"Cheer up!"

The officers roared angrily, not expecting that the navy under their command had such poor psychological quality.

However, looking at the sea that was starting to become violent, even they felt a little scared.

Boom! !

A bolt of lightning fell, and a huge shadow enveloped the entire sea. Under the shadow, dozens of huge pirate ships emerged.


All the warships flashed at the same moment, and a huge blue flash burst out, lighting up half the sky.

More than a hundred chakra cannonballs were fired. At the moment when the cannonballs were fired, a visible depression appeared in mid-air on the side of the navy warship.

The huge impact pushed the navy's warships down, and the sea surface also sunk. Seven warships sank directly under the large-scale reaction force, and their hulls were shattered.

On the far side of Orochimaru's pirate group, Kidomaru's pupils tightened. At that moment, he only saw the densely packed naval warships disappearing on the sea in the distance, as if they were swallowed by the waves.

Then a blue light lit up in the sky, and dents and torn air were seen in mid-air. Then, more than a hundred huge chakra balls with a diameter of more than thirty meters flew over from a distance.

Only the flickering blue chakra ball was left in the dim sky, with a light blue tail flame behind the chakra ball. It looked extremely beautiful, more brilliant than the meteors in the sky.

Of course, life under these chakra balls will become like a meteor, not gorgeous, but fleeting.

"Block those shells!!"

"Everyone disperse!!"

Kidomaru roared angrily.

At this moment, he truly felt the power of the world government. This terrifying power completely crushed it in terms of technology and resources.

This is not one person's battle, not one person's battlefield, and it is impossible for one person's power to move the entire world.

Unless, that one is Shanks.

The six katana swords were unsheathed, and Kidomaru immediately turned into a ghost spider form. The katana was wrapped in spider silk, and Kidomaru was tightly grasped in his hand.

The blades of the six samurai swords were already aimed at the chakra ball at the forefront of his ship. Kidomaru was in a daze. A bolt of lightning struck down, and raindrops from the sky fell on his forehead. He seemed to be back again. Arriving at the battlefield where I first met Shanks.

In the sky, a huge dragon-shaped shadow flew down.

And Kidomaru also jumped up from his ship, the blade in his hand burned with a faint purple glow. In the next moment, six blades of light flashed past, and the huge chakra ball was directly crushed and turned into light blue infinity. The chakra dissipated in mid-air.

Jirobo on the other side also stood up, with his Renren Fruit and Arhat form turned on, his figure majestic, and his hands exuding a faint golden light.

"Arhat. Bengquan!"

Both fists combined into one blow, and the huge chakra ball in front of him was intercepted in mid-air by Jirobo. Then, the chakra ball shattered, followed immediately.

boom! !

The huge explosion directly engulfed Jirobo, and the ship behind him was also affected by the aftermath of the explosion. The entire ship swayed wildly on the sea, the deck was shattered, and the mast was directly broken.

The same was true for other ships that were too close to the cannonball, which was thirty meters in diameter, and the central range of the explosion also exceeded one hundred and fifty meters.

Once it explodes next to the ship, basically the entire ship is gone.

And there are more than a hundred cannonballs! !

boom! !

boom! ! !

There were huge explosions everywhere on the sea. Some shells flew far away and threw a huge fireball on the sea. The outside of the fireball was evaporated water vapor.

Only a few cannonballs actually fell into the fleet, but just these few cannonballs paralyzed half of Orochimaru's ships, and a large number of pirates also fell into the water.

But Orochimaru didn't care about this. Orochimaru in dragon form stood at the front alone, blocking most of the chakra ball attacks for the entire pirate group.

There were constant explosions in mid-air, and the white dragon's whiskers were dyed blue in the explosions. Orochimaru's eyes were cold, but these chakra balls hitting him did not cause any harm to him.



"Spiritual power without cohesion..."

"In front of a truly strong man, your strength has not reached a certain level. No matter how much you have, it is not enough!"

Orochimaru's arrogant and arrogant voice came from the explosion, and in mid-air there were blazing flames and the blue afterglow of chakra. In this huge group of fireworks like an island, a majestic dragon head stretched out out.

Orochimaru looked down at the entire sea and the naval fleet with his arrogant eyes.

"The four major ninja villages are here. It seems that the world government really takes me seriously."

"But why isn't Tsunade here?"

"Ah, I remembered. The Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan belong to the same lineage. Tsunade is also a world noble. No wonder she is not with you."

Orochimaru mocked, his eyes filled with contempt for the four great ninja villages, a bunch of trash bound by the World Government.

"Orochimaru, you worked so hard for the position of the Four Emperors, but the Golden Lion got that position in advance. It doesn't feel good."

Orochimaru has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, but the Kage of the Four Great Ninja Villages is not the kind of person who won't poke scars on others.

"Anyone can be the Four Emperors, but the Golden Lion is strong and he can be one."

"But I'm not weak either."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and stretched his dragon claws to the sky.

"As for you, you are not qualified!"

As the dragon claw pointed downward, an island in the sky that exuded the breath of dragon veins crushed the dark clouds and fell towards the sea.

Chapter 284 Orochimaru's Shanks Treatment

Orochimaru directly pulled down the sky island closest to the Red Earth Continent. Of course, this time he did not choose the largest one.

But such a large island is far more terrifying than the chakra cannon bombardment on the Navy side.

