Chapter 253 The will of the world that forces people to do something

The Six Paths Sage was confused when he first met Shanks. In his worldview, there was no such outrageous person.

How to say it? When the Six Paths Sage saw Shanks breaking into the house, he was confused, and Shanks was also confused.

As a result, the Six Paths Sage took a long time to react.

Why did it take a long time to react? Because the Six Paths Sage started from his own outlook on life, values, and other aspects, and added his own wisdom and experience to think.

In the end, he still didn't figure out what was going on with Shanks.

So he got an answer, that is, Shanks was abnormal, and there was often only a fine line between a genius and a madman.

He, the Six Paths Sage, was a genius in the ninja world, and Shanks was also a "genius", but this "genius" took the route of a madman.

Because Shanks' strength was there, and his strength reached this level, he couldn't be a fool, so Shanks was named a madman.

At least that's how it looked to the Six Paths Sage, and the strength of this madman was outrageous. He was clearly suppressed by the will of the world, but he overturned the will of the world directly.

This was the first time that the Six Paths Sage had seen such a fearless monster.

So when he saw the situation of the entire Red Earth Continent at this time, the Six Paths Sage felt a little scalp-tingling, and he didn't dare to leak out any power.

"Why did Shanks use such a great power for no reason? Doesn't he know that the will of the world has always remained in him?"

The Six Paths Sage didn't quite understand.

He had also experienced this process. When he became the strongest sage, he was targeted by the will of the world.

Because at that time, the Six Paths Sage had broken the upper limit of the sages in the ninja world. Although not as terrifying as Shanks, the Six Paths Sage did break the upper limit.

That was when the will of the world descended. These wills on the Six Paths Sage were actually led by the Six Paths Sage, which affected the rise of the power level of the world.

This was a slow process. At the same time, it was precisely because of this that the Six Paths Sage had the opportunity to study the will of the world.

As for the final result? Guess why someone is clearly a hero, but is still being hunted down by the world will.

You said that the moral level of the Six Paths Sage is actually not low.

But he never regarded the world will as a human being. If he can steal, he steals. If he can't steal, he cheats. He has plenty of ways to do it.

And more importantly, the Six Paths Sage has many ways to escape. As long as he wants to hide, the world will can't find him.

Not to mention Shanks.

But when the Six Paths Sage arrived at the battlefield of Shanks and Jixuan, he didn't dare to go in.


"Golden Lion!!!"

Under the distorted world will, Shanks was pressed to the ground and his face was deformed. However, even so, Shanks still grabbed Jixuan's hair tightly.

"Damn it."

Jixuan's chest was chopped down by Shanks's knife, and half of his life was gone. Even Jixuan's knife was cut off by Shanks's knife.

In fact, that knife was enough to kill Jixuan, but Shanks's knife was too outrageous, and the world will came.

He helped Cixuan block some of the attacks, but he also took care of Cixuan along the way.

"What on earth did you do!!"

Cixuan's face turned pale, and his face was also pressed to the ground by the distorted world will. Even so, his face was still bloodless.

Fortunately, his will was strong enough, and he could still act like nothing happened despite his serious injuries.

"Give up, Golden Lion, you..."


Before Shanks finished speaking, the stone under his head shattered directly, and his entire head was pressed down.

The two people were in a mess under this world will, and only the Six Paths Sage on the periphery felt his scalp numb when he looked at the world will that had already materialized.

The world will, under normal circumstances, is only an all-round unconscious suppression.

It is equivalent to the atmosphere, evenly distributed.

Of course, it is difficult to break through this atmosphere, and only the top strong can do it.

However, at this moment, the world will began to gather and condense to suppress Shanks in a targeted manner, which is very abnormal.

Even in the face of external invasion, the suppression of the world will is all-round suppression, not this kind of subjective targeted suppression.

"Strange... too strange."

The Six Paths Sage is still waiting. The clone has not disappeared, and he has no way to know the situation on the clone's side. He wants to know what happened in this world.

At this time, Jixuan in the center of the battlefield really saw the horror of Shanks.

You said you had this strength earlier.

He thought Shanks was very strong, but he didn't think it was so strong.

Jixuan has an understanding of the Otsutsuki clan, and there are also strong people in the Otsutsuki clan who surpass the world will.

The methods used by these strong people are the same as his method, slowly letting their will penetrate beyond the world will, and this part of the will will slowly transcend with the world will as the cornerstone.

This is the characteristic of the Otsutsuki clan-large quantity.

A practice method full of skills and wisdom.

Even the sacred tree is the basic ring of this practice method, using the power absorption of other worlds to draw out the power in one's body.

All the shortcuts are taken.

At the same time, it can also be said that this is the wisdom and heritage of the Otsutsuki clan.

