Able to cut off their ships with one sword, terrifying momentum, powerful swordsmanship never seen before, and that red hair.

The pirate legend spreads from the Bladeless Pirates in the Land of Waves. Even the captain of the Bladeless Pirates can only avoid the legendary pirate whose sharp edge.

In the new world, the captain of the ship at the forefront of the Grand Line, the Four Emperors - Red-haired Shanks! !

"Red... red hair... red hair Shanks!!!"

Captain Dark trembled, and the knife in his hand fell directly to the deck.

"That big pirate... red hair, Shanks."

Chapter 48 Devil Fruit? ?

Shanks was not surprised to be recognized by the other party.

In fact, Shanks had already guessed about his own strength. No matter how talented he was, he couldn't be the one-in-a-million genius, right?

In addition, judging from his age, he is no longer a teenager, so he must have been wandering on the sea for a short period of time.

As for his previous training, it was not so much training as it was about restoring his former strength.

"However, even such a pirate knows me. That guy, well, as a member of the specialized assassination department, it is normal for him to be unfamiliar with bounties."

Shanks didn't care too much, just let them know each other. He didn't want to hide it, and the other party was also a pirate, so even if he was recognized, it would be fine.

As for this group of pirates, Shanks has no interest in them. They are so weak that they may not even have much bounty.

On the other side, everyone on the merchant ship was stunned. The third husband's glasses fell to the ground, and Yukie was also stunned. As for the gray-haired director on the ship, he looked at the photography next to him and suppressed his excitement. .

"Did... did you film it?"

The director asked tremblingly. No matter how calm he was, he was a little dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Shoot...taken it."

Photography nodded.

"'s a photo."

Photography went on to add.


"Director, didn't you say that only photos are needed for framing?"

As the voices of the director and photographer came, everyone came back to their senses.

"It looks like we are saved."

"It seems they are not enemies."

The third husband regained his composure again, and he was relieved when he saw Shanks passed them and rushed directly towards the group of pirates.

Others also breathed a sigh of relief because they had survived the disaster. If Shanks hadn't appeared, they might all have died here.

After a while, the merchant ship also docked next to the pirate ship.

After all, they are also a crew that has been walking in the ninja world for many years. Although their force value is not that high, they still understand the worldly ways of beating the boss when the time comes.

"Master Samurai, thank you for coming to the rescue!"

"Thank you, Master Samurai. If you hadn't taken action, we would all have died here."


Faced with everyone's thanks, Shanks just scratched his head shyly.

"I'm not a samurai, I'm also a pirate."


Everyone was stunned when they heard Shanks' words. The person who reacted the fastest was the gray-haired director.

Everyone felt their eyes blurred, and the old director was already kneeling on the ground.

"Master Pirate, I'm blind. I didn't see your face and I don't know your name. Please don't kill me."

"Oh, my name is Shanks."

Shanks stretched out his hand to introduce himself straightforwardly, and the director skillfully stood up and held Shanks' hand to introduce himself.

"I am director Gangcun."


Director Gangcun's heart was filled with despair.

Damn it, this despicable pirate actually used such despicable tricks to see through his disguise. It's over. It seems that Gangcun will die at the hands of this big pirate today.

He shouldn't think about coming to a place like this. The Kingdom of Water is so chaotic, the Kingdom of Waves is so chaotic, and even though he has escaped, he still encounters a pirate group.

I was chased all the way to this place, and ended up meeting an even more terrifying pirate.

Silence, deathly silence, this silence lasted into the night.

At night, a bonfire was lit on the beach, and the director squatted alone alone. The excitement was all theirs, and he had nothing.

He had knelt down too quickly during the day, and now he was the one who was embarrassed.

Beside the campfire, Shanks burst into tears.

"Uh-huh, delicious!!"

"too delicious."

The crispy barbecue was sprinkled with various spices, and two large barrels of wine were opened next to it.

Listening to the sizzling sound of barbecue on the campfire rack, Shanks had never felt so wonderful. The aroma of protein from the barbecue blended with the smell of spices, rising under the hot flames.

Shanks' eyes lit up.

This is the life a pirate should have. I have been practicing hard in this place for several months, and finally I have a delicious meal.

Even if he wants to go to sea, he has to eat a few delicious meals first.

"Director, why don't you eat?"

The third wife also ate deliciously. Nothing makes people feel happier than a banquet after a disaster.

