At this time, looking at the horrifying scene in the distance, Sasuke held on to his body, and the whole person was completely shocked.

"How is it possible... Naruto... How is it possible to have such a powerful force."

The orange-red twisted chakra forcibly opened up a piece of heaven and earth in the sky, the ultimate power of the Ninja Clan, a powerful force that can be independent of the will of the world.

The power that erupted from Bai was also extremely powerful. One person was a piece of heaven, but no matter how powerful Bai was, Sasuke could accept it, and everyone could accept it.

Because Bai was the youngest person of Red Hair Shanks.

But Naruto was different. Sasuke knew that there was a gap between him and Naruto, but this time, he finally understood how big the gap between the two was.

"Naruto... has he left me far behind?"

Seeing the reactions of other people on the battlefield, Sasuke had already understood that Naruto... was no longer a genius of the younger generation, but had truly entered the ranks of the world's top powerhouses.

But Sasuke had just finished sighing.


A clear sound of shattering came from the sky.

Naruto's shadow clones began to disappear, and the twisted chakra was completely shattered.

It couldn't stop Bai at all...

At this time, Naruto was stunned.

Not only Naruto was stunned, but Orochimaru... Kakashi... Ross. Jess and other strong men were all stunned.

Naruto's power is definitely not that simple, not that weak, but Naruto in this state can't stop Bai.


The next moment, all of Naruto's clones shattered on the spot, and the twisted chakra was directly shattered.

A huge backlash of will came on the spot, Naruto felt that his brain was hit hard on the spot, almost fainting, and the chakra in his body also completely disappeared at this moment, all consumed.

Almost using up the last bit of strength, Naruto rolled and crawled to avoid the impact range of the ice spear, and finally the whole person hit the ice surface in an extremely embarrassed way and fainted directly.

In Naruto's body, the Nine-Tails looked at the chakra in his sealed cage.

"I knew this thing was dangerous. Fortunately, I had foresight and suppressed you in advance.

This feeling..."

Kyuubi couldn't tell what it felt like, but the thing in front of him gave him a feeling of facing Shanks.

Of course, the strength was not that high.

To put it bluntly, it was the response of the will.

Asura's chakra had no wisdom, and as a result, in the past few days, Asura's power was lured into the seal, and then the Nine-tailed directly locked this thing with himself.

In the eyes of the Nine-tailed, this thing is equivalent to a gas tank. If you put this gas tank on Naruto, it is very likely to explode, but if you put it next to yourself, Naruto can't touch it, and you will be safe.

At this time, it is indeed safe.

The moves used by Naruto originally required a will response, but Asura was sealed, and only the remaining power responded to Naruto.

Although the moves were used, it was not right at all.

Asura could only say... Hehe, I lied to you. In fact, when you and Bai were fighting, I was not at the scene at all.

Since there is no main body to support it, although Naruto's move is really the ultimate manifestation of the power of the Ninja Clan, it only highlights an extreme weakness.

But in the eyes of others, that is Bai's terrifying strength.

"A power that makes people's scalps numb!"

"Is this the power of the Red Hair Pirates? Such a young Bai."

"Ordinary natural devil fruit ability users can't do this at all. How strong is that guy's power?"


At this moment, there was only a white in the sky, and there was a chill in the white.

Not to mention freezing the battlefield before the war, in the face of Naruto's power that could directly open up his own world under Orochimaru's domineering color domineering, he actually crushed it directly.

Although Bai himself was a little surprised, he was not that surprised after all, and looked into the distance.

"Have the reinforcements arrived?"

In the distance, more than a dozen warships have arrived at the edge of the battlefield. A young man got off the ship, and next to the young man, there was an old man who looked older.

The young man was none other than the young vice admiral of the navy, Hatsujuro. As for the old man, he was the World Government Jinchūriki who stayed behind, and the top immortal of the Earthly Immortal Country.

"Hatsujuro, go somewhere else. That young man is not someone you can deal with."

The old man said lightly, pulling out a large sword from his back. Even if he was the World Government Jinchūriki, he was not sure that he could survive under Bai's hands.

That's right, it's not about winning, but about surviving. Although it's difficult for Bai to kill him completely, he alone has no chance of defeating Bai.

"Is the gap so big?"

Hatsujuro was a little unwilling, or a little hard to accept.

"Well! There's a big gap between you and him. That guy is from the Red Hair Pirates. Although he's about the same age as you, don't treat him as your peer."

The old man said.

This is the same as when they faced Shanks. Shanks was not very old either, at most forty years old... Well, actually younger, but Shanks's unkempt appearance made him look older.

But in fact, no one will underestimate Shanks, especially because of his age.

A truly strong man would not have this kind of mentality. If nothing else, if the Immortal of Six Paths were still alive, these immortals would not look down on him because of his age.

It is even possible that the Immortals of Six Paths would directly attack them in groups because they were too old.

Morality? It doesn't exist at all.

"Is it the ultimate power of the ninja sect? It seems that this era is really different."


The old man's identity is not simple. As the Jinchuuriki of the World Government, he has access to the most core things.

The immortals have done a lot of research on the Immortal of Six Paths, so they know that the Immortal of Six Paths will definitely prepare countermeasures, and there may be more than one such countermeasure.

