He saw the shattered air wall in the sky, which was the trace of the air wall created by the ability users of Iwagakure Village being shattered by the island.

In his dim vision, the entire island stagnated for a moment, and then the island seemed to turn red...

A touch of red appeared among the white marks produced by the torn natural energy. The moment the island stagnated, masses of red fell from the island, falling like meteors.

Those red "shooting stars" streaked across the sky and fell into the sea.

"A hallucination?"

His body was too heavy, and his eyes were too heavy. His heavy body turned over in the sea water, and his vision fell into darkness, which was the sea like an abyss.

"Even if it is an illusion, this era... is real. This era is real. It is not an illusion."

"It's not just a meteor that passes by in a blink of an eye!!"

I don't know why, but he is unwilling to sink into the bottom of the sea like this. This bottomless sea can't contain this great era, and it can't contain him either.


A mouthful of sea water was spat out from his chest along with blood. He stared angrily and twisted his extremely heavy body to turn over.

I don't know where the strength came from, and the already cold body suddenly became alive. The skinny hands climbed up as hard as they could, pulling down the sea water.

He kept staring at the sky, looking at the sky. The red blood in his eyes made him unable to tell whether it was the sky or his own eyes that were red.

But... I'm not willing to give in. I finally got here, how could I be willing to fall down like this?

Under the turbulent cold water, a hand stretched out and grabbed the broken wooden board on the sea.

Then, a thin body was pulled out from under the sea by this hand.


The fresh air with the smell of sea was poured into his mouth, stinging his lungs. The pain was good news to him.

"Come alive!"

He opened his eyes, and a black shadow hung above him. It was one of the cadres of the pirate group, Captain "Ghost Spider" Kidomaru.

"Are you still alive?"

"Still alive!"

After hearing what the other party said, Kidomaru pulled the other party out, swayed a few times, and sent the other party to the ship that had not yet been sunk.

There are many such people on the sea, crawling up from under the sunken pirate ship.

The pirates who can enter here are basically not easy to deal with, and they definitely have the ability to carry the will of the new era.

Kidomaru put these people on the boat, and then looked into the distance. In the distance, the island had fallen. As the island fell, a huge wave arose on the sea.

But for everyone, waves of this magnitude are not a threat.

As for what happened on the Navy side, Kidomaru didn't know. He didn't see much red will on the Navy side.

This war is essentially a duel between two parties with different choices.

At the moment when the high wall of the times is broken, some people choose to go upstream of the times, and some people choose to go downstream of the times.

There is no right or wrong, because both the new era and the old era belong to this world.

Kidomaru opened his arms and faced the waves with his six blades.

When this will came, he was also possessed by the will of the new era.

He was once a ninja, and he has already become a great pirate who can stand on his own, and can cut off the spiritual power in "Chakra Cannons" with the blade in his hand.

Kidomaru didn't understand how strong he was, but he was no longer the Kidomaru he once was. He didn't continue to compete with Kimimaro because as he grew up, he had set his sights on Shanks.

His swordsmanship is not strong, but his sword is indeed ready to swing at Shanks from the beginning. The blade pointed at Shanks does not need to be gorgeous, but it needs to be sharp enough.

"Ghost Spider. Six Swordsman Style. Open the Front!"

Kidomaru murmured, and the six katana swords in his hands began to rotate, and the surrounding seawater also flowed like a whirlpool.


With a sigh, all the waves on the sea broke and were split flatly. The six sword lights merged into one in the rotation and gathered in the distance. A huge sword light of hundreds of meters cut off the waves.

The big waves broke, the seawater fell from mid-air, and a huge gap appeared in the circular waves. On the other side of the gap, an island sat on the sea.

In an offshore battle, the island simply cannot sink.

At this moment, the navy's voice also came from the other side of the gap.

"let's go!"

"Kill them!!"

"Damn Navy!!"

The pirate group's ships rushed through the gap and rushed towards the island.

fear death? nonexistent.

Afraid of death, becoming a pirate, and coming to a new world.

They are not the navy. They can still get salaries and have the opportunity to become nobles. They are pirates!

At the same time, above the island, Orochimaru had already reached a point of confrontation with his opponents.

Kirabi is not weak, and neither are the other Kages. As a Kage from the Ninja Village, and even more so as the "Five Old Stars", it is extremely simple to obtain the cultivation methods of immortals, and the world government will not benefit at all. Not to them.

Moreover, the cultivation methods on the Immortal side are more complete and not as difficult as those in the Holy Land.

Of course, the corresponding lower limit is also relatively low, but the lower limit depends on the person. These people are not weak.

Being able to be so strong without being exposed to magic has already shown the talents of these people. To become a strong person, talent is the most basic, and they have talent, mind, hard work... they all have it!

In the iron-blooded Yunyin Village whose policy is based on military strength, Raikage Ai's will to fight is already ridiculously strong.

As for Kirigakure Village, Terumi Mei stood up when the building was about to collapse. Needless to say, his will and methods went without saying.