Not only the third wife, but even Yukie, who had never been very stern, had a happy smile on his face.

"I'm not hungry."

The director retreated silently.

"Shanks, drink, come and drink, hahaha."

"Well, Shanks, thank you so much for today. I never thought you were such a strong pirate."


The other crew members have also become friends with Shanks, and they are all drunk.

They don't know much about pirates, but they understand something from Shanks. Some pirates are chasing treasures on the sea and pursuing their dreams.

They naturally understand what Shanks said, because their director is also such a dreamer.

No matter which industry, there is no shortage of such dreamers, and Shanks is the one who is determined to become the freest pirate on the sea.

"By the way, Shanks, aren't you going to sea? You can come with us. Of course, you can leave whenever you want."

"Ah, yes, Shanks, but there are many pirates in this sea area recently. We can rest here for a month before setting off."

"Doesn't that mean we have to hold a one-month banquet?"

Shanks looked at a pile of supplies not far away. They robbed all the pirates' supplies. From this point of view, there is no problem holding a one-month banquet.

At this moment, Shanks was in tears.

It was like a child from a poor family who finally became rich one day and bought a whole refrigerator of iced black tea.

"It's great to be able to hold a banquet for a month."


The captain of the merchant ship heard Shanks' words and replied in a daze.

The other crew members raised their glasses when they heard the good news.


"It's going to be a month-long banquet."

The bonfire banquet on the shore was full of laughter and joy. Shanks finally knew why he liked to hold banquets so much. It was because he had been practicing so hard in the past few months.

Is this karma? As Shanks, he really couldn't escape the fact that he had to hold a banquet for a month.

"But this is the real fun of being a pirate!"

Shanks happily raised his glass, which reflected the joy of the banquet, rippling layer by layer, and the shadows of everyone were blurred in the glass.

On the other side, the Hidden Sound Village.

Watching the blurry liquid gradually turn into a fruit covered with twisted patterns, Orochimaru lowered his head, his eyes full of bloodshot.

"Finally...finally succeeded. Is this what Shanks said, the devil fruit?"

"Hahaha!! I finally succeeded!!"

In the dark and humid laboratory, Orochimaru's almost crazy laughter came.

The devil fruit appeared!!

Chapter 49: A Person Beyond the Times [4000+]

Orochimaru's inner joy made him almost crazy, but at the same time, he was shocked and afraid of Shanks' wisdom.

Only after real practice did he understand how terrible the man's wisdom was. Such a thing had never appeared in the ninja world, but the man relied solely on his own wisdom to deduce so many things.

"Is it because of the historical text? Who tampered with the historical text?"

Orochimaru was also shocked. If he didn't know part of the truth of history, he would not be able to do this.

And the guy who rewrote history must know more and hide more, and the power in his hands would be far beyond their imagination.

Just thinking of this, Orochimaru felt a little creepy.

It is precisely because of this that Orochimaru is so awed and shocked by Shanks' wisdom.

"Lord Orochimaru, what's wrong with you?"

Orochimaru's men came in from outside. Hearing Orochimaru's laughter, he thought Orochimaru was crazy.

"Nothing, just lamenting that the gap between people is greater than the gap between people and dogs.

But Shanks has been hiding for so many years. Now he appears, which means that guy has the strength to fight against the person who has been hiding behind history."

Orochimaru said to himself. Although Shanks and he are on completely different paths, even a person like Orochimaru can't help but be in awe of Shanks's courage.

"By the way, have you found any clues about Obito?"

"Not yet."

"Let the lord of Kizuna Castle help. Even if those guys in Kusagakure like to play political tricks, they should do something practical at this time."


Orochimaru's men respectfully left.

Orochimaru frowned. The ninjas of Kusagakure had no other skills except being proficient in political tactics. They were complete fence-sitters.

However, being able to be a fence-sitter in many ninja world wars also showed the strength of Kusagakure.

As for "Hiroko", if there is anyone in the ninja world who can catch up with Orochimaru in the study of ninjutsu and blood limit, it is only Hiiroko.

Hiiroko's talent is not as good as the best but better than the worst, or in other words, he is a versatile type.

In terms of wisdom, Hiiroko crushes Jiraiya and Tsunade.

In terms of ninjutsu, Hiiroko crushes Orochimaru and Tsunade.

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