"Is this what the Ninja Sect calls a bond? Using will response to completely combine the chakras of more people.

Tsk tsk tsk! The Immortal of Six Paths who was worthy of suppressing a generation was actually prepared long ago. This kind of power is truly terrifying. "

The old man figured it out in an instant. He was an immortal, not a devil fruit user, so he could sense it more clearly.

Naruto's state is not the normal chakra fusion of ninjas, but the return of chakra power.

The actual operating logic is similar to that of Devil Fruit, but different.

Chakra is born because of the divine tree, and the return of this chakra will have the same effect as the divine tree.

That is to say, when Naruto exerts it, his state is equivalent to the divine tree state, possessing an independent will and forming his own "world will".

Moreover, this kind of thing can be recognized by the world will of the ninja world and will not be suppressed.

This is to use chakra seeds to gather these seeds together through the so-called bonds of Ninja sect, and then let the seeds grow into big trees and grow into the state of divine trees.

It's hard to say anything else, but in Kaguya's era, Kaguya stayed within the envelope of the power of the sacred tree, and it was all in vain for how many immortals they entered.

Of course, if Kaguya dares to run out, it will be in vain.

This is the suppression of worldly will.

Once the ultimate power of this ninja appears, it will be a devastating blow to the immortals.

"It's a pity...this era is completely different from what the Sage of Six Paths thought. With the existence of Shanks, the ultimate power of the Ninja Sect can better deal with Shanks."

It was precisely for this reason that the old man was not worried about Naruto's power, although he still needed to be on guard.

As for Bai, Bai didn't understand these things.

However, he knew the will response very well. Shanks had already achieved the will response. The only difference was that the pirates' will response was not as powerful because they did not have chakra.

"It's really impressive, but... Lord Shanks has already walked this path."

Bai's eyes met the old man who came forward.

"A fairy from the fairy kingdom on earth?"

"I can't be an immortal, I'm just a guardian of the World Government."

Green twisted senjutsu chakra erupted from the old man's body. Flame-like senjutsu chakra enveloped his whole body. Green lines appeared on his face. The otachi in the old man's hand was already aimed at Bai.

Bai didn't panic, he still looked as calm and indifferent as before.

"You alone may not be my opponent."

Bai spoke softly, his tone was calm, but the confidence and pride that came from his bones were exactly the same as Shanks.

"Try it and you will know!"

The old man swung the Odachi sword in his hand, and the green sword light struck Bai's position. Bai also reacted in an instant, and his body directly entered the elemental state.

On the other side, Chujuro had dragged Naruto away from the battlefield and came to Sasuke's side.

"Do you still have the strength to continue fighting?"

Chujuro supported Sasuke, and the two of them looked at the pirates who were approaching, and Sasuke smiled.

"It's still possible to deal with these miscellaneous fish."

"be careful……"

Chujuro nodded, and Sasuke forced himself to stand up.

The battle breaks out again! !

With the addition of reinforcements, the fighting intensity on the entire battlefield rose sharply. However, at this time, reinforcements continued to come in this direction.

On the other side, Sig, who escaped all the way from the Kingdom of Tea, also realized something was wrong.

The navy's reinforcements have not come, which can only mean one thing, that is, the navy's support has been cut off.

The situation now is completely different. As long as he can arrive at the battlefield in advance, it will be able to increase their strength.

So at this time, the bandits on Sigur's side were also on their way, and the navy, which had been chasing Sigur, was too lazy to fight at this time and directly pursued them with all their strength.

As the battle continued, Orochimaru's mind became more and more confused.

Shanks' will response has appeared, and the familiar dragon vein power has begun to brew.

"The number of people is not large enough!!"

Chapter 214 Asura and Indra appear in the world

Orochimaru looked at the people on the battlefield. There were not enough people, but this was almost the limit.

There is only this one main battlefield, and other people involved in this battlefield may still be fighting in other places.

This is very simple. The navy is rushing in this direction, and the pirates are also rushing in this direction. They will definitely encounter them on the road.

After encountering them, they can only start a war, not to mention other things.

So it seems that there is only such a large battlefield at this time, but in fact the real battlefield is centered on this place and spreads out to the surrounding areas.

As the battle continues, the huge red will of the new world begins to become more and more active. This is no longer the power of Shanks alone.

To be honest, Shanks alone can't do this. At best, he can render the power of so many dragon veins in the new world to his own will, and it's just rendering, which is equivalent to labeling.

If he can make the will of the entire new world active, he really can't do it even if he wants Shanks' life.

At this time, as the war in the East China Sea continues, the will of the new world is slowly being pulled and active.

At this time, Orochimaru has already felt the touch of the dragon vein power, but only a little bit.

"Too far!! Just these people are not enough.

But if it continues to delay, the damage to the entire battlefield will become more serious."

Orochimaru can be sure that Shanks has played too much again. The current situation is the best, but the will of the new world cannot come at all.

Judging from the current situation, they still have the upper hand in this battlefield, but the navy's reinforcements will continue to arrive, which means that the pirates' strength will be suppressed in the future.

Once suppressed, they will all be doomed.

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