To put it more simply, you only need to explode the dragon vein power deep in the world.

So even though Shanks seems to know nothing, in fact, he can know everything.

"I see."

Hearing Shanks' words, Shisui nodded. He never thought that such a day would come, but...

"Also, thanks, Captain!"

Shisui thanked him not only for himself, but also for Itachi.

So many members of the Uchiha clan had died, and now was the only chance, Itachi's only chance to atone, not even say, atone.

"But I'll be right back."

Green chakra radiated from Shisui's body. Then, one of his eyes slowly closed, and a green crow flew away from Shisui's body.

Shisui is not a Devil Fruit user, but he does not practice Sage Mode. Instead, he follows Itachi's route and uses Susanoo to practice Sage Mode.

Unlike Itachi's method of reverting back to his ancestors through bloodline reversal, Shisui achieved this level by force after transcending life and death and reaching a certain height of mind through his own will.

He is very strong. In the ninja world, there are very few people who can reach this level of willpower.

Surpassing life and death, it actually shows that he has the absolute will to suppress his instincts, and can even awaken the domineering haki without any pressure.

But Shisui didn't realize it, because he didn't have that courage, and he recognized Shanks more than himself.

Shisui has always been like this, before it was for Konoha, but now, it is for Shanks, for the new era.

"The Uchiha clan..."

"After all, I still can't escape the restraints of the ninja clan and family."

Shisui didn't say much. In fact, he no longer had any concern for the so-called ninja clan, the clan. The only one he couldn't let go of was Itachi.

Just like Itachi to Sasuke, Shisui also had extremely deep feelings for Itachi, and he was both a teacher and a friend.

But... more like a brother.

Itachi is a very smart person and a genius of the Uchiha clan, but in Shisui's view, Itachi is just a younger brother who makes mistakes.

As for the size of the mistake, Shisui didn't care, because Itachi would pay for it all.

After Shisui left, Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

“Is this a reckoning?”

Since Jiraiya was a real commoner, he would naturally not have these entanglements and conflicts, but that didn't mean he couldn't understand.

Moreover, Jiraiya has been deeply involved in it at one time or another. People who come out of the quagmire will still have some muddy smell even if they are clean.

No one here is clean, neither Jiraiya nor Shanks.

"Although the purpose is not this, it can be regarded as a reckoning."

"The grievances of Konoha over the past few decades, the grievances between ninjas and immortals, and the grievances between immortals and the six path immortals will all be settled in this war."

"After this, let the world be clean."

Shanks nodded, not hiding it from Jiraiya.

There are too many things and it's too messy. Shanks can't solve so many things by himself. He just cuts through the mess and solves it all at once.

“The beginning of any new era does not require war and chaos, but it will always experience war and chaos.

Peace or something like that can never happen. "

Shanks' philosophy is different from Jiraiya's. Jiraiya believes that peace will come, but...

Shanks has done what no one else can do. Even if Shanks said this, Jiraiya didn't refute.

Shanks is not an idealist. The world is cruel. Whether it is this Shanks or the Shanks in the "One Piece" world, he will never think about peace.

"However, this can be regarded as a favor for the younger generations, not just helping the Uchiha clan.

After all, it was Shisui who personally put the straw hat on Xiang Ling. "

Shanks said it casually, even though he had never met Xiang Ling, nor had any friendship with Xiang Ling.

But saying that, it can be regarded as a reason.

The outcome of the liquidation is no longer something Shanks needs to consider.

One day later, on the side of the revolutionary army, a green crow stood on Itachi's shoulder, and a Sharingan appeared in the crow's scarlet eyes.

As the crow flew into the sky again, Itachi also looked up towards the sky.

The sky over the sea is very vast, with layers of clouds in the sky. Crows are overlooking the sea in the sky. The isolated island where the revolutionary army is located becomes smaller and smaller.

"It's time to leave."

Nagato's voice came from behind Itachi.

"Well, it's time to go."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?"


Itachi didn't say goodbye to anyone, and Nagato didn't keep Itachi. It was time for Itachi to leave. Nagato knew what Itachi was going to do, so he couldn't say anything.

Walking to the coast, Itachi looked up at the sky. The original white clouds had turned into black and heavy rain fell instantly.

An umbrella was held up, and a tall figure stood beside Itachi.

"I just didn't expect that you, who are so cold-blooded, would also have this day."

"Itachi, I don't know what you are thinking, but you look like you are crying when you are standing in the rain."

"Besides, it's not good for your health."

There was not much emotion in the words that came out of Kisame's ugly shark face, but he held an umbrella in his hand and the rain did not fall on Itachi.

This kind of Kisame may be more or less warm than the cold rain.

"I see."

Itachi nodded.

The figures of the two people were gradually covered and obscured by the rain curtain, and slowly disappeared in the rain curtain.

The war has begun.

The Red Earth Continent is not big, but it is also half the size of the Ninja World. It is not a problem to build several large countries on it.

