In the next moment, bright red hair appeared in Santai Hijikata's sight.

What followed was a violent mental impact. Under this terrifying impact, Santai Hijikata did not even trigger the action of raising his hand to fight back. The next moment.


A flash of sword light flashed, and there was a slight tremor on the sea surface. Then, the sea water split into two, and a ravine appeared on the sea surface.

Looking in the direction where the gully extends, the sea water gradually turns red, and blood continues to fall into the sea along with the spray falling from the sky.

The blood blended into the sea water, and a trembling hand stretched out from under the sea water, surrounded by a layer of earthy-yellow energy.

Santai Hijikata grabbed the sea surface with his hands, directly grabbed the sea water in his hands, and relied on the strength of his hands to forcefully pull himself out of the sea water.

"Cough cough cough!!"

At this time, Santai Hijikata looked at Shanks in the distance with a shocked expression. Shanks was standing so quietly on an iceberg.

Behind Shanks, dark clouds rolled and thunder was like a dragon, but all of this was suppressed by that man in the sky.

Shanks' red hair was fluttering in the sea breeze, and blood was dripping from Shanks' scabbard. Just now, Shanks didn't draw his sword at all.

"But... damn it, I haven't even successfully cultivated the Immortal Mode, why am I so strong?"

Santai Hijikata is not stupid, otherwise he would not have lurked for so long before appearing.

The news was obtained from Fukuda Qingmeng, although originally the immortals did not pay much attention to Shanks.

What achievements does Shanks have? absolutely not.

What kind of achievement is defeating Orochimaru? They all know who Orochimaru is. After all, he is a ninja who has inherited the inheritance of the three holy places. After so long, he can't even practice the sage mode of Ryūchi Cave, so he is not a waste. ?

So defeating Orochimaru is nothing to brag about.

As for the immortals of the three holy places paying so much attention to it? It’s none of their business, they immortals do things, do they need to look at the faces of the three holy places? unnecessary.

Of course, to say that, to look down on it is to really look down on it.

But this group of immortals are also really cautious and will not take action easily.

So when Santai Hijikata heard Shanks say that he couldn't even practice Sage Mode, Santai Hijikata immediately confirmed that it was stable.

It turns out that he is a waste who has practiced the immortal mode, but has not cultivated it.


"What's going on with this pressure? Even the natural energy has been suppressed. That guy..."

Santai Hijikata vomited out a mouthful of blood and stood up tremblingly.

At this time, a biting chill came from the distance, and the sea surface was frozen a little bit. The ice surface extended from Shanks' position to behind Santai Hijikata.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and a few snowflakes gathered not far behind Santai Hijikata. Bai's figure emerged from the snowflakes, slowly turning into a frost form, and from the frost form into a normal human appearance.

And on the other side, where Shanks is.

Zabuza appeared next to Shanks with a broadsword in hand, an open mind, and an unruly look.

"I haven't seen such a brainless person in a long time. He actually said that he would give Shanks a chance to draw his sword. Even if he comes specifically to challenge Shanks, he must have the strength to do so."

"However, Captain, you acted too quickly."

Shisui's tone was very gentle, but his eyes had already entered the kaleidoscope form, and his eyes never left Santai Hijikata for a moment.

The opponent's strength is not weak, and Shisui doesn't believe it, the only person on the opponent's side is this one.

From the time Shanks appeared in the eyes of the world until now, has there ever been a time when Shanks wasn't beaten up as soon as he stood up?

What? You said Orochimaru that time?

Orochimaru was ready to beat Shanks at any time. If Shisui hadn't made arrangements, Shanks would have been beaten.

Of course, the result was that Shanks was beaten.

Orochimaru borrowed the power of the dragon's veins and the world's will attached to the dragon's veins to beat him. It seems that the world's will and Orochimaru teamed up to beat Shanks.

Finally, there was a Dak who directly blew up the dragon's veins, trying to kill Shanks.

Although this is not the case, everyone thinks so.

Because no fool would come out to challenge Shanks in a one-on-one fight, it would just be an act of seeking death.

"Aren't you afraid that he will escape?"

Shanks' face was serious, with no trace of joking at all.

"Didn't find it?"

"I didn't expect any relevant information. Cardo's information network should be very comprehensive, and there is no such person in the Kingdom of Earth."

Zhisui shook his head. He had combed through the information again, and couldn't find any information about the person not far away.

In this case, things will be very different.

"There's no one else around, so it seems we can only dig out the information from that guy."

Shanks jumped off the iceberg, followed closely by Zabuza and Shisui.

"Prying for information? I'm quite good at this."

Zabuza grinned and looked at Santai Hijikata in the distance with a solemn gaze.

At this time, Santai Hijikata also put away the contempt in his heart. He knew that he had lost and could not even block the opponent's sword.

"How is it possible? How could such a strong person appear in the ninja world? He is not even a sage. Why does he control such a powerful force?"

"I'm not willing to give in. I'm a born immortal! How could I die here?"

Santai Hijikata is not stupid, at least, he is not stupid now, he has understood that he is being used.

Shanks' strength far exceeds that of normal immortals. He is used to sacrifice flags to others. The overall situation of the ninja world has already been decided.

They had already taken the bait when Shanks came into their sight and when Orochimaru used the power of dragon veins to become the legendary creature "dragon".

All the immortals wander around the hook cautiously. They have their own pride and their own ambitions.

Orochimaru, an ordinary ninja, can use the power of dragon veins to become the legendary "dragon". What if they, the immortals, got the power of dragon veins?

In the end, the news released by Futian Qingmeng became the last factor for this group of immortals to bite the bullet.

That is their contempt for the ninja world and their contempt for other people in this world.

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