He didn't dare to let Wuwei entrust such a genius to him, because he knew he didn't have the ability.

However, at this moment, Fenghua Nutao's expression of playing badly was gone.

He was a very ambitious man, at least compared to ordinary people, his ambition was big enough.

But after going through so much, Fenghua Nutao had been defeated by reality. He had seen his future and limit, and he couldn't go too far.

But at this moment, an opportunity appeared in front of him, but was he qualified?

When playing badly, Fenghua Nutao could care nothing, but once he had ambitions and goals, he asked himself, compared with the Snow Country and the Hidden Grass Village, did he have the qualifications?

"Ghost Lantern City is still under my jurisdiction.

But soon, this place will be completely controlled by the World Government, and the power of the world's nobles will be involved here."

"Wu Gou is still trapped in the Paradise Box. The immortals of the World Government have the ability to rescue him, but they don't care about Wu Gou's life or death.

I don't have much time, I must hurry to send Wu Gou out."

Wu Wei spoke slowly. His words were not only for Feng Hua Nu Tao, but also for his subordinates.

"The Snow Country is right on a passage to the new world, and the forces involved are complicated. It is the best training ground and the most convenient springboard for Wu Gou to enter this new era."

These words were said by Wu Wei to Feng Hua Nu Tao.

The Snow Country itself has no power, but as long as Feng Hua Nu Tao is there, he can use his power to rescue Wu Gou.

And that place is indeed the most suitable place to enter the new world.

"Of course, the more important thing is... you Fenghua Nutao, you have this ability."

"You have connected with Konoha, allied with the Hidden Cloud Village, and secretly colluded with the Revolutionary Army.

You have formed an alliance with the Land of Waves and the Land of the Sea at the World Government Conference."

"In this chaotic world, you, who have supported the entire Snow Country by yourself, have the ability to become Wuque's teacher."

"It's not enough..."

Fenghua Nutao said lightly.

"Do you trust me so much?"

"A person who can cheer up for Fenghua Xiaoxue should not easily abandon his disciples.

I don't believe in you, but I believe in Wuque, my son, it's worth your gamble on him!"

Wuwei stared at Fenghua Nutao with a firm gaze.

The reason why Fenghua Nutao was chosen is because the man in front of him is good enough, and there is another more important point.

Fenghua Nutao is not from a big country, and there are not so many geniuses to consume, so the man in front of him is destined to cherish this last bet.

Even, he paid for it with his own life...

This is what Wuwei saw in Fenghua Nutao. Since the new era does not belong to their old generation, let the new generation see the scenery of this era for them.

The road, they have walked, and now, it is time for the new generation to embark on the journey.

After an unknown period of time, Fenghua Nutao left the prison and left with the Box of Bliss.

Not long after Fenghua Nutao left, Terumi Mei's troops also arrived. Seeing this scene, Wuwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around and looking at the prison, his son was trapped in the Box of Bliss for nine years, and he, too, has been trapped in the Ghost Lantern City.

"Nine years is enough, the name of that child... should be resounding in the new world!"

At this moment, Wuwei, who had been frowning coldly, finally smiled.

"Everyone, prepare to go to the Tea Kingdom!! Drive away the pirates!"

Chapter 223 The Extremely Terrifying Man

There are immortals guarding this place in the Ghost Lantern City, but the immortals will not appear under normal circumstances.

With the precedent of Jixuan, the World Government will definitely arrange personnel to guard the Ghost Lantern City, and with the advent of a new era, the importance of the Ghost Lantern City will definitely increase under the stimulation of this war.

The last time the criminals were kidnapped, it was already a slap in the face of the five major countries. If it weren't for Jiraiya's strong strength and his direct breakthrough to the level of the top immortals, the matter would not be so easy to solve.

If it was the former Jiraiya, he might not be able to stop the first generation of Qingwu.

Of course, that incident was not a big deal, after all, it was before the establishment of the World Government. If it were now, it would be different.

So the prison fortress of the World Government, Ghost Lantern City, must be strictly guarded, this is the face of the World Government.

"Is the criminal sent by Fenghua Nutao this time?"

"Well, as the strongest combat force of the Hidden Cloud Village, Lord Kirabi will naturally rush to the battlefield first."

Hearing what Terumi Mei said, Wuwei replied, and at this time Wuwei returned to his normal indifference.

After hearing Kirabi, Terumi Mei sighed slightly in her heart. Kirabi, if I'm not mistaken, should have taken that step.

That guy has been working hard silently since he was defeated by Shanks, and the power of the entire Cloud Village is concentrated on Killer Bee.

It can be said that Killer Bee is more important than Ai.

"In this case, let's hurry up!"

At this time, the entire East China Sea has been put into operation.

On the other side, time returns to the battlefield.

