"Is it just Okita's? It seems that everyone else was captured by the revolutionary army."

Terumi Mei looked at Okita's body. The damage to the body was already terrible. With such a broken body, one can imagine the brutality of the battle.

Terumi Mei was also moved by the faith and will of these immortals. Such powerful immortals had such powerful power.

Sage has the qualifications to be proud and superior, but Terumi Mei does not want to be a lackey of these people, nor does he allow Kirigakure Village to become a victim of the World Government.

"What about the other casualties?"

"Half the people could not be saved...the death toll was over 2,000."

The admiral spoke.

Ordinary warships in the navy are also very large, and due to the existence of researched reserve scrolls, etc., various logistical work on the warship does not require much space.

Therefore, a normal warship can carry from 1,000 to 1,500 people, and overloading is common.

However, the fleet attacked by the revolutionary army was not fully equipped.

"Collect the bodies and return a ship to headquarters."

"The others are following me to Ghost Lantern City to mobilize troops."

Terumi Mei sighed.

She must have had her own ideas when she came out, and Ghost Light City was Terumi Mei's plan.

On the other side, Ghost Lantern City also welcomed the fleet from the Kingdom of Snow. Wuwei stood outside the port of Ghost Lantern City. As the ship docked, a chill hit him.

A tall man stepped off the boat.

Wuwei looked indifferent, looking at the wind and waves getting off the boat, and the wind and waves were also staring at Wuwei.

Both of them are tall, and their faces look similar, and even their temperaments are similar, but at this moment... Feng Hua Nu Tao's feet stopped for a moment.

Because he found that the guy opposite was obviously about the same age, similar in stature, and even similar in temperament.

But the guy in front of him seems to be more handsome than him.

"Qilabi has something to do. This time, I will escort the pirate prisoners here on behalf of the Kingdom of Thunder. This is an order from the World Government."

Feng Hua Furu Tao took out the transfer order from the World Government. If not for this, he would not have left the Snow Country.

"I know, come with me!"

There was no other expression on Wuwei's face, but this time, it was completely different from before, and he walked into the prison with a storm of anger.

Instead of picking people up outside.

Feng Hua Ang Tao followed Wuwei all the way to the underground prison of Ghost Lantern City. Only then did Wuwei speak.

"Lord Feng Hua Furu Tao, your country of snow and the revolutionary army don't seem to be very clean?"


Hearing Wuwei's words, Fenghua Furudao paused.

“This information cannot threaten me, Wuwei.

Even if the Land of Snow is gone, I don’t care. "

Feng Hua Nu Tao smiled and replied nonchalantly.

"Lord Feng Hua Furu Tao may have misunderstood. I am not threatening, but..."

Wuwei turned around, looked at the wind and flowers, and said seriously.


Chapter 222: Does my son have the qualifications to be a great emperor?


Hearing Wuwei's words, Fenghua Nutao was a little surprised. There was nothing they could cooperate with in the Snow Country.

The internal situation in the Kingdom of Snow is extremely complicated, but in fact it is not that complicated.

The Kingdom of Snow is currently in alliance with the Kingdom of Thunder, and the troops of the Kingdom of Thunder can even be stationed directly in the Kingdom of Snow.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The new era has come. Because of the dragon veins, the Great Trench directly connects the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Snow, making the Kingdom of Snow an important military location.

In addition, Snow Country and Konoha are actually allies, and Konoha has provided a lot of financial support to Snow Country.

Of course, the Kingdom of Snow also has certain connections with the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of the Sea.

From this point we can see how strong Feng Hua Fur Tao is. You can call this guy rubbish in terms of combat ability, but his political ability is definitely better than that of the third generation.

If a normal person did this, he would probably be cold.

However, Feng Hua Furious Tao dared to do this because he was not afraid of being discovered at all, and more importantly, Feng Hua Furious Tao no longer had any ambitions.

He knows what role he plays in this position, which is to maintain the entire Snow Country. As long as he is here, the Snow Country will be there.

If you let Fenghua Xiaoxue and San Taifu come, Snow Country will die immediately, and the trouble will be even greater.

Are you saying that Shikaku doesn't know that there is a connection between Feng Hua Furu Tao and Kado? I know.

Doesn’t Mabuyi of Cloud Hidden Village know that the internal situation in Snow Country is complicated? She knew it too.

But none of these people will pursue the matter, because the storm will at least allow everyone to maintain superficial stability.

These two people would even help Feng Hua Furu Tao hide something. This is a compromise to the Snow Country.

As for Feng Hua Furu Tao himself, his mentality is that of going to work with a salary. Whether he can survive in the Snow Country, he can do his best.

"There should be nothing we can do to cooperate with the Snow Country and Kusagakure Village."

Feng Hua Ang Tao looked around. This prison seemed to be full of inactive people. No wonder the other party wanted to take him down to talk.

