"Go find Duck, find the old man."

Chapter 254 The truth of the new world

The remaining remnants of the Golden Lion Pirates left, taking Ci Xuan away from the central area.

Until they left, they still didn't know who the person they faced before was. They only knew that the other person was a powerful ninja.

And half of them were captured by the other party, and by the way, all the Grayl Stones they finally found were also taken away.

All in all, it was a miserable failure.

"The good news is that Dak and his friends are not in danger at present, and their life force is still rising, but I can't lock their location."

"And the boss is in very bad shape."

At the gathering place of the Golden Lion Pirates, a strong man carrying an ax walked to the bonfire, where the other cadres were.

After experiencing an extremely strange battle, everyone looked a little embarrassed, but there was no trace of malaise.

"Don't your fruit abilities have any effect on the boss?"

The leader of the Golden Lion Pirates, Golden Beetle Taichi, was a little confused.

The strong man carrying an ax is none other than the doctor of their pirate group, "Yam Luo Cubaan". His ability is to control and absorb life energy. Of course, Cubaan also knows the most basic medical knowledge.

Before becoming a pirate, Cuban was an outstanding doctor in the underground black market.

"The power in the boss has exceeded the upper limit of the fruit's ability, not to mention the wound."

Gubaan said, Cixuan's wounds showed no signs of healing, but his body seemed to have no major problems.

"How long will it take for the boss to wake up?"

A woman asked. Women rarely appear in the pirate group, but if they appear, it shows that the strength of the other party cannot be underestimated.

Rattlesnake Jing, one of the cadres of the Golden Lion Pirates, is a cruel, resourceful and ambitious woman.

Wisdom, means, courage, strength... these things are indispensable for the great pirates in the new world.

“It’s hard to wake up.

In fact, according to normal circumstances, the boss is already dead, but for some unknown reason, his body has been holding on.

Moreover, it is still absorbing life energy from the outside world. I am afraid that it will not be able to wake up in a short time. "

Cuban's face was solemn, this state was beyond his knowledge, and even the power of the Devil Fruit could not reach this level.

“In that case, it’s up to our cadres to do the rest.

Although the Golden Lion has fallen, the Golden Lion Pirates are still there, and the strength of our cadres is not that weak. "

The speaker was a tall, fat man with a somewhat round figure, Golden Emperor Bado, a former big businessman.

After experiencing various ups and downs in the Great Pirate Age, this guy has also become a great pirate, and his ability is relatively simple. After the fruit ability is activated, he can solidify into gold.

“If you want to get some information, I can go find Kado.

Although there has been no news from there for a long time, with Kado's ability, there is probably very little news that can be hidden from him in the ninja world. "

The Golden Emperor sighed.

Although Kaduo was also in their circle at the beginning, he was just a minor character who was not popular.

But now that he has become a pirate in the new world, that small character may have become a big shot in the ninja world.

"I can also get in touch with Orochimaru. Orochimaru should know a lot about the ninja world."

Hamura Ryu said calmly, as the deputy captain of the Dark Pirates, he still has certain strength and vision. At least after Dark leaves, he can still support the pirate group.

"Jing, what do you think?"

Golden Beetle. Taiyi looked at Jing, wanting to see what the other person was thinking.

"My men also need to be found. In that case, I will go find other ninjas.

Taiyi, you and Gu Guan stay here. If there is no news from us within three months, leave this place. "

Jing's meaning is obvious. If there is no news from them in three months, it means they are dead.

And it died silently.

Although they have climbed up from the bottom and are strong enough, they still have a sense of awe for the power of this world.

Especially after meeting a weird ninja like the Sage of Six Paths.

One person blocked them all, and it seemed like there was no end to the chakra.

They are all ordinary ninjutsu, but they are extremely difficult to deal with.

Moreover, several barriers were deployed directly afterwards, and various compound ninjutsu came down, directly reversing the situation.

It was this battle that woke up all the cadres of the Golden Lion Pirates.

At this time, they all felt that the ninjas they met before seemed weak, but in fact they might not be that weak. It was just that the opponent's ninjutsu had not been used in time.

The opponent they faced this time delayed for too long and finally used a large ninjutsu, which made them suffer.

Why do you think so, you ask? Because these people are almost all ninjutsu idiots.

It’s not that there are no ninja pirates in the Golden Lion Pirates, but who’s serious ninja would become a pirate?

Don't look at people like Naruto who can't understand the questions in the exam. If you ask the ninja pirates of the Golden Lion Pirates to read the questions, they won't be able to understand them either.

Anyway, from the perspective of this group of people who have a vague understanding of ninjutsu, the reason why they were defeated by the Six Paths Sage was because ninjutsu is what it is.

Because the Six Paths Sage did not use any outrageous ninjutsu from head to toe.

But what is the reality?

