He is not a true genius, but he is still the top immortal in the world.

The road that Master Yuanyi opened up for all immortals and the plan for the fairyland on earth that Master Yuanyi formulated at the beginning gave Okita hope.

It also gave more immortals hope.

"Mediocre" people like Okita will not give up hope easily. For the real strong, the so-called opportunities and strength may be easily obtained.

But for them, it is extremely difficult.

Okita will not give up easily, and will not let himself block the way for other immortals.

If he is to die, then Okita is willing to become the cornerstone of this fairyland on earth and help other colleagues to go to the next level.

Master Yuanyi can do it, and Okita can do it too.

When the immortals ascended and took the fairyland on earth to the sky and overlooked the world, Okita also contributed.

"Asura, let me see what you can do!"

The white giant incarnated by Okita raised his arm and went upstream.

A brilliant will emerged, and at this moment, Okita completely broke the shackles of the power of Asura on Nagato.

This is hope, the hope that Master Yuanyi opened up for these immortals.

In this world, there is no shortage of strong people, no shortage of great perseverance and wisdom, and no shortage of people who make great sacrifices.

The changes in the ninja world are because of Shanks.

Everyone is calling for Shanks to be beaten.

But in fact, everyone needs Shanks.

It's a pity that Shanks is not from Konoha, Shanks is not a ninja, so Shanks is the enemy of ninjas.

It's a pity that Shanks has never come into contact with immortals, let alone immortals, so Shanks is the enemy of immortals.

It's a pity that Shanks is so powerful, but he is too proud and breaks all the shackles directly from the bottom of the world.

It's a pity... Shanks puts everything on everyone, ninjas, civilians, nobles and even immortals, for Shanks, they are all the same.

But others can't do it.

Nara Shikaku can't do it, he is a ninja, a ninja of the ninja clan.

Master Yuanyi couldn't do it either. He was an immortal, a master who was placed with hope by so many immortals.

They were all able to sacrifice, but they all sacrificed for the group they belonged to.

They all should be respected and looked up to.

But for Nagato... they all deserved to die.

"Then I'll show you!"

Nagato was not afraid at all.

Not dead? Then continue to kill.

Since he had chosen to take action, at the moment of making the decision, Nagato had already determined his own path.

There are more people who can sacrifice than you immortals.

How can you change the world without the will to sacrifice for your beliefs.

"Behind me, there are not only oppressed civilians, but also people who have suffered because of you for thousands of years.

The road they can't see, I will open for them!!"

The so-called son of the Six Paths Sage, the so-called world noble, the so-called ninja?

Nagato is none of them! !

He is just an ordinary person who grew up in hardship, a civilian.

The blood in him has never been nobler than others.

Behind Nagato, dense runes unfolded. As the power of the Samsara Eye exploded, the trunk of the Ten-Tails was pulled out of the hole behind him.


The Ten-Tails' tail, which contained great malice, smashed down directly, and the white giant incarnated by Okita was suppressed again.

The terrifying wills of both parties that had already affected reality burst out, and the malice of the Ten-Tails was directly dispelled by the wills of both parties, without causing any impact at all.

And the fairy chakra in Nagato's body was stronger than Okita's, and Nagato's physical strength was stronger than Okita's.

Nagato's will... was also stronger than Okita's! !


Nagato punched again.

A huge vacuum ripple broke out in the sky, the sea surface sank, and Okita's huge body was smashed directly into the sea.

"Break the shackles of the Six Paths Sage, but I... never represent the Six Paths Sage."

Six wooden sticks formed by the sacred tree tissue floated in the air. In just a moment, the wooden sticks were covered with a layer of black.

Buzz! !

The air was torn apart, and a huge black stick stabbed down from the sky. Okita, who was hit into the sea, quickly dodged it by instinct.

But his reaction was slow.


A wooden stick pierced his chest, and another one pierced his thigh.

As expected, he didn't dodge such a simple attack, which was also completely expected.

He raised his head, and the last remaining will in his eyes began to dissipate. In the sky, a huge black shadow rushed towards him.

"It's much stronger than I thought, but..."

Okita's words were not finished.


The huge head of the white giant was completely shattered, and the terrifying will of Okita was also directly defeated.

Originally, Okita's last burst was just a last gasp. At this moment, Okita, who was in a last gasp, was directly pressed to death by Nagato.

Without any reservation or hesitation, he hit with all his strength and directly defeated Okita's last resistance.