As the battle continued, Orochimaru obviously realized that something was wrong, but there was too little he could do.

It was impossible for him to directly intervene in the battlefield, because there was still hope, but as time passed, Orochimaru felt that this group of people simply could not bring down the will of the new world.

Only by actually meeting Shanks face to face can we understand how terrifying Shanks is. That man's courage is not something ordinary people can accept.

Buzz! !

Once the huge sword light came down with black and red thunder, Orochimaru in the dragon form drove everyone back with one blow.

"Shiro! It's time to go, the plan won't work."

Orochimaru's huge figure fell from the sky, and his majestic and rich voice echoed on the battlefield.

The huge body was like a mountain, weighing down the entire battlefield and making it difficult for everyone to breathe.

However, for Ross Jess and others, Orochimaru's pressure cannot affect them. Only when you face Shanks can you know what the mountains are like.

"Anything wrong with the plan?"

A surface of ice appeared in front of Bai, and the ice spikes on the ice pushed back the injured opponent.

He pulled away and came to Orochimaru's side.

"It's not Shanks' problem, it's that these people are too weak. These guys simply don't have the ability to let this power lock them."

Orochimaru said helplessly that for these people to reach that level, they would need to go to the new world to hone their skills for at least a period of time.

"Is that so?"

Bai raised his head, his gaze penetrated the clouds, and he also felt the presence of that will.

Did it fail?

No, it has been successful. If others had been allowed to come, they would have succeeded long ago.

Orochimaru doesn't know the real plan. Under this will, everyone will become stronger, and the speed of becoming stronger will be ridiculous.

Orochimaru didn't know this.

The will of the world rendered by Shanks' will already possesses Shanks' special properties, and the effect has already been produced, but it is not that obvious.

No matter who it is, they will become stronger when facing Shanks, but only those who have the will to die and are in desperate situations can achieve that level.

But... that will bring about sacrifices, and it will definitely bring about big sacrifices.

On the way here, Bai understood why everyone assigned this task to him.

Because of his kindness... If there was a better way, Bai would not let everyone sacrifice, and the original plan required too much sacrifice.

"In that case, let's retreat quickly!"

Shiro gave the order directly, and Orochimaru also made plans to retreat. There was no need for him to continue to entangle himself.

The naval reinforcements will only increase.

However, at this time, a bullet penetrated Bai's head directly on the chaotic battlefield.


The bullet exploded the moment it penetrated Bai's head, blowing his entire body to pieces. Bai's body condensed again in an instant.

The next moment, Ross Jace raised his hand, and a dice was suspended between him and Bai.

"Sorry, we won't listen to your orders."

"Hahahaha, this is an opportunity to strangle the navy! Orochimaru, you probably don't care about this kind of sacrifice.

Moreover, we have absolute trust in Shanks. How could that guy go wrong? "

"Although I almost died at the hands of Shanks, but... I also believe in Shanks."

Cagallo Piqué also spoke.

It is absolutely impossible to get them to retreat.

As for Orochimaru, he just looked at these people with a sneer.

"That's natural, but then it's your business."

"me too."

Bai nodded similarly. If he had the ability to start a war, he would also have the power to end it.

Bai just raised his hand slightly. In the battle area between the navy and the pirates, the ice cracked directly. The entire battlefield shook. The two sides in the melee quickly pulled away and retreated to their own camps.

But the next moment!

"Gambler's Domain, Gambling Table, Placement!"

In the sky, the dice suspended between Bai and Rose Jace fell.


The clear and ear-piercing voice echoed on the battlefield.

A big "five" on the dice is facing upward. As long as the number is greater than "three", every decision made by Ross Jace will be a win.

On this battlefield, the lowest number of the dice is "two" and the highest number is "seven".

"Sorry, I won."

The next moment, the cracked battlefield closed again, and at this moment, Bai's control over the entire battlefield had disappeared.

Looking at the huge closed battlefield, everyone's eyes were focused on the man in front of them. Even Bai felt threatened by Rose Jace.

Orochimaru's eyes also froze slightly.

"What a magical devil fruit ability."

Rose Jace's Devil Fruit ability is easy to see, it is determined by dice.

Although he didn't know what would happen if he lost, one thing Orochimaru was sure of was that if Tsunade faced the guy in front of her, a hundred lives would not be enough.

What everyone didn't know was that just to deprive the battlefield of ownership, Ross Jace would have to risk his own life.

Once he loses, he will die suddenly on the spot.

However, he is not afraid of death.

At this time, other pirates also looked over.

All the pirates' eyes were focused on the two people, including the pirate captains. When Bai Bai said to give up retreat, everyone was stunned.

"Master Bai, do you want us to retreat?"

"Yes, but it seems...it was stopped by Ross Jace!"


At this moment, almost all the pirates were stunned.

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