His physical prowess and physical strength are outrageous compared to some Ninja beasts.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, there were sounds from the forest not far away.

Shanks started to exercise his body again.

In the blink of an eye, Madara disappeared into the room.

When we came to the forest, we happened to see Shanks running with a huge stone on his back.

The boulder weighed at least dozens of tons.


Madara was silent, not gasping, but really silent.

"What Shanks pursues is ultimate power.

In this way, there are only three directions for Shanks' training, one is defense, one is attack, and the other is endurance. "

"It's nothing like a ninja."

Madara also discovered Shanks' problem. Shanks had never used ninjutsu.

The direction of cultivation is also very simple.

The Haki of the Knowledge Color represents defense, the Haki of Swordsmanship and Overlord Color represents attack, and the body represents battery life.

Shanks didn't bother to practice other messy ninjutsu.

"And you can only sense a little bit of chakra, huh? No."

"This is all Shanks' chakra, how can it only be this little."

Madara suddenly discovered that Shanks' chakra was only at the level of an ordinary genin.

Impossible, this kind of thing will never happen. This is a strong man from the Uzumaki clan.

Madara's eyes narrowed, something must be wrong.

Chakra is produced by the combination of life energy and spiritual energy. Shanks' current practice method is more like using chakra to promote the growth of physical fitness.

"Return of life? This is also the direction of Shanks' training. Use return of life to quickly recover through eating, and then use chakra to temper the body to form a positive cycle."

The body recovery speed of the Uzumaki clan is very strong, and the subsequent effect is that the physical fitness of the people of the Uzumaki clan is naturally stronger.

Shanks' current cultivation method is to give up chakra and use chakra to nurture his body.

This is not just an increase in physical fitness. In this process, the body will once again combine with the spiritual power contained in chakra, thus...

"Push the limits."

Yes, Shanks has broken the limit now.

In the decades that Madara has been in the ninja world, he has never seen anyone with pure physical strength reach this level.

Shanks felt that Madara had been chattering away lately, talking to himself from time to time.

"Madara-senpai's time seems to be running out, and his body is getting weaker and weaker."

Shanks sighed.

Madara looked the same as usual, but Shanks's perception was too keen.

Madara's body has already been left in the wind. That body has experienced too many battles and can no longer withstand the erosion of time. Judging from the current situation, he can live for another three months.

Shanks didn't expect that he would die for Madara.


The boulder on his body was put down by Shanks, and today's daily training has been completed.

But today Madara did not go back directly as usual.

All the efforts Madara made during this period were to catch up with Shanks, in order not to be left behind in the future era.

But obviously, the truth of the past is more important than his own affairs.

"Madara-senpai, what's going on today?"

Shanks asked curiously.

"There's one thing I want to confirm."

"Shanks, you should know that current history has been modified and buried by intentional people, right? The real history is not what we know now."

Shanks was stunned by Madara's sudden words.

Because ordinary people will not pay attention to the historical text at all.

But then Shanks' eyes lit up. Since Madara knows this, it shows that Madara is different.

In the impression, Roger seems to have been looking for the historical text, which involves the secrets of the entire pirate world.

The so-called historical text is the 100-year history that was revised by the world government.

This is one of the biggest secrets in the pirate world.

Shanks naturally knew about this, but what he didn't know was that what Madara said was completely different from what he thought.

But often times, the reality is so outrageous. Because of the existence of Black Zetsu, the history of the ninja world has also been affected a lot.

So the brain circuits of two people with completely different painting styles really matched up.

Seeing Shanks' reaction, Madara understood that Shanks knew those things.

"I do know some information about the historical text, but I have not come into contact with it, so even if I know about it, I don't know what is recorded in it."

Shanks nodded. Since Madara talked about the historical text, he tried his best to tell everything he knew.

"Has Madara-senpai also been tracing that history?"

"I just suddenly realized that my former friend was related to this matter."

Madara shook his head to himself.

The friend he spoke of was Quan Nai, and Quan Nai's death seemed to be full of strangeness.

"Is this so? When I go to sea in the future, help senior pay more attention."