In fact, the ninjutsu used by the Six Paths Sage is extremely complex, and he even used several "bloodline limits", which are no longer ninjutsu.

And the trick of multiple barriers is even more outrageous. What is the most outrageous thing? After the barriers overlap, there are also functions such as superposition of effects.

That's it? No one in the entire ninja world can understand it.

Only the Six Paths Sage can play so many tricks.

Unfortunately, who is the Six Paths Sage? This group of pirates is really unfamiliar with them. The only unlucky guy who knows the Six Paths Sage is already on an isolated island at this time.

At this time, Dark is on an isolated island. There are all kinds of plants on the island, which are three or four times larger than normal plants.

And there are many strange animals that Dark has never seen on the island, and they are all bigger than one another.

"The life energy in this place is so rich, even the New World doesn't have such rich life energy."

Dark felt the life energy flowing through his body. This feeling was very wonderful. It was the first time that Dark had such a feeling.

Because the life energy in this place was so rich.

Dark didn't have to do anything, just staying in this place, his body began to become stronger and stronger.

This speed of strengthening surprised Dark himself.

Of course, this was also because Dark's own will was strong enough to absorb these life energies naturally.

But what puzzled Dark even more was that his pointer seemed to be invalid in this place.

Dark had two pointers on his body, one was a ship pointer, which could find the nearest dragon vein in the New World.

The other was the "life" pointer of the Golden Lion Pirates, which could find the nearest pirate member by the direction of the pointer.

Dark sat on a big rock and looked at the two pointers in his hand.

The navigation pointer kept turning everywhere, with no intention of settling down. This situation had never happened before.

And the life pointer...

pointed straight to the sky.

Dark looked at the sky and could see patches of white clouds and blue sky. He couldn't see anything wrong.

The only thing wrong was...

"Is there no sun?"

Dark felt the sunlight on his hand. There was no sun, but there was sunlight, and he could feel the warmth of the sunlight.

"Either the pointer is broken, or my brain is broken, or... the world is broken?"

Dark was really confused. He even thought he was dead, but he sank directly when he jumped into the sea.

The devil fruit ability was still there, which meant he was fine.

Then it could only be a problem with the pointer.

Dark followed the direction of the pointer and stared at the sky, but he didn't see anything.

However, in the direction where Dark was looking, there was also a group of people. Each of them held a life pointer in their hands, and the direction of the pointer was also facing the sky.

There were only patches of clouds and that blue in the sky, exactly the same as Dark's situation.

"It seems that the pointer is broken."

"There is no sun in this place, and there are very few stars at night."

"Do you think we are under an illusion?"

"...It is possible."

Everyone nodded. As a group of ninjutsu idiots, they found the most reasonable explanation at this time.

Although this illusion looks very real, it is precisely because of its reality that they can be deeply trapped in it.

At this time, both sides just looked at the sky above their heads, but they didn't know that in the so-called "sky" on the other side were their companions.

As the field of vision continued to expand, the blue at the edge of the sea slowly merged with the sky. The sea was the sky, and the sky was also the sea.

At night, everyone looked at the stars in the sky, counting them over and over again, there were only dozens of them.

But as the perspective zoomed in, the so-called stars slowly disappeared and turned into islands emitting rich dragon vein power.

This is the new world, the real new world.

Deep in the world, the world on the other side of the ninja world.

When the world is big enough, how can people tell whether the sky is the ocean?

Even though this new world is smaller than the Ninja World, Dark and his people still can't see it. The gravity of the world binds them. On the other side of the sky, even if it is seawater, it can only be a sky that will never fall.

And the entrance to this real new world is in the Red Earth Continent, the continent that Shanks has been guarding.

Although he doesn't know what happened, when Shanks first saw this world, he was also confused. It was because of this that he returned to the Ninja World.

And now, the time has come.

Shanks, with a swollen face, looked at the Six Paths Sage who appeared behind him with a black tin staff in his hand.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the posture of the Six Paths Sage was a bit strange.

However, he was the one who caused trouble after all.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be Senior Six Paths Sage, long time no see."

"Yes... it's been a long time."

The Six Paths Sage responded with a dark face and gritted teeth.

"It's time to talk about what's going on between us, Shanks."

Chapter 255: The Second Four Emperors

After hearing what the Six Paths Sage said, Shanks sat down and pointed at his face, which was swollen like a pig's head.

"Even if we want to talk about something, we should consider the occasion."

I just experienced a big battle, and this time was different from the one with Orochimaru. This time, I was completely pressed to the ground by the will of the world.

To be honest, as the strongest person in the world, being pressed to the ground like this is really embarrassing to say it out loud. Fortunately, not many people saw it.

"You didn't consider the occasion when you broke into the depths of the world."

The Six Paths Sage waved his hand, and a table appeared from the distorted space. There was even a pot of wine on the table.

Shanks looked at the pot, and he didn't know how much wine was in it.

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