"Master Wuwei should have investigated me. It's useless to threaten me with the Kingdom of Snow. The once romantic man is dead long ago."

Looking at Wuwei in front of him, a trace of sadness flashed in Feng Hua Nu Tao's eyes.

"Kusagakure Village has certain connections with major ninja villages and even with the revolutionary army.

But in this big era, Caoyin Village is just a low-level force, let alone you and me, just a small person. "

"Even the sounds of seagulls on the sea are louder than ours. Cooperation? Not interested."

Feng Hua Ang Tao shook his head.

He has already shown off. He has a good-for-nothing brother and a good-for-nothing niece. As for himself, he is not a very capable person.

However, in Wuwei's view, Feng Hua Raging Tao is not such a person. At least, he can see the points where Feng Hua Raging Tao agrees with him.

"What I saw was not us."

"Neither you nor I can get ahead in this era. I am a nobody, but my son is not..."

"Nine years ago, in order to activate the Box of Bliss, I let my son come into contact with that thing, but I underestimated the power of the Six Paths Sage's Noble Phantasm."

Wuwei stared at the storm in front of him, and ignored the words between the storm and the waves, and instead talked about his own affairs.

“For nine years I have been looking for a way to get my son out of the Bliss Box.

I am a nobody in this era, and I am destined not to be on the same stage as Shanks in this life. "

"But not my son Wu Gu. He is extremely talented and can even touch the Box of Bliss."

"What Naruto and Sasuke can do, Muzan can also do.

What Xianglin can do, Wugou can also do.

What Shiro, the strongest genius of the young generation today, can do, Muzan can also do... He shouldn't be trapped in that place. "

When Wuwei said this, even his cold face began to twist.

His son Wu Gu was a true genius, the most powerful genius he had ever seen.

The more he gets to this day, the more Wuwei feels guilty for his son.

The Box of Bliss is a ninja tool once used by the Sage of Six Paths. It is said that the person who opens the Box of Bliss can realize a wish.

Wu Wei's son Wu Gu once opened the box of bliss.

You must know that the ninja tools of the Six Paths Sage era are completely different from the ninja tools used by the Six Paths Sage.

Being able to open the Box of Bliss already shows Wu Gu's talent.

Especially in this era, with the emergence of immortals, various ancient histories were also dug up, and Wuwei felt even more guilty when he saw these things.

This is not just guilt for his feelings for his son, but also guilt for the entire village.

His son was a peerless genius who could compete with all the young geniuses of this era, but his father's negligence led to such a result.

"It has nothing to do with me. What you said has nothing to do with me."

Feng Hua Raging Tao frowned.

The more he heard this kind of news, the angrier he felt.

Although I don’t know what the Box of Bliss is, it is definitely not simple to be related to the Six Paths Immortal.

Wuwei's son is a genius, he recognizes this.

What does it have to do with him?

And more importantly, compared with this kind of genius, Fenghua Xiaoxue's trash made Fenghua Nutao feel even more aggrieved.

If Fenghua Xiaoxue had some ability, he wouldn't be like this.

To put it bluntly, Fenghua Nutao has feelings for Fenghua Xiaoxue.

In the original work, even if Fenghua Xiaoxue wanted to kill him, he would not think there was a problem, and he would not even do anything to Fenghua Xiaoxue because of this matter.

On the contrary, he will be disappointed with Fenghua Xiaoxue because of her lack of abilities.

To put it simply, not only was his brother disabled, but his niece was also disabled.

That’s why Feng Hua Raging Tao just started swinging. Why? There is no hope.

And now Wuwei’s words, aren’t they just showing off?

Although none of us are good at it, my son is awesome, and very awesome.

But the good news is that my son died nine years ago.

So Feng Hua Ragao was just frowning at this time.

At this moment, Wuwei suddenly realized Feng Hua Nu Tao's impatience.

Only then did he regain his composure.

"So this is what I'm telling you about cooperation."

"How about becoming a teacher without dirt?"

Wuwei Hua changed his mind and suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out, there was even a noise in the originally quiet prison.

Several of Wuwei's men were startled, and a young man jumped out, but Wuwei immediately raised his hand to stop the young man.

At this moment, the entire prison became extremely quiet, the firelight was swaying, and even the sound of breathing disappeared.

Feng Hua Nu Tao looked at the man in front of him, and his eyes were a little confused.

Feng Hua Furu Tao knows who he is, his wisdom, his strength, being a teacher? He doesn't have this qualification.

But the Wuwei in front of him was not joking. It could even be said that Wuwei had been choosing for a long time before finally choosing him.

"Why choose me?"

At this moment, the wind and waves also calmed down.

He is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, but he has never experienced a scene like this.

Not only does Feng Hua Ragao have pressure on others, but he also has pressure on himself.

You want me, a loser, to be your son's teacher? What's the difference between this and letting my brother continue to be the leader of the Kingdom of Snow? Isn't this ruining his family?

Therefore, the wind and waves dare not.

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