"Konoha...is no longer Konoha."

"Konoha was founded by you under the leadership of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, but you have betrayed Konoha a long time ago."


Fugaku punched Nizu, and the chakra on Nizu's body exploded at this moment. The chakra wrapped around his hands deflected Fugaku's attack to the side, and his body had already used the force to get under Fugaku's Susanoo.

"Fugaku, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Bagua. Big change!"

As soon as the Great Kaitian unfolded, a huge hemispherical field spread out with Rizu as the center, tearing apart everything around it.

The ground was torn, the air was torn, and even Fugaku's Susanoo was directly torn into a large piece.

"Are you talking nonsense?"

There was self-mockery on Fugaku's face. Perhaps this was the weakness of the Uchiha clan.

When Konoha was first established, there were only two factions, one was the Uchiha clan, and the other was the other ninja clans headed by the Senju clan.

Not long after the founding of Konoha, the original clan leader Uchiha Madara left Konoha. The Uchiha clan kept their promise and did not leave with Madara, but became a part of Konoha.

With the following wars, the original Senju clan gradually withdrew from Konoha's front line, and the Uchiha clan could only serve as the largest ninja clan in Konoha.

The largest ninja clan in Konoha, this status is completely different from the beginning. The Uchiha at the beginning can even be regarded as half of Konoha.

But even so, the Uchiha clan still has no dissent. Even if everyone else in Konoha has failed the Uchiha clan, one thing is that the Senju clan has never failed the Uchiha clan.

After the Senju clan was almost gone, the Uchiha clan was still on the front line.

Then, wherever Uchiha flies, Konoha flies. This is Uchiha and Konoha.


"It's you who are talking nonsense!"

Fugaku's aura surged, his will began to rise extremely at this moment, and Susanoo's strength increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The distorted chakra gaze became as real as substance, and huge pressure burst out from Susanoo's eyes.

As Fugaku's counterattack arrived, Hinata Hizu also frowned and quickly avoided Fugaku's attack again.

Then, a huge shadow appeared over Fugaku.

"The art of doubling, double fall!"

Akimichi Dingza's huge body fell down. The strength gap on this battlefield was too big, and the gap in numbers was also too big.

boom! !

Fugaku's Susanoo was knocked down hard, the ground cracked, and red sand buried Susanoo's body.

丆 Under the sand, a hand came out and grabbed Akimichi Tingza's ankle, but the shadow on Akimichi Tingza moved, and the black shadow wrapped around Susanoo's hand.

As the red sand fell, Fugaku was revealed among Susanoo, and at the same time, Susanoo's other hand was revealed.

That hand has already formed a seal.

"Fire Release. Susanoo Fireball!"

The scorching breath enveloped half of the battlefield in an instant, and the sky above the battlefield was full of twisted flames. Under the firelight, the navy felt that their faces were already hot, and even their hair became curled.

But a barrier appeared in front of Akimichi Choza, blocking Fugaku's attack.

"Is this the essence of Sage? Sure enough, it is much more convenient than Konoha's ninjutsu."

Fugaku sighed. In his peripheral vision, the Uchiha clan members were all under siege.

The body of a tribesman was broken, and then slowly resurrected.

At this time, some ninjas were already preparing to seal it.

In order to reduce casualties, the ninja coalition forces in Konoha are fighting steadily.

Although the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are relics of the old era, they are not that easy to solve.

Of course, what is more difficult to solve is not the people, but the hearts of the people, because they are facing former teammates.

Even though they are now on the opposite side of them, not to mention Hinata and Hinata, even Shikaku cannot face them, let alone say that the Uchiha clan has anything to do with them.

"Fugaku, the gap is too big."

"Yeah, how could I not know."

After hearing Shikaku's words, Fugaku also replied. As another gap appeared on Susanoo, Fugaku also realized that he could no longer hold on.

But, so what?

The Uchiha clan has never regretted coming to Konoha.

"Let Konoha fly for the last time."

"In the name of the Uchiha clan."

One of Fugaku's eyes slowly closed, and Susanoo, who had been nearly broken, recovered again.

The clansmen were turned into ashes on the battlefield, sealed under the siege of their former companions, and torn to pieces under the guns of the navy...

However, Fugaku did not regret it, and neither did the Uchiha clan.

"That's it, is it over?"

As Susanoo was broken again, Fugaku also realized that it was time to end, the end of the Uchiha clan, no, the end of Konoha.


In Fugaku's blurry vision, he saw people coming from outside the battlefield. Someone was coming, many people, many people.

"As long as the leaves are still flying, the fire will not go out..."

Peng! !

Susanoo was completely shattered under the siege of three people, but Fugaku did not receive the next attack because reinforcements arrived.

"Hahaha!! Marines, I'm back again."

