In terms of scientific research ability, Hiruko crushes Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Do you think this guy is strong? He is ridiculously strong.

Even Orochimaru admires his ability to develop ninjutsu. All kinds of unreasonable ninjutsu are reasonable from him.

His other abilities are also very outstanding.

However, Hiruko's biggest flaw is that he feels that he can't beat anyone and always wants to surpass the three ninjas.

So much so that he was later discovered by the third generation while studying forbidden techniques in Konoha, and finally betrayed Konoha, and the third generation even specifically asked the three ninjas to hunt down Hiruko.

You know, they are already famous three ninjas. Let alone Hiruko, who in the whole Konoha can face the three ninjas at the same time? No one.

And the third generation did this to give an explanation to others.

If a ninja defected, he would naturally be hunted down, and I arranged for the three ninjas to go.

What? You said that the three ninjas and Hiruko have a good relationship? Humph, am I the third generation Hokage who is iron-faced and impartial? Am I that kind of person? I didn't expect that there are still people like you in Konoha. Have you forgotten the Will of Fire?

"Alas, the old man is still too kind.

If the branches and leaves of a tree are not lush enough, the roots of the tree will slowly rot."

"How can such a big tree bear good fruit?"

Orochimaru looked at the devil fruit in his hand and couldn't help but admire Shanks' wisdom again.

"This guy is really ridiculously strong. Although history has been covered up, he can rely on his own wisdom to break through the false history and find the truth of history.

Moreover, even the immortals of the three holy places are afraid of that guy. This reverse method of ninjutsu and chakra directly breaks through the limitations of the times. He is worthy of being a man who is going to create a new era."

Orochimaru recorded his experimental log. It is impossible to dig up Hiruko without paying some price.

And what Shanks left behind is his means of payment.

Orochimaru has a deep study of blood limit, or in other words, he has a deep study of everything.

After all, even the bodies of the tailed beasts can be cloned. In this era, Orochimaru's wisdom and scientific research level have far exceeded the limitations of the times, but he himself does not know this.

Instead, he was shocked by Shanks's method of transformation and chakra reverse.

And the devil fruit is a kind of chakra reverse method. To be precise, it is through chakra reverse to form a special blood limit, so that this special blood limit returns to the origin and then forms a devil fruit.

The real birth of the blood limit starts with the chakra fruit of the sacred tree.

"Shanks' reverse is the reverse reasoning ninjutsu. Before the appearance of the ninja sect, the people in this world also had physical energy and spiritual energy, but they did not condense chakra.

And chakra is affected by the sacred tree, so you only need to manifest chakra, that is, reverse ninjutsu, and then seal a certain ninjutsu back to the sacred tree through the transformation of the technique, and the chakra will return to its origin."

"That is - devil fruit."

Orochimaru continued to write it down in his experimental log.

"Devil fruits are limited and unique. There will not be two devil fruits with the same ability in the world, because in the final analysis, devil fruits are special blood limits formed by reverse deduction. This special blood limit was originally a kind of ability in chakra fruit.

The power of all devil fruits in the world comes from the same fruit. This is the uniqueness of devil fruits."

"At the same time, the number of devil fruits is also limited, but the upper limit of the number is the upper limit of the ninjutsu development of ninjutsu. Any ninjutsu can be transformed into a devil fruit through reverse technique."

"The cultivation cycle of devil fruits is one month. If someone else is cultivating the same devil fruit within a month, only the person with the strongest ninjutsu can succeed."

Orochimaru thought about it. Once the cultivation technology of devil fruits is broken through, it will be very simple. Basically, as long as it is a normal ninja, it is capable of cultivating devil fruits.

The real difficulty lies in the materials. If you want to cultivate devil fruits, you must have the materials of the sacred tree.

Even Orochimaru doesn't have much. Madara only gave Orochimaru a small piece at the beginning. Orochimaru needs time to clone the materials of the sacred tree.

Of course, cloning the material of the God Tree is much simpler than cloning the body tissue of the tailed beast, so it is okay for Orochimaru to save the material of the God Tree.

"The power of the devil fruit will be the strongest power in the new world, but the conditions for cultivating the devil fruit are very limited, and the material of the God Tree is needed.

There is no clue where the material of the God Tree is found. Perhaps we can start from the historical text to find the location of the original God Tree. There should be residual materials of the God Tree in that place."

"Besides, Shanks should be the only one who has the material of the God Tree."

Orochimaru thought about it. Shanks could find so many things from the historical text, so Shanks must have some in stock, but it shouldn't be much.

After all, this thing is too precious.

Orochimaru looked at the things written in his experimental log. It was a mess, but it was extremely useful for researchers.

"Other defects of the devil fruit are currently known.

Once the devil fruit is eaten, the devil fruit ability user will lose the ability to perform all ninjutsu, but the physical energy and mental energy will not disappear.

The ability to perform ninjutsu will be forever restricted by the power of the devil fruit. "

"In addition, it will also be restricted by a substance that restricts the growth of the sacred tree. In the process of cloning the material of the sacred tree, a crystal appeared that restricted the formation of the sacred tree.

The role of this crystal is to limit the vitality of the sacred tree and offset the power of the devil fruit, which is similar to the role of the domineering power mastered by Shanks. "

"The current research direction is tentatively set to be the impact of domineering power on the devil fruit ability users. "

Orochimaru pondered.

He learned a lot of information from the White Snake Sage, and even more so, he knew about Haki.

