Lord Izuna said that that period of history was manipulated by someone, and his only request is the truth. "

Under the dim light, the old cat and Orochimaru faced each other, and there was a solemnity in the air.

History, history again.

The history of the Six Paths Sage era was covered in dust, and now I have to investigate the history of the Warring States period.

"Okay, I will investigate all the historical texts. "

Orochimaru finally took on this task, the task from Uchiha Izuna.

The main text of history, the history of the ninja world that had been forgotten, he also wanted to see how many secrets were forgotten by history.

Perhaps, the magic of dragon transformation is in this history.

Chapter 24 What kind of peerless wise general

After getting this part of the information, Orochimaru's research direction began to change.

Knowing the history of the Six Paths Sage era from the White Snake Sage was very helpful to Orochimaru's research, and that's why Orochimaru took on the task of finding the truth of the Warring States era.

Because even if Madara didn't show up, Orochimaru would do it the same.

And now after connecting with Madara's intelligence, Orochimaru also understood many powers that he didn't understand.

"Observation Haki, a power similar to Kagura's heart's eye, is a special ability formed by Shanks after the transformation of the technique.

The limitation is that it must be able to sense natural energy, and the advantage is that it breaks the special limitation of the blood limit, making this ability universal. ”

The technique of transformation, Orochimaru is very proficient in it, he can even create an artificial blood limit.

Although the price to pay will be very high, Orochimaru can do it.

"And if the practice of observation Haki is more advanced, you can also hear the voices of other creatures?

Then Jūgo is also quite suitable, and Jūgo's imperfect Sage Mode also meets the rigid requirements of observation Haki. ”

Observation Haki is undoubtedly the simplest for Orochimaru.

Through the curse seal, he can safely sense natural energy without entering the Sage Mode, coupled with his already terrible crisis intuition.

Orochimaru was thoughtful, and there was nothing wrong with his direction.

At the same time, he was also sighing in his heart.

"I didn't expect such a strong man to suddenly appear in the ninja world. Is he the inheritor of the Uzumaki clan? ”

The foundation of a ninja clan is very scary, not to mention a ninja clan like the Uzumaki clan, which has its own country.

This foundation refers not only to various secret techniques and methods, but also to talents.

And from the intelligence, Shanks is at most in his early thirties, and he is from the same era as the Fourth Hokage.

And at that time, Konoha’s intelligence only had Kushina, a member of the Uzumaki clan, and she was also the orphan entrusted to Konoha by the Uzumaki clan.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru’s face became strange.

“That’s right, Konoha is at least an ally of the Whirlpool Country, and has watched the Whirlpool Country perish once. How could the Uzumaki clan trust Konoha?”

“Although Kushina is not weak, she is just a decoy of the Uzumaki clan. The person who truly inherited everything from the Uzumaki clan is still Shanks. "

Orochimaru had a headache just thinking about it.

Originally, he thought that at his level, he was considered one of the old conspirators in the ninja world.

After all, he was in league with Danzo, so his scheming and strategy were definitely not weak.

But after learning about this history, Orochimaru felt tired.

What was his plan to collapse Konoha? Even if it was really completed, it would at most greatly weaken Konoha's strength.

But the Uzumaki clan's plan was to overturn the table.

Okay, you guys don't want to play with my Uzumaki clan, right? My Uzumaki clan won't retaliate against your Konoha. If that's the case, then let's not play.

There is no doubt that compared to the Uzumaki clan's plan, both Orochimaru himself and Danzo's Small conspiracies seem too shameless.

Orochimaru has no problem with his brain.

He knows what Shanks's transformation of the technique represents.

Breaking the restrictions of blood is not just to allow more people to be qualified to practice this power?

The direction of the Uzumaki clan is completely opposite to that of Orochimaru. Orochimaru wants to weaken the enemy's power, while the Uzumaki clan's plan is obviously to strengthen everyone's power.

Once the power is out of control, the entire ninja world will fall into a rampage mode, and then it will not be up to you, the ninja village, to decide.

"In addition to Shanks, there is also Uchiha Izuna. Although that guy's lifespan should have reached its limit, he should have been planning something big in the past few decades."

"It's really scary the more I think about it."

"One of the wise generals of the Warring States period, a big man who can compete with Senju Tobirama. "

Compared to Shanks's aboveboard plan, Orochimaru felt that "Izuna" was more dangerous.

The big figures of the Warring States period, Hashirama Senju who suppressed an era, died, Uchiha Madara died, and Tobirama Senju died.

As a result, now Uchiha Izuna stood up. Tell me if it's scary.

The most important thing is that Orochimaru tried the Impure World Reincarnation.

As a result, the first and second generations were able to be reborn through the Impure World Reincarnation, but Izuna could not succeed in the Impure World Reincarnation.