If it is to build a small country, it is even less of a problem.

As the largest ninja village, Konoha is also the ninja village with the most ninja clans. Naturally, it will not miss this opportunity. Moreover, Konoha has already made arrangements because of the growth of the Hyuga clan.

Most of the younger generation will not participate in this war, but the heads of various families have all joined in, and the main forces of the families have all joined in.

During the time they set foot on the Red Earth Continent, the ninjas of Konoha have been advancing steadily and have come into contact with many pirates.

All people came from all directions. The only direction with few people is the East China Sea where Shanks is.

The ninjas on the Konoha side have not failed in the past ten battles. Sometimes they encounter some difficulties, but they are just minor troubles.

Not every pirate is a great hero. The overall strength of ninjas is higher than that of pirates. This is the reality.

But as time goes by, more and more pirates gather. Of course, facing tens of thousands of ninjas and more than 100,000 navy, pirates are still no match.

However, just when the ninjas of Konoha once again led their troops to clear the surrounding pirates, a group of people dressed completely differently from the pirates appeared on the red land.

They were not wearing the clothes of pirates, but the clothes that Konoha ninjas were most familiar with, and those people were once the people they were most familiar with.

The scarlet eyes rotated in the dark eye sockets. Some people had Sharingan in both eyes, some had it in only one eye, and some had no Sharingan at all.

They didn't have it, but they had completely lost it.

But even without Sharingan, they were still members of the Uchiha clan.

All of them were wearing vests of the Konoha Police Department, a department specially established for the Uchiha clan.

Each of them only held the simplest kunai in their hands, with no extra expression on their faces, and the cracked skin also revealed their identities at all times.

These people were just people who died and were summoned back again.

But when the ninjas of Konoha saw the members of the Uchiha clan standing opposite them, the murderous aura and the desperate momentum came towards them, and they finally understood the horror of the Uchiha clan.

Even though they had experienced a new era, they still felt the extremely terrifying momentum from the Uchiha clan, and all this was because the Uchiha clan stood on the opposite side of them.

Seeing such a scene, Hyuga Hiashi's pupils also shrank. His strength was already incomparable, but...

"Uchiha clan... How could it be!!"

"Damn, how could it be!!"

Hyuga Hiashi's hands had begun to tremble uncontrollably. This was pure instinct, completely instinctive fear.

In the distance, Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the father of Sasuke and Itachi, looked up into the distance.

In the distance was a figure wearing a white robe and long hair.

Although it was not clear, Fugaku had recognized him from his clothes and outline. He was the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, which was once a big family in Konoha.

"Hiashi, long time no see, we have..."

"Six or seven years no see."

Fugaku's voice echoed in the empty red land, and this voice made people feel colder than the cold wind in winter.

"Long time no see, Fugaku."

"So, what are you going to do?"

Hyuga Hiashi raised his hand to stop the people here from attacking rashly.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing, just want to see this new world, see old friends."

Fugaku's murderous intent was not hidden at all, and his terrifying eyes stared at Hyuga Hiashi in the distance, and the might known as the "evil eye" burst out.

The Uchiha clan was exterminated in Konoha, and no family came to help. So many people from the Uchiha clan died for Konoha, and no one came to help. The Uchiha clan died in Konoha, and no one... stood up.

As the head of the Uchiha clan, Fugaku admitted his failure, his stupidity, and his weakness.

But he would not admit, and would never admit, the Uchiha clan's betrayal of Konoha. Those who betrayed Konoha were never the Uchiha clan.

"Hiashi, do you know why the eyes of the Uchiha clan are red?"

The terrifying chakra condensed, and the huge half-body Susanoo rose from the ground the next moment.

"Because the Uchiha clan sees red, the color of the new era."

Fugaku exploded, and all the Uchiha clan ninjas rushed towards the coalition forces on the Konoha side. The side with fewer people rushed towards the side with more people without fear.

Friends turned against each other, brothers fought against each other? No, never.

They were never the same people.


Chapter 280 The Flying Uchiha

In this battle, the Uchiha clan no longer had other teammates around them, and those around them were all their own clansmen.

"Where the leaves of Konoha dance, the fire will never cease."


Fugaku's eyes were filled with a hint of sadness. The Uchiha clan and other ninja clans in Konoha had never been enemies, but at this moment, they were already standing on different sides.

The Uchiha clan had no regrets and no regrets for Konoha.

Facing his old friends, Fugaku could confidently ask, are these people also guilty? Why did such people appear here?


A huge force smashed down, and Fugaku's Susanoo raised his hand to block the blow, and rich chakra burst out from Hyuga Hiashi.

After the advent of the new era, Hyuga Hiashi's strength also increased with this era, but the people of the Uchiha clan were far behind this era.

Fugaku felt his whole body sink, and Hyuga Hiashi actually blocked his Susanoo.

However, this was already expected.

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