Observation Haki has no actual effect, but Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki both have a suppressive effect on life. Conqueror Haki suppresses in the form of life, while Armament Haki destroys.

However, at present, in the entire ninja world, only Shanks has mastered Haki.

The sages of the three holy places are also scratching their heads about the research on Haki. Although it is said that there is strength in numbers, just like Orochimaru, doing scientific research, directly using people to do it, and those who survive are successful.

But unless it is necessary, the three holy places will not open directly.

"It seems that we need to arrange for someone to contact Shanks to see the effect of Haki on the devil fruit."

Orochimaru looked at the devil fruit in his hand, it was time to go out for a walk.

Of course, he would never contact Shanks head-on, that guy was too dangerous.

This kind of experiment can be done by just finding a few minions.

"Call Kidomaru and the others over, there is a new mission. "

Orochimaru's order was passed down. Although Kidomaru and others were not strong, they could still be used.

And they would not need to take action at that time. They could just observe in secret.

After a while, Kidomaru, Sakon Ukon, Tayuya and Jirobo arrived. Kimimaro also came with the four people.

"Lord Orochimaru."

Kidomaru said respectfully, and at the same time he was very happy in his heart. Finally, the mission came. As long as they completed the mission perfectly, the four of them would definitely be appreciated by Lord Orochimaru this time.

As for the cold guy next to him? I don't know why this guy had to follow him? Is it like this to be valued by Lord Orochimaru? Isn't it just that his strength is a little stronger than our four people.

"This mission is very important."

"Lord Orochimaru, we will do our best."

The four people spoke in unison. Even Lord Orochimaru valued the mission so much, but he actually gave it to them.

"Lord Orochimaru, as long as it is your order, we will not be afraid even if it is the Hokage. "

"Lord Orochimaru, are you going to kill someone?"

"No, because that guy, even if you go all out, the result will only be death."

Orochimaru said, he was not dragging these people to die.

"Lord Orochimaru, such a weak guy, do we need to go with us?"

Kidomaru was stunned when he heard Orochimaru's words.

The opponent is so weak that he still needs the four of them to go together? A guy who can be killed even if he doesn't go all out should be of no use to Lord Orochimaru.

"You are the ones who will die, and you actually want to challenge that kind of guy. "

Orochimaru was stunned when he heard Kidomaru's words. You guys dare to do it, you really dare.

After hearing what Orochimaru said, Kimimaro was eager to try. He wanted to see what the other person was like, even the strong man that Orochimaru admired.

It was the first time he saw Orochimaru admire another person so much. That kind of awe-inspiring tone was totally unlike Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, I'll go too."

"You don't need to go, Kimimaro, you have more important things to do."

"As for Kidomaru, what you have to do is to take this fruit and find a pirate on the sea, and then let him gain the power of the fruit.

What you need to do is to make him conflict with Shanks. In this process, you'd better not reveal your identity."

"Even if you are exposed, you have to find a way to save your life. You can say my name when necessary. "

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Kidomaru and the others did not react for a moment. Lord Orochimaru actually asked them not to die.

"Your lives should be bet on the new era. Don't die easily."

Orochimaru explained. Although the four did not know what the new era was, they realized one thing. They must survive. This was Lord Orochimaru's order. They must survive no matter what.

"Let's go!"

Orochimaru handed the devil fruit to Kidomaru.

The four turned around and left.

Only Kimimaro and Orochimaru were left in the laboratory.

"Lord Orochimaru, where is my mission?"

"You have no mission. What you need to do now is to extract your blood limit and turn your blood limit power into the power of the devil fruit.


"I have to find Tsunade first. "

Orochimaru said, Kimimaro's body has already entered the stage of death, there is no way to save him, and now, using the devil fruit, maybe he can save Kimimaro.

But even without the burden of the blood limit, it is difficult for Kimimaro to survive, so only Tsunade can save Kimimaro, and Orochimaru can only rely on Tsunade.

If Obito calls, it may be too late.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Kimimaro nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

But when he walked to the door, Kimimaro couldn't help but ask.

"Lord Orochimaru, Shanks, what kind of person are you? To be able to make Lord Orochimaru so awe-inspiring."


"Shanks, he's just a pirate.

When your illness is cured, go to the sea and see that guy's courage. You will know then. "

Seeing the smile on Orochimaru's face, Kimimaro understood. He had never seen Lord Orochimaru smile like this.

The sea? In this case, he should go and see what Orochimaru-sama said about the courage of pirates. What kind of character is a pirate who can be so praised by Orochimaru-sama?

Chapter 50 It’s time to set sail

After Kimimaro left Orochimaru's laboratory, he went directly to find Jugo.

Chonggo has been imprisoned because he could go berserk at any time.

In this place, besides Orochimaru, only Kimimaro can suppress Jugo.

Kimimaro became Jugo's prisoner and became friends with Jugo.

"You're in a good mood today."

Jugo's voice came.

The cage in front of Kimimaro was obscured by shadows. There was a hand stretched out in the shadows, and a sparrow was basking in the sun on the palm, looking lazy.

The sparrow was not afraid when he saw Kimimaro. Instead, he glanced at Kimimaro curiously, then lay down lazily and continued to bask in the sun.

"is that so?"

Kimimaro squatted down, he didn't know what he was feeling.

"Lord Orochimaru seems to have found a cure for my family's hereditary disease, but..."

"But Orochimaru-sama doesn't seem to need this body of mine anymore."

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