The cause of Izuna's death is recorded in history.

She was not killed by a special seal, but was stabbed to death by Tobirama Senju.

It's that simple.

As a result, the Impure World Reincarnation cannot be performed now. Did you, Tobirama Senju, slash people with the knife of the god of death?

As for Uchiha Madara, it is normal that he cannot be reincarnated.

Because the cause of death is unknown, it is very likely that even his soul has been sealed.

So Orochimaru is also very sure that the person from the Uchiha clan is Uchiha Izuna.

"How many things are wrong with history? Izuna was killed by Tobirama? It's ridiculous."

"Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing."

If history is covered up by someone with ulterior motives, it will be really problematic. Who knows what else is hidden in history? What if another big guy jumps out of the long river of history one day.

And don't say it, don't say it, Orochimaru's worry is not unreasonable, the Six Paths Sage is not dead yet.

"Forget it, the most urgent thing is to find the historical text first."

"Sabei, Kotaro."

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, two ninjas walked in from outside. The two looked ordinary.

Kotaro is not very old, but he looks like an old fisherman who has experienced many hardships, and he doesn't look like a ninja at all.

Sabei is a young man dressed as a samurai, with two samurai swords on his waist.

These two people are indeed very ordinary, except that they look very ordinary.

Their combat power belongs to the limit of Genin - the lower limit.

The only advantage is that they have good luck and strong survival ability.

As a metaphysical scientist, many of Orochimaru's experiments are based on probability, so luck is also a key point that Orochimaru needs to consider.

"Recently, the Land of Waves is not very peaceful. You go to the Land of Waves to hide and find an opportunity to enter Konoha."

"In addition, find the old site of the Uchiha clan's clan land. There is your mission information on it."

Orochimaru threw the scroll to the two people. The scroll contained the Uchiha clan's sealing technique. These things were sent by "Izuna".

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

After the two completed the task, they left the Kusagakure Village that day and headed for the Land of Waves.

The ninja world began to surge undercurrents unconsciously.

The cause of all this, a certain "big ambition" is still practicing hard.

Shanks is working harder than ever before. He has no choice but to do it.

Because there is an old guy next to him who is the king of rolls.

Yes, I am talking about you - "Uchiha Izuna".

Chapter 25 You are facing each other again

Seeing that his death is approaching, how can Madara not be anxious?

At first, Madara felt that he only needed to see the future, so that he could lurk in the dark and wait for Black Zetsu's plan to succeed.

Even if something unexpected happened to Orochimaru, he would have a chance to live a second life again. At worst, he would come out to clean up the mess.

After all, as a man who came from the Warring States Period, Madara is not brainless, but he didn't need to use his brain before.

But as Madara thought of more and more things, he suddenly realized that the biggest unstable factor was not Black Zetsu, but Shanks beside him.

"If only Izuna was still alive."

Madara was tired and tired.

During this period, he also had an understanding of Shanks.

That guy is a straightforward person. In addition to this character, Shanks also has the pride of being a strong man and disdains to disguise himself with lies.

If Madara really asked Shanks about his future plans, Shanks would definitely answer truthfully, but Madara also has his own pride.

He would not ask about these things.

"New World Plan, Shanks wants to create a new world, and he believes that in the future, someone will definitely stand up and inherit his beliefs and dreams."

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. Shanks' plan is to cultivate more strong people."

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely limit his power within the range he can control.

But the person in front of him is Shanks, a man with the domineering color domineering.

A man with the courage to create a new era.

"Shanks doesn't care about that kind of thing at all. With his personality, it would be a good thing if someone stronger than him could appear. This is Shanks's courage."

"As expected of a man who can suppress the times, such a strategy is enough to deal with all conspiracies and tricks. Once the new world is established, the wheel of history will roll forward.

Shanks will become the driver of the carriage, and the weak will be crushed by the wheels of history."

Madara finally understood Shanks' plan.

Although Shanks is straightforward, his courage and vision are much higher than other people in the ninja world, which makes Shanks' plan stand at a high level from the beginning.

Once the wheel of history starts, even Black Zetsu or other people hiding in the dark cannot stop it.

There is only one way to stop this carriage, that is to come out from behind the scenes.

"From this point of view, Shanks should have discovered that history has been hidden by some people, so he did this?"

Madara thought that he would confirm the historical text with Shanks if there was a chance.

But now, let's keep up with the wheel of history.

It may take another four or five years for his second life.

By that time, the ninja world should have completely changed.

"In addition to domineering, the rest are physical skills and swordsmanship.

It's too late to learn Shanks' swordsmanship now, but Shanks' physical skills are not a big problem for me."

Madara is extremely confident, and his confidence is also based on facts.

Under normal circumstances, Madara would not bother to learn any physical skills, but the physical skills displayed by Shanks are too outrageous.

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