"These damn navy, lackeys of the World Government."

"Let me show you the power of our pirates."

A large number of pirates appeared outside the battlefield and poured towards the battlefield.

Among the pirates, some strong ones also noticed the situation on the battlefield, saw the Uchiha clan fighting, and saw the sacrificed Uchiha clan members.

"It's really a terrifying fighting will, although the strength is not very strong."

"It's pretty good that we have been able to hold on until now. If it weren't for their support, we probably wouldn't have been able to gather so many people."

Ross Jess took out a gun from his arms and pointed it at the huge Akimichi Dingzuo in the distance.

The next moment, the fruit's ability unfolded, two dice fell from the sky, and a domain belonging to two people was formed at this moment.


The gun fired, and in the chaotic battlefield, the shot did not attract anyone's attention.

After the dice hit the ground, there were indeed two big "six points" appearing at the top.

Big means that luck is on Ross Jace's side. Bigger means better luck for oneself and worse luck for the other party.

The bullet passed through many obstacles and finally hit Akimichi Tingzao's body, but it did not even break the layer of chakra on his body surface.


There was a muffled sound, and ripples appeared on the chakra coat. Shikaku looked at the falling bullets without paying attention.

But the next moment.


Akimichi Dingzao's painful voice came. The blow just hit the node where his chakra coat runs.

The next moment, Akimichi Dingzao's chakra coat collapsed, and the backlash caused him to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell straight down.

"It's... an ability user."

Akimichi Choza spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

An extremely weird ability. I have never seen such a weird ability.

At this time, Shikaku and Hizu also reacted. Shikaku disappeared on the spot and took over the command of the battlefield, while Hizu also protected Akimichi Choza.

He raised his eyes again and saw that Fugaku, who was not far away just now, had disappeared and was rescued.

Fugaku's blurred vision began to slowly recover. A red-haired girl was carrying a first aid kit. A large amount of chakra emitted from the first aid kit and reached the girl's gloves.

"There is no big problem, but the eye that has been used is irreversible, and the remaining eye can still retain vision."

After so long, Xiangling has grown into a reliable doctor.

She doesn't have much chakra on her body, but carrying a special chakra storage box, Xiangling still masters some medical ninjutsu.

"A member of the Uzumaki clan?"

Fugaku stood up slowly. There was nothing wrong with his body, but his eyes were the problem.

"Why are so many people coming?"

Fugaku looked at the only familiar face in the crowd. Shisui's face always had a touch of gentleness, but after not seeing him for a long time, Shisui's face had many scars and stories.

"Thanks to Captain Ross Jess and Captain Kagaro, we were able to gather so many pirates."

Zhisui replied, Fugaku followed Zhisui's gaze and saw the two big pirates.

He nodded to the two of them to express his gratitude.

Ross Jess also nodded and responded.

"You're welcome. Not everyone is willing to help those pirates, but you have the qualifications."

Cagallo responded.

The pirates are all arrogant and unorganized and undisciplined. Unless they are recognized by the pirates, those guys are happy to see the ninjas killing each other.

But the Uchiha clan is definitely a clan that will be favored by pirates.

"Thanks for the compliment."

Fugaku didn't have any pride in being the former clan leader. After his death, everything had changed.

Especially facing Konoha today and all the conspiracies in the past, he no longer has the energy to maintain his unnecessary pride.

All the sacrifices he had made for Konoha now seemed like nothing more than a joke.

As Shanks said, this is actually a reckoning, not his reckoning, but a reckoning that belongs to more people.

These people are too tired.

"Itachi, aren't you here?"

Fugaku didn't see Itachi, and he also knew that it would be difficult for him to see Itachi again in his life.

“Well, Itachi is on the other side.

There were other reinforcements here in Konoha, and Itachi went over there. "

Shisui nodded.

Itachi couldn't appear here, and even after that, Itachi could only hide his identity.

The revolutionary army doesn't care what Itachi has done, but even his life is not enough to repay what Itachi has done. But, who should repay all this to?

I don't know, even Itachi himself doesn't know.

As for clearing his name, there was no such thing. Itachi had never thought that he could still clear his name. Even if he could, he would not accept the result.

"Get ready to retreat, it's almost time."

Zhisui returned his gaze to the battlefield. Fugaku, who was beside Zhisui, looked at Zhisui who was no longer immature, and vaguely saw Itachi's shadow in Zhisui.

At this time, the original chaos on the battlefield has slowly begun to calm down, and the battle between the navy and the pirates has become tense.

Many people with special abilities can play a certain role on the battlefield, but people with special abilities are not only on the pirates' side, but also on the Konoha side, and there are more of them.

As for Shisui and Ross Jess, they did not take action. Their role was more to take charge of the overall situation.

"Are you retreating now?"

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