He looked at Itachi in the sky and was silent for a few seconds.

"I'll stop him, you guys, run away!"

"That thing is not something you can deal with now."

Santai Hijifang stood up with strong support.

It would be difficult for ordinary immortals to adapt to this kind of suppression for a while, but he... was an immortal who had experienced Shanks' training.

"Sir Dragon, please return to the naval headquarters and tell us that Asura and Indra have appeared."

The khaki power came out again, and at this moment, Santai Hijikata officially took over the command.


The power of the Six Paths Immortal is back! !

"Wait for me...wait for me to come back!!"

The immortal named Long Shang took a deep look at Santai Hijikata, and then flew high into the sky.

Chapter 220 The First Battle

Looking at Ryuugami who had left, Santai Hijikata stood up again.

More than a month ago, he had contact with Shanks in the New World.

At that time, Santai Hijikata was like a clown, being played by the entire red-haired pirate group.

In fact, facing the red-haired pirates, Santai Hijikata is indeed no different from the clown.

But in fact this is not the case. As a "genius" among immortals, Santai Hijikata is extremely high in both wisdom and character, so he is able to continuously unleash his potential when facing the red-haired pirates.

At the last moment, Mitai Hijikata even got rid of Shanks' domineering suppression and truly broke through his own limitations.

However, this guy was unlucky. First, he was beaten up by the red-haired pirates. As soon as he came back, before he could fully recover, he was attacked by Nagato and Itachi.

But if you really put Santai Hijikata in Sennin, this guy's resume is absolutely outrageous. If Shanks died in another hundred or two hundred years.

The resume of those three Hijikata is that they once faced the world's strongest pirate group alone, forcing Shanks, Uchiha Shisui, Shiro and others to take action, and finally escaped unscathed.

So although in reality it seems that Mitai Hijikata is really a clown, it is exactly the same. None of his opponents are human, and now, Mitai Hijikata finally sees an opponent who looks more like a human.

That's right, I'm talking about Itachi.

Just from the initial contact, Santai Hijifang has already analyzed it.

"Huge attack range and destruction, perfect chakra control, a strong man without any shortcomings."

"It looks like the direction is the same as the Six Paths Immortal. It's a pity that there is only one Six Paths Immortal in this world."

Santai Hijikan slowly opened his mouth.

Itachi's direction was too perfect, and being perfect also meant that Itachi had no protruding parts.

When facing an enemy who is weaker than himself, Itachi will crush him in all aspects without giving the enemy a chance to resist. When facing an enemy who is stronger than himself, Itachi can also use his own advantages to fight with his opponent.

Such an opponent is extremely difficult to deal with, but... it's better than the monsters of the red-haired pirates.

Not to mention Shanks' unconventional attacks, even Shisui was outrageous. You must know that the opponent Shisui once faced was Orochimaru. Orochimaru was a ruthless man who could directly resist several immortal techniques with his body.

Shisui also directly used his Susanoo and Orochimaru to fight hard. Shisui's Susanoo also had no defense at all.

As for the remaining Zabuza and Haku? Same thing.

Zabuza was originally an assassination ninja, full of attack moves, and Haku, as a latecomer, also inherited the style of the red-haired pirates, and his attack power was directly maxed out.

As for defensive means? Either simply hide, or directly resist.

However, Itachi's Susanoo has real defensive means.


The combined senjutsu of the two immortals was directly knocked away by Itachi's Yata Mirror. The orange-red flames directly ignited the senjutsu chakra of the two immortals, and the huge Susanoo crushed straight down from the sky.

"The Immortal Technique of Earth. Thick!"

Sandai Hijikata rushed forward again, with earth-yellow chakra condensing on his body. His seemingly insignificant figure formed a strong contrast with Itachi's majestic-looking Susanoo.

The three earthmoving machines rushing up were like a mantis using its arms as a cart, but only those present knew how strong this guy was.

"Take my punch!"

Without any fancy magic, the purest gain, the khaki power bloomed from Santai Hijikata's body.


Susanoo was abruptly stopped by Mitai Hijikata, and the senjutsu chakra on the Yata mirror exploded, but Mitai Hijikata still did not move.

At this moment, Itachi felt as if he had hit a mountain. No, to be precise, it was more solid than the mountain.

"A very different power. It is not limited by Indra's power at all. He is not an ordinary sage."

Itachi was not too surprised. The moment Santai Hijikata stood up to block his first attack, Itachi knew that the person in front of him was not that simple.

"But that's not enough."

Itachi also discovered the problem with Santai Hijikata at this time. The opponent was very strong, but he was obviously a Sage who was more inclined to defend.

The body is extremely strong, even if this body is forcibly connected to the tail beast jade, Itachi will not find it strange.

However, compared with the body's strong defense, Mitai Hijikata's attack is a problem.

Buzz! !

