It's okay for these strong men. If Orochimaru wants to leave, no one can stop him, but the others will die here.

"Shanks, don't you think too highly of these guys?"

Orochimaru looked at the pirates on the battlefield. To be honest, they are not weak, but not strong enough.

After all, many of the first batch of pirates entered the New World, and to be honest, there are not many old pirates in the East China Sea.

But the advantage is that there are enough pirates in this place, but even if there are more, they can't withstand such consumption.

This era is no longer an era of fighting alone. Even Orochimaru needs to consider these living forces.


A huge chakra ball dozens of meters wide attacked directly, followed by Chojuro, and another chakra ball began to condense on the blade.

"It's not good to be distracted during a battle, Orochimaru!"


Orochimaru sneered. How can these people in front of him be qualified to say these words? Even with Kakashi, Orochimaru can still face so many people with special abilities alone.

The next moment, the Kusanagi sword in Orochimaru's hand instantly grew larger, and the sword with flames and lightning directly forced everyone back with one blow.

At the same time, Orochimaru's left arm began to swell, dragon scales emerged, and his arm turned into a ferocious dragon claw in an instant.

A huge lightning bolt from the rolling dark clouds in the sky smashed down in the direction of Orochimaru's attack, with such fast speed and powerful force.

The scale of the battle was not at the same level as the entire battlefield.

Under the lightning of Orochimaru, the white sword light exploded from the distortion, and Kakashi directly shattered the lightning.

The white sword light completely cut off and crushed the lightning, and Kakashi's strength was also not to be underestimated, but Orochimaru's own defense was too outrageous.

At this moment, his left hand was covered by the dark armed color domineering, and he directly blocked Kakashi's attack with his hand.

Of course, Orochimaru did not dare to be arrogant, and immediately moved his position at the moment of blocking the attack.

And Kakashi also followed closely.

With Kakashi as the main force, a group of people once again confronted Orochimaru, and Orochimaru only blocked this group of people and prevented them from entering the battlefield.

Orochimaru was not in a hurry, but the more so, the deeper his understanding of Bai's strength became.

If he had not appeared here, it would have been Bai who would have stopped the attacks of these people. Thinking about it this way, Bai's strength was really terrifying.

In fact, Bai's strength was indeed a bit supermodel. At this time, in the battlefield below, Bai was the only one who took advantage.

It was not taking advantage, but a one-sided crushing, but Bai was also wondering why the will of the new world had not yet come.

According to the plan, the will of the new world should be easy to come down. There are many pirates in this place, and the war has continued to this stage.

"It's a bit difficult to retreat at this time. Retreating from the center of the battlefield, I don't know what the situation is on the periphery."

Like Orochimaru, or in other words, Bai is better than Orochimaru in this regard. He is better at coordinating the overall situation and seeing the situation of the entire battlefield.

The purpose of this war is not to defeat the navy, but to transfer the power of the East China Sea to the New World.

Accumulate more powerful forces in the new world.

"The revolutionary army has not appeared yet, which is not right. It seems that some force has delayed the main force of the revolutionary army."

"And now the will has not responded, it should also be delayed. If the war continues, it will become more difficult to leave the battlefield."

"What a trouble."

Bai has guessed a lot of things, but it is difficult to respond to the will under the current conditions.

On the other hand, it is almost the same as Bai thought.

The main force of the revolutionary army was completely intercepted.

After all, Di Lu personally intervened in this war. As a member of the revolutionary army, Di Lu could not let the power of the revolutionary army be lost in this war, so he could only arrange troops to contain the troops of the revolutionary army.

At the same time, mobilize troops from other regions to support.

At this time, almost all the troops in the entire East China Sea were leaning towards the direction of the Tea Kingdom, and not only that, even the troops of the Iron Kingdom and the Thunder Kingdom were mobilized.

At this time, in the naval base of Whoshui City, in addition to Di Lu, more than a dozen daimyo and several immortals were present.

The reason why so many people appeared here was, to put it bluntly, they still didn't trust Di Lu and wanted to come over to supervise in person.

Even the immortal came over to supervise.

"Marshal Di Lu, aren't there too many naval forces mobilized this time? Not only the ones from the East China Sea, but even the garrison troops from our Lightning Country were mobilized."

The Daimyo of the Lightning Country said.

"Since we want to quickly resolve the turmoil in the East China Sea, we need more forces, and these forces are also to prevent accidents."

"What accidents can these pirates have? Isn't the biggest accident Orochimaru? As long as Orochimaru is stopped, the remaining pirates can be easily dealt with."

The new Daimyo of the Water Country said.

Although Orochimaru is powerful, he is not powerful enough to this extent. The current military force is definitely enough to deal with Orochimaru.

These so-called accidents are simply nonsense.

And Di Lu is also a member of the Revolutionary Army, so what can I say? When arranging the navy to go to the Tea Country, a part of the Revolutionary Army had already begun to infiltrate other areas.

Under the current situation in the East China Sea, he could not allow the main force of the Revolutionary Army to enter the battlefield in the East China Sea.