If it is an ordinary mass impact, it is naturally impossible to compare with the high-energy explosion of chakra shells, but the sky island is not an ordinary mass material.

There is dragon vein power on any sky island, and dragon vein power itself is a kind of high energy. In addition, this is still a sky island around the Red Earth Continent, and the ability contained on it is not possessed by an ordinary sky island.

Of course, this is just what Orochimaru thought at the beginning. As a sky island around the Red Earth Continent, the characteristics it has are definitely different.

However, when the island descended and the red will settled down along with the sunken sky, Orochimaru realized that something was wrong.


"I see... Shanks, the so-called Four Emperors, really underestimated him."

At this moment, Orochimaru understood completely.

How could Shanks's spirit be just this? That guy never regarded the World Government as an enemy. In his opinion, there was no enemy in the entire Ninja World, or rather, the entire Ninja World was his enemy.

Whether it was the World Government or these pirates...

With unparalleled spirit, everyone was included in the chessboard.

The World Government wanted to share a piece of the pie in this great era, but Shanks never minded. But since you, the World Government, wanted to come in, you had to pay what you should pay.

The Great Will of the Earthly Immortal Country of the World Government began to shrink the red will, but these shrunken wills would be purer, and these wills would descend on the final battlefield of the Red Earth Continent.

The first "heroes' advent" in the new era was when Shanks fought against the strong men of the ninja world in the East China Sea. That battle directly broke the shackles of civilians and combined the will of the pirate era with the ambitious and great pirates who yearned for the new era.

And this war will be another "hero's advent".

The concentrated red will will descend on everyone on the battlefield, all the strong men who fight for the new era.

This kind of will will not look at which camp you belong to, but what you really yearn for in your heart.

This is a war for the world government to seek ascension, but it is also a war for the second selection of strong seeds in the great era.

Under the call of the world government, almost half of the young people in the ninja world went to the Red Earth Continent and participated in this war. Under this confrontation of wills, it was the second opening of the great era.

"In that case, let me see how courageous you are, Shanks!!"

Facing Orochimaru's attack, the navy did not dare to resist it at all, and more importantly, they could not resist it.


The voice of Raikage Ai came, and Killer Bee woke up from his trance.

The navy's warships were already evacuating quickly, Tsuchikage Ohnoki flew into the sky, and some of the ability users from the Hidden Rock Village also flew up together, trying to slow down the island's descent.

And Killer Bee was on that island, feeling the powerful and terrifying momentum when he faced Shanks at the beginning...

That kind of, the great spirit of dominating the world.

The huge sky island is like a high mountain, and that man is the only one standing on the top of the mountain, and they don't even have the courage to climb to the top of the mountain.


Kirabi roared, and his body has turned into an extremely huge "Niugui" form. Eight hands grabbed all the natural energy around, and flew into the sky with natural energy as a boost.

There was the sound of tearing wind in his ears, lightning and thunder in the sky, and wind and rain, but all these sounds gradually went away and slowly disappeared.

The dark flames burned quietly around the "Ushi-ghost" form of Bee. Countless twisted veins appeared on the surface of his body, and the twisted muscles on his body were like mountains.

That high mountain, he, Kirabi, is also qualified to climb it! !


Kirabi crashed into the island, and a powerful natural energy burst out in the sky, and the whole island trembled, but the speed did not slow down at all.


"It's not that weak!!"

Eight tentacles tightly grasped the natural energy, and the invisible natural energy was connected to the sky. The entire sky collapsed to a larger extent, and white traces appeared in the sky. The natural energy was torn apart. In this white, the light red will was revealed.

Kirabi still persisted.

At this time, a capable person from the Hidden Rock Village touched the island.

"Weight is reduced by a hundred times."

"Air wall."

"Weakened gravity."


"Earth escape technique: Super light and heavy rock technique!"

All the people with special abilities in the Hidden Rock Village appeared and tried their best to stop the island from falling. Ohnoki also used his own ninjutsu.

But the moment everyone touched the island, they felt something different.

All abilities used on this island are useless, they just slow down the island's falling speed.

At this time, behind Orochimaru, some of the pirates in the chaotic pirate group became quiet. They looked at the falling island in the sky.

A pirate was engulfed by the waves. The moment the seawater poured into his ears, all the sounds outside disappeared, leaving only the sound of the waves.

On the sea surface was the broken trunk of the ship, the broken mast and the pirate flag were burning, the sky was also turbulent, but the sound of lightning and strong wind could never reach his ears through the water.

The seawater poured into his body and was even colder than the sea breeze.

"That's it, dead?"

"It's... such a pity that we can only go so far."

"But it's not bad. It's much better than living as a fisherman in a small fishing village all your life..."

Vision, blurred.

The huge island in the sky fell down. It was the move of their captain, Orochimaru, known as the "strongest creature".

He was a very capable and courageous pirate, and his only defeat was at the hands of the man who ushered in a new era.

Before leaving the small fishing village, he never thought that he could see such a character or be on a boat with such a character.

After all, even those nobles would never look at them seriously.

The nobles have always lived behind high walls, but in the new era, the walls have been broken down.

He has no interest in the noble men behind the wall. He just wants to take a look at the new era when the wall is broken, and take one more look at this new era before he dies.

Seawater poured into the lungs, stinging, and the body began to sink.

He saw the torn white marks in the sky, which were Kirabi's natural energy that prevented the island from falling and tearing apart.

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