The air began to tremble, and the crystals on Itachi's Susanoo exploded with more intense radiance, and orange-red chakra began to rise like flames.

The sky had begun to change color, and the sky above Itachi seemed to be boiling, and the clouds began to billow.

Itachi looked down without saying a word, raising the Ten Fist Sword in his hand. Chakra like substance fell from the clouds in the sky and condensed on Itachi's Ten Fist Sword.

"But, since I know my shortcomings, how could I not have a way to deal with them?"

Itachi closed his eyes and said calmly. At the same time, Susanoo's eyes directly turned into a kaleidoscope shape.

"Susan. Ten Fist Swordsmanship. Tsukuyomi World!"

Having been in contact with Shanks since before Shanks appeared, and having been exposed to the power beyond the world, how could Itachi be so simple?

From the beginning, Itachi was not prepared to take the normal route.

Because no matter how hard you take the normal route, you won't be able to fight against someone like Shanks.

The reason why Itachi was silent at the beginning was because the crow he controlled was slashed by Shanks, and that slash also caused Itachi's body to suffer will trauma.

That was Shanks' unintentional stab.

But it was precisely because of this that the main body was cut off directly through the spiritual connection of the illusion, which made Itachi truly understand the horror of Shanks.

Thanks to Itachi's strong character, he didn't have an emotional explosion on the spot, but it was also because of that knife that silenced Itachi.

So when he later saw Shanks slashing the sealed Eight-Tails to death with a single blow, Itachi was not surprised at all. He even wanted Hidan to try it. Unfortunately, after seeing that blow, Hidan also What a pity.

From then on, Itachi began to study how to deal with this abnormality.

The result is that the only option is to steal.

Taking the normal route simply won't work, so you can only resort to cheating.

At this time, the power in Nagato and Itachi was actually stolen, and completely stolen.

But in fact, Itachi had other means.

Itachi might not have been able to use this technique before, but after gaining Indra's power, he was already qualified to use this extreme power.

As soon as this move was used, the entire sky turned completely dark.

The will of the world descended from the sky and radiated across the entire battlefield.

The ordinary marines on the battlefield were directly pulled into the Tsukuyomi world and fell into a deep sleep. Even some of the ability users with weaker mental strength fell into a coma directly.

On the battlefield that fell into darkness, the only light was the orange-red clouds billowing in the sky and the ten-fist sword in Itachi's hand.

The tall Susanoo looked at the immortals with a scarlet kaleidoscope.

"A blow as high as the world. Can you survive this blow?"

Buzz! !

The entire sky began to sink, and all the immortals stared at this scene in stunned silence.

At the moment when the will of the world came, their power also increased sharply.

"Synchronized Ascension, how did that guy develop such a secret technique!"

"Mental suppression plus simultaneous ascension."

The immortals stared at this horrific scene in stunned silence.

When the will of the world comes, everyone under the will of the world will increase in strength, and in this field, everyone is suppressed by Itachi's "Tsukuyomi World".

There's no way they can get that big of a gain.

And after the gain reaches the unbearable limit, it's time for the sky-high attack to arrive.

"How is it possible... to encounter such a monster!"

At this time, Santai Hijikata was also a little stunned.

The original Itachi was already outrageous enough, without any weaknesses, a perfect hexagonal warrior.

And now...

"Times have already changed."

Click! !

Cracks have appeared on the Ten Fist Sword, and it has almost reached its limit.

The sinking power of the world's will is not so easy to bear, even for Susanoo with the power of Indra.

"Let me see if you can withstand this blow that is as high as the sky, the immortals above."

The next moment, the cracked Ten Fist Sword soared into the sky, connecting with the light beam in the sky to form an even more terrifying sword light.

The orange-red sword light struck down with the sinking clouds. This blow was not that fast.

The orange-red clouds were slowly torn apart in mid-air, as if the clouds were fainted in the sky. Under this beautiful and terrifying blow, the immortals had gathered together.

"Hijikata!! Help us."

An old man spoke. At this time, all the immortals had gathered together, and the immortal chakra on their bodies had been integrated into the will of the world.

"Can't help!!"

Seeing such a scene, Santai Hijikata also roared angrily.

An attack of this size is already at the same level as when he faced Shanks, and it would kill someone.

"It will kill people!"

Santai Hijikata roared, but...he didn't run away.

When he faced Futian Qingmeng, he didn't run away.

When facing the red-haired pirates, he did not escape.

But now... Although Santai Hijikata said he would die, he still did not escape.

"It seems... you're not used to running away? Even when facing someone like Shanks."

Santai's earthy side is bitter. If he were in his prime, he could delay them for a while.

But now...

"It's really unlucky to meet such a group of lagging behind."

Santai Hijikata hit the Yata Mirror with one blow, and used the force to fly towards the Juken Sword's slash.

boom! !

The heart began to tremble, and the power of Santai Hijikata's body burst out again.

Bang bang bang!!

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