As the white giant disappeared, Okita's true body emerged.

His tall body that looked full of strength was already in tatters, and his head looked as if it had withered.

But at this moment, Okita still had a smile on his face.

His right hand pointed at the sky, and the shadow of the Earthly Kingdom appeared in his eyes that had lost focus.

It was a pity... It was a pity that the guy was too straightforward, otherwise, he could still become the Jinchūriki of the Earthly Kingdom.

He could still hold the other party back for a while.

But now...

"Come down..."

This sigh came from the dead body of Okita.

At the moment when his body sank into the sea and was swallowed by the waves, an invisible force smashed down directly.

Facing Okita, floating above Okita, Nagato felt his hair stand on end, and a terrifying sense of danger fell from the sky.

"Oh no!"

Nagato reacted quickly, and the tail of the Ten-Tails had blocked the sky, but the next moment.


Without any signs or sounds, the tail of the Ten-Tails was directly shattered.

The will of the Earthly Kingdom that affected reality hit Nagato, and the huge force instantly penetrated Nagato's body.

At this moment, Nagato's eyes lost their spirit.

The will of the earthly fairy kingdom, which is independent of the world's will, can affect the terrifying will of the real world.

Nagato was hit hard.

There was nothing wrong with his body, but his brain crashed at this moment.

The first person who tried this thing was Shanks, and the second was Orochimaru...

And at this moment, Nagato really experienced the power of the same level.

At the last moment, Okita relied on his last will to forcibly put the power of the earthly fairy kingdom that was originally prepared to guide him on Nagato.

Normally, it is impossible to do this.

Okita was right about one thing. The Uzumaki clan is the legitimate world nobles, and Nagato is also a natural immortal.

At least at this moment, both the world will and the will of the earthly fairy kingdom recognized these identities of Nagato.

Not to mention the world will, even if the Six Paths Sage is resurrected, he can only admit that Nagato is Asura, a natural immortal.

So at this moment, Nagato's earthly fairy kingdom was forcibly pulled in.

However, Nagato was not, and it was even more impossible for him to become the guardian of the world's nobles, the Jinchūriki of the earthly fairy kingdom.

At the moment when Nagato was down, all the body tissues of the Ten-Tails shrank back, and the hole behind Nagato closed and disappeared.

Nagato just floated quietly above the battlefield.

The Six Paths Puppet was still fighting on the battlefield. Nagato's strength increased, and the strength of the Six Paths Puppet was also greatly improved.

Under the suppression of the immortals by Ashura's power, the Six Paths Puppet was enough to deal with many immortals.

At this time, although there were still Devil Fruit ability users on the battlefield, it was still a one-sided situation. The failure of the navy was only a matter of time.

Because another part of the immortals on the navy side had been attracted by Itachi.

Compared with Nagato, Itachi's pressure was obviously more terrifying.

The hundreds of meters tall Susanoo was suspended in the sky. The gorgeous and majestic appearance and the terrifying body shape were not something that ordinary people could deal with.

What's more different is that although Itachi looks ordinary, the power he shows is still his amazing illusion and various ninjutsu.

But in fact, Itachi is the most hidden person in the entire Akatsuki organization.

He and Kisame were the first to contact Zabuza, and Itachi was also the first to contact Shanks.

Although it was only an indirect contact, at that time, Itachi already understood the horror of Shanks.

And then he saw Kisame and Zabuza.

After so much time, Kisame has made progress, how could Itachi not make progress?

As early as the Wind Country before, Itachi's strength had been improved again, so that Itachi at that time was qualified to negotiate with Jiraiya.

And now Itachi is even more powerful, and it can even be said to be... perfect! !

"Senjutsu. Meteorite!"

"Senjutsu. Dragon Beard Technique!"


Under the siege of several immortals, Itachi was still able to handle it with ease.

The Eight-foot Mirror in Susanoo's left hand directly smashed the meteorite falling from the sky, and the huge explosion echoed in the sky.

At the same time, the ten-fist sword in his right hand slashed out, and the orange-red sword light swept down, directly crushing the immortal's attack.

At this time, an immortal fished out the "Santai Hijikata" who rushed towards Itachi at the beginning. Santai Hijikata's body had not fully recovered, but he was... strong enough.

He was not suppressed by Indra's power.

"Okita is dead!!"

"I know..."

Santai Hijikata stood up, and the old injuries on his body began to relapse.

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