Just when everyone was still arguing about what to do next, a voice accompanied by the hurried steps of the messenger entered the office.

"Just say it directly."

Di Lu waved his hand. This kind of war report can be said directly.

"The war in the Tea Country area has begun, and a large number of requests for help have appeared.

There are too many pirates, and members of the Bladeless Pirates, who belong to the Red Hair Pirates, have appeared on the battlefield of the Tea Country."

Hearing the words "Red Hair Pirates", the atmosphere in the entire office was completely quiet at this moment, and the daimyo also sat upright.

"Red Hair Pirates?"

"No, it's a member of the Bladeless Pirates, but the Bladeless Pirates are also affiliated with the Red Hair Pirates."

The messenger continued to add that the Red Hair Pirates, just hearing these words, everyone present had to be cautious.

Because if it was really that man, the result might not be something they could bear.

"How many people are there?"

"Only one, Bai, the vice-captain of the Bladeless Pirates."

When they heard that there was only one person, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Shanks didn't show up, it would be fine. Shanks was the one who could really influence the entire battle situation.

However, at this time, Di Lu, who was sitting in the main seat, fell into deep thought.

"Is the vice-captain of the Bladeless Pirates very powerful?"

The daimyo of the Land of Fire asked. They didn't know much about these people, but from Di Lu's expression, the other party was obviously not that simple.

"It's not a question of whether it's powerful or not."

Di Lu took out Bai's bounty list. That young face looked particularly abrupt, and compared with other pirates, it seemed somewhat out of place.

"Bai, the vice-captain of the Bladeless Pirates, is said to have a talent recognized by Shanks and is called Aokiji."

"And when Shanks first appeared in the ninja world, Bai, who was young and had no experience, had already seen the situation on the sea.

This person is not only powerful, but also has the wisdom to change the entire war."

Di Lu told all the rumors about Bai at the time.

The more he talked, the more cold sweat on the Daimyo's forehead.

They are not the good-for-nothings they were before, and they can see many things clearly.

At the beginning, Bai had nothing, but he already had the ability to see through the situation of the battlefield in the Land of Waves, and it is really unknown how strong Bai is now.

This is a real war. Once the World Government fails, the consequences will be unbearable for anyone.

If there was only Orochimaru on the battlefield, it would be fine, but now there is another person who is favored by Shanks.

In this way, the situation is completely different.

It is okay to lose a normal battle war, but this time, it is the young strong man of the World Government and the young geniuses of the world nobles who have gone.

Once this dies, it will be really over.

Thinking of this, the faces of the Daimyo clans changed drastically. If the person really died, they would have to be buried with him.

"Marshal Dilu, I think we need to mobilize more troops. This battle must not be a disaster."

"We still have people in the Land of Water. Marshal Dilu, if necessary, mobilize troops from the Land of Water as soon as possible."

"Dilu, this war must not fail. Once we fail..."

In an instant, the direction of the daimyo completely changed, and Dilu had already prepared a response.

At least that's how others saw it.

"Kirabi has already provided support. Stop here. I have already mobilized the troops in the northeast."

"As long as we don't make any mistakes, we can delay the pirates to retreat."

Dilu said calmly.

He had arranged all this clearly, and there wouldn't be any big problems. Bai's sudden appearance also made his arrangements seem to have no extra space.

At this moment, everyone finally understood.

"Although this guy is annoying, he is indeed an upright person."

"No wonder he was rejected by Konoha. This guy Dilu doesn't care about other people's feelings at all."


At this time, everyone was speechless.

I even admire Di Lu's foresight.

For Di Lu, all these arrangements are actually serving the revolutionary army.

He has already found out the identity of the traitor in the revolutionary army. This is the right time for the revolutionary army to expand.

How to find the most suitable path for yourself from this situation.

As for Di Lu at this time, seeing the reaction of everyone, Di Lu once again began to show his strength, and this time, no one stopped Di Lu from sending troops to the East China Sea.

However, before Di Lu's military mobilization order appeared, a black shadow broke through the air in the distant sky.

The two immortals beside Di Lu changed their faces, and the next moment, the black shadow crashed down directly.


The flagpole erected on the wall of the Navy Headquarters was directly crushed, and an immortal covered in blood climbed up from the ruins in a mess.

"The Revolutionary Army has appeared!!"

"The main force of the Revolutionary Army has appeared, quickly gather the guardians.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Uzumaki Nagato, is the reincarnation of Ashura, and Uchiha Itachi in the Revolutionary Army is the reincarnation of Indra."

"The news has been confirmed, hurry!! We need support."

After the immortal said this, he fainted.

At this moment, everyone's brain exploded.

Not only Dilu, but also the immortals around Dilu felt their heads exploded.

This was the time when the World Government was empty, and then they told me that Ashura and Indra appeared? And they appeared together and beat us.

This was not to beat them, this was clearly coming for the Earthly Immortal Kingdom.

"Marshal Dilu, the situation is urgent!!! Please gather the World Government Guardians immediately."

"How is it possible? Ashura and Indra are both in the Revolutionary Army."

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