But Shanks was different. At this moment, Cixuan seemed to understand Shanks' situation.

Cixuan is different from the Six Paths Sage, but Cixuan is not stupid, and the accumulation of the Otsutsuki clan has made him know more things.

"How could there be such a monster..."

Cixuan gritted his teeth, his hair was still tightly grasped by Shanks, and his hair was pulled and twisted.

"Damn it, Shanks!!"

"I will take revenge sooner or later."

Cixuan said angrily, "When has he ever been wronged like this? This is simply worse than being stabbed with a knife."

But if he really continues like this, he might really die here.

The next moment, Cixuan's long ponytail broke directly.

He stuck his butt out and slowly crawled out from the area targeted by the world's will in an extremely twisted posture. His whole face was rubbing against the ground, and blood was still pouring out from the wound on his chest.

At this moment, Cixuan felt extremely aggrieved, but... if he wanted to live, the man in front of him would be defeated by him sooner or later.

"Isn't it just to take the whole world up? I... won't lose."

Cixuan finally climbed out all the way, and then looked up to the sky while panting.

He has never seen such a terrifying sight, and even the Otsutsuki clan has never had such a terrifying record.

Looking at the horrific stab wounds on his body, Cixuan supported his body and stepped away step by step.

"I'm not dead. Fortunately...I'm determined enough. Shanks is indeed my favorite opponent."

"You are so powerful that the whole world has to forcefully suppress you. Only you who are qualified to make me give up so much."

"It seems that I won the bet I made with the God of Otsutsuki."

Cixuan endured the severe pain and weakness, and all that was left of the sword in his hand was the handle. He raised his head and looked not far away, and seemed to see an old man hiding in the sand.

I took another look and found nothing.

"Damn it, already..."

"Are you hallucinating?"

After saying that, Cixuan's vision gradually blurred and he slowly fell into darkness.

But even so, his body was still holding on under this terrifying will, and he walked towards the other side step by step.

At this time, Cixuan had completely lost consciousness, his body had reached the edge of death, and even the blood from the stab wound on his chest had disappeared.

But under that terrifying will, his body still persisted.

The heartbeat also became louder and louder.

boom! !

boom! !

Bang bang!

On the quiet red ground, a "corpse" was walking like this, with the broken knife in his hand held tightly by Cixuan.

Until the last trace of blood drained from his body, his body fell on the red sand.

The Immortal of Six Paths in the distance looked over, but did not get too close to Cixuan. Instead, he disappeared directly on the spot.

"Is that so?'s really scary."

The Immortal of Six Paths also understood.

Shanks truly created a new era and opened up a new world.

But for this world, Shanks' steps are too big. Under normal circumstances, the ninja world can slowly keep up with Shanks' pace.

But when Shanks explodes with full power, it is equivalent to accelerating directly. As a result, you want to run before the ninja world even gets on the car.

It was already very difficult for Shanks to push him to the top, but in the end, this was not Shanks' limit.

However, Shanks's outburst was directly taught by the world will of the ninja world.

Your will is very powerful and powerful.

But how can personal will confront the will of the world?

Just like the rocks on the seaside, the rocks are indeed harder than the sea water, but if they are pressed down by a huge wave hundreds of meters high, they will still break.

Shanks, on the other hand, is taking too big a step, which is nonsense.

It was not because of his indifference, but he was punished as a result.

To be honest, Sage of Six Paths never expected such an outrageous monster to be so powerful that he could drag the entire ninja world in the direction he wanted.


"There are so many monsters in this era."

The Immortal of Six Paths sighed with emotion, implying that he was referring to the "Golden Lion" Cixuan.

Under the starry sky, on the barren land of the Red Earth Continent, the violent sound of wind echoed in the wilderness along with Cixuan's heartbeat.

With bursts of heartbeats, the will in Cixuan's body became more and more solid... The twisted will forcibly distorted the natural chakra that carries the will of the world.

Every time the heart beats, a life force will appear out of thin air, and fresh blood will flow from Cixuan's heart to the whole body.

The fallen body stood up again and walked step by step towards the other end of the battlefield with the heartbeat.

Until the sun rose, Cixuan's figure appeared on the battlefield where Dake and the Six Paths Immortal clone met, and the shadow stretched long in the sunlight.

Cixuan raised his head and looked at the battlefield. On the verge of death, he could only see many figures standing up in the bloody red under the sun.

"Dak, let's go!"

After Cixuan finished speaking, the tall body fell straight down.

A figure supported Cixuan, but no one responded to Cixuan's words because Dake was no longer there.

Many people have disappeared under this red soil.

Even when Cixuan was unconscious, he still raised his left hand. Until a long time later, the pirate ship in the clouds slowly fell.

"It's time for us to go!"

“Where to?”

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