The situation of Sunagakure Village and Iwagakure Village is similar. They are both in the age-ending stage where no one is available. Onoki and Chiyo support the entire village with their old bodies, and their will is not weak.

But above them was Orochimaru.

"Mind, courage, talent, hard work..."

"There is never a shortage of geniuses in this era, so you'd better go to hell!"

In the sky, Orochimaru said angrily. Kirabi who was rushing at the front was bitten by Orochimaru, and huge flames instantly enveloped Kirabi's body.

The natural energy all over his body allowed Orochimaru to escape from the siege, and his huge tail set off a ripple, scattering the thunder spear blasted by the Raikage.

"Chen Escape: The Technique of Transboundary Peeling!"

In the sky, Ohnoki finally seized the opportunity and used his strongest attack ninjutsu. An invisible giant cube appeared and crushed directly towards Orochimaru.

However, although the Dust Release cannot be seen by the naked eye, Orochimaru's body is not mortal. His eyes are emitting white light. He saw Onoki's attack and felt the aura that threatened him.

But Orochimaru also saw the pirates who had landed on the island behind him, so he backed down? How can it be.


"too weak!!"

Orochimaru was so arrogant that he directly caught Onoki's attack. At this moment, the natural energy on Orochimaru's body melted, and the scales on his body were slowly peeled off, and a stinging pain came.

"Are you trying to catch me with your body? You underestimate me too much, Orochimaru."

"It's you, you think too highly of yourself, Ohnoki!!"

The aura on Orochimaru's body became violent and manic, and he used his dragon claws to directly catch Onoki's attack, and blood flowed down Orochimaru's body.

But it was just a physical injury. He hadn't felt this kind of physical pain for a long time. It was just pain coming from the body.

Orochimaru's twisted will was revealed along with the physical damage.

"Strengthened weapons!!"

"Dragon Claw!"

The armed color is domineering, the dark red armed color! !

There was a shattering sound, and Onoki's attack was crushed by Orochimaru.

"Either, block me, or let them block me!!"

Orochimaru looked ferociously towards the navy, fighting to the death. He wanted to see how these people could stop him!

The only thing he is good at is fighting hard, because Orochimaru's life is harder than theirs, but these people, do they dare?


Kirabi rushed forward again, how dare he!

From the beginning, Kirabi was desperate.

But now, everyone has to work hard.


Raikage gritted his teeth and also rushed towards Orochimaru.

Others had to grit their teeth and follow, but just like Orochimaru thought, they did not have the capital to fight hard and could only hold Orochimaru back as much as possible.

But is it worth it for so many people to hold down Orochimaru?

Don't know, but for Orochimaru, it's worth it.

Because in the ninja world, only Shanks has the qualification to be besieged, and without knowing it, Orochimaru also achieved this step.

The only difference is that when he was besieged, he was really being beaten, while when Shanks was besieged, he was being beaten by a group of people.

However, his subordinates don't think so.


"Kill those marines!"

"Boss Orochimaru, you are so strong!"

"Don't let the boss down!"

Seeing how powerful their captain was, the pirates rushed towards the navy without fear of death.

And Orochimaru naturally saw this scene. At this moment, how does he compare with Shanks? He can be the Four Emperors!

Chapter 285 The bloody battle at the bottom

Orochimaru's arrogance is not mindless arrogance. To put it bluntly, the purpose of this group of people is to block him, but how much can the other party sacrifice?

As for killing him? Funny, even if Shanks comes over, he can't be killed.

As for the four major ninja villages, Orochimaru can be sure that the other party will not fight with him. This is not because Orochimaru looks down on these four ninja villages, but because he values ​​these four ninja villages and knows that the people in these four ninja villages are not fools. .

Even if there is a mortal feud between Sunagakure Village and Orochimaru, is this "mortal feud" really that deadly? impossible.

Faced with such oppression from Orochimaru, the strong men of the four great ninja villages can only use all their strength to stop him. Either you block me, or I kill all your subordinates.

Of course, you can also take action against my subordinates, I, Orochimaru, don't care.

Can the Four Ninja Villages do this? Of course not.

not to mention.

"Orochimaru, your goal has been achieved, but you overlooked one thing, that is, you underestimated the accumulation of our Ninja Village."

"Do you really think that there are no people in the four major ninja villages except us?"

"In terms of top experts, our four major ninja villages are naturally not as good as the former Konoha. But if you underestimate our ninjas, you will pay the price."

Oonoki, Raikage Ai and several others burst out with all their strength, and the sky was already filled with chaotic natural energy. Several people tried their best to stop Orochimaru.

Faced with such coercion from Orochimaru, even Terumi Mei did not think that they were weak and the backbone of the team was much stronger than the pirates.丅


"In that case, let's see!"

Orochimaru was still extremely arrogant. Only he could see clearly that the suppressed will and the constantly condensed will, after the will of these pirates was added, their true power would be fully stimulated.

Orochimaru is a genius, there is no doubt about that.

When in the East China Sea, Orochimaru made a judgment through the conversation with Bai and the situation of the spread and attraction of Shanks' will, that is, will response.

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