Shanks didn't say much and just agreed to the matter. Since he would go to sea in the future to trace the historical text, he just took it as a convenience.

"But Madara-senpai may not be able to wait until that time."

"Ha, what are you talking about? Even though I am not young, I may not die if you die."

Madara's face turned dark when he heard Shanks' words.

The atmosphere became lively again from the heaviness just now.

"You brat, don't underestimate me. Among people of my generation, I may be the only one left alive today."

"If you don't believe me, just wait."

Madara spoke very proudly.

Uchiha Madara is not only powerful, but also has a particularly long life. For such a strong man, how can others compare with him?

You can't compare to him in terms of strength, and you can't compare to him in terms of who is more capable.

In front of him, Uchiha Madara, there was no such thing as thirty years to the east and thirty years to the west.

Not to mention thirty years, more than ninety years have passed. Those people were all dead back then, but Madara is still alive.

"Okay, then when I go to sea, I will find the historical text and come back to tell you."

"Madara-senpai, just wait here."

Shanks rested his head on his hands and replied with a smile.

"Going to sea? Your broken ship still wants to go to sea?"

"That must be a problem with the materials. If there are branches from the sacred tree, I will definitely be able to build a good ship."

Hearing Shanks' words, Madara was stunned for a moment.

Use the sacred tree to build a ship? Do you know what a sacred tree is?

Wait, no, how do you, Shanks, know about the sacred tree?

Then Madara immediately realized that Shanks also had a certain understanding of the dusty history, and it seemed normal to know the news about the sacred tree.

"You actually dare to attack the sacred tree."

"I'm a pirate. A pirate's ship is the most valuable thing for a pirate. It's normal to invest more in it."

Shanks said matter-of-factly.

Using sacred trees to build ships only shows the level of high-end pirates. After all, I am also the future Yonko, a person with the face fruit ability, so the face project must be done well.

"How many sacred trees are needed?"

Madara next to him asked.

Shanks was dumbfounded by this sentence. Wait, how much does it cost?

Madara-senpai, what is your background? Just ask me directly how many sacred trees I need?

Chapter 26 Zabuza in action

"Madara-senpai, do you really have it?"

"I don't want to owe you any favors."

Madara said that he had learned a lot from Shanks. Although it was embarrassing to say this, it was also true.

But he was still Uchiha Madara after all, and he couldn't do things like owe others favors.

But it would be too sensational to say that the sacred tree was in his hands, so Madara changed his explanation.

"Although I don't have much, I still have enough to build a ship."

Madara said.

Finally, he finally found out what Shanks needed, and took advantage of this moment to quickly return the favor.

You know, that is the legendary sacred tree.

"That's great, I just need a branch to be the keel of the ship."

Shanks didn't know when Madara owed him a favor, but it didn't matter. What was important was that his ship was now ready.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that everything is almost ready, and when your strength can no longer improve, you can go to sea.

As for how to build the ship, although Shanks has no idea now, he will definitely find a suitable shipwright in the future.

If it really doesn't work, go to the Water City. The shipbuilding technology in the Water City is more reliable than your own.

On the other side, Zabuza and Shanks had the same idea.

However, the capital of this water is not the capital of that water.

Zabuza was going to the capital of the Kingdom of Water.

"Captain, the fleet from Water City has already set off."

After receiving the news, Cardo hurried back to the ship.

It has been five days since they arrived in the Water Capital, and today the ship in the Water Capital finally left the port.

"There's no rush, their ship isn't fast. If you follow too closely now, you'll be discovered."

Zabuza stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the ships leaving in the distance.

That is the ship of Kirigakure Village. Every year, Kirigakure Village gets a sum of money from the Capital of Water. It is the tribute money given by the daimyo of the Land of Water to Kirigakure Village.

This is true for the five major countries.

Although the Ninja Village is powerful, it does not interfere in the country's affairs. This is also a historical tradition in the Ninja world.

Of course, some small countries do not have this tradition. These small countries are directly managed by Ninja Village, but the Kingdom of Water is not among them.

"Captain, that is the ship from the Hidden Mist Village in the Country of Water. Let's do this..."

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