If that's the case, you might as well say that facing Shanks requires all five Kage to fight together.

"From the information we know, there seems to be some kind of connection between Shanks and the Bladeless Pirates. This explanation makes sense. Why is Shanks' bounty so high?

For the newly appointed Mizukage, if he wants to stabilize the village, he must make his attitude clear. Who knows if the Bladeless Pirates' actions were directed by Shanks?"

"But Shanks' strength should not be that strong.

You and I know the ability of the Uzumaki clan."

Sandai's expression was solemn, but his mind was still clear as he analyzed.

From beginning to end, Shanks never appeared. Why didn't he appear? Did he want to hide? Impossible, if he wanted to hide, they wouldn't know.

The only possibility is that he was bluffing, because once he appeared, these lies would collapse in the face of facts.

"You mean, everyone was deceived?"

"It's just possible. It's often the most difficult to distinguish true information mixed with false information. Taking the Bladeless Pirates' actions as a premise, the authenticity of all the subsequent information will be greatly enhanced."

The third generation said.

At this time, Danzo also reacted. He was scared by the information from the Kusagakure Village, and there were many things to deal with during this period, so he ignored this point.

When the third generation said this, Danzo understood it instantly.

The appearance of the Bladeless Pirates was completely used for bluffing.

"From this point of view, compared with the Bladeless Pirates with a senior ninja, it is the coup in the Kirigakure Village that deserves more attention."

Danzo breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, it's okay.

"Danzo, you are too tired during this period. Take a good rest."

The third generation didn't say anything. Danzo was indeed too tired during this period.

Not long ago, Uchiha Itachi returned to Konoha and was discovered by Danzo, and Danzo was injured.

So during this period, Danzo didn't rest at all.

"Besides, it's the Chunin Exam period now. If Konoha moves too much, it will make people feel bad."

"I know."

Danzo took back the scroll on the table and left the Hokage building.

"The Hidden Mist Village rebelled, and the jonin Terumi Mei took over as the fifth generation Mizukage."

Danzo was still thinking about the Hidden Mist Village. The position of Kage was indeed full of temptations.

Unfortunately, facing the third generation who grew up with him, he couldn't do it.

"Take a good rest there. What happens next has nothing to do with me."

He Danzo couldn't do it, but someone would.


On the other side, at Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, Naruto held a bowl in his hand and looked outside with a dull look.

"Naruto, what's wrong?"

Sabei and Kotaro were eating happily when they suddenly saw Naruto stop.

"Hong... Honghong..."

Naruto stuttered.

"What's red?"

"Red hair."

After Naruto finished speaking, Zuobei and Kotaro also paused, and the next moment, cold sweat dripped down their foreheads.

Red hair? That... how could the legendary pirate appear in such a place?

Zuobei and Kotaro stiffened their bodies and turned their heads.

Chapter 52 The Strength of Red Hair


The next moment, Naruto was slapped twice on the head.

Zuobei and Kotaro glared at Naruto.

"Damn, I thought it was the great pirate Red Hair Shanks."

"You scared me, and I thought I could fight with a real strong man. Thinking of this, I was so excited that I trembled all over."

Zuobei and Kotaro looked at each other. Although their backs were covered with cold sweat, their faces were pale, and their legs were shaking, this was completely the state of seeing a strong man, and they were not afraid at all.

Just the Four Emperors.

Besides, how could a pirate appear on land? They are not bandits.

"Keep eating, keep eating, she's just a little girl."

"Boss Ichiraku, another bowl, burp!"

Sabei and Kotaro turned around. They had been preparing for the Chunin Exam for a long time!

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but applaud themselves. Lord Orochimaru would never have thought that they would become Chunin from Genin after just one trip, right?

When they become Chunin, Lord Orochimaru will look at them differently.

At that time, let alone Kidomaru and the others, even Kimimaro would have to respectfully call them Chunin when he saw them, and even Orochimaru would have to say hello when he saw them.

Thinking of this, the two people showed an inexplicable smile on their faces again.

This is their opportunity. As long as they shine in this Chunin Exam, their names will surely resound throughout the ninja world.

"Hey, where's Naruto?"

When the two came to their senses, Naruto was gone.

At this time, Naruto had already chased out.

That's right, that feeling, there's nothing wrong with it. Although he had never seen that girl, the moment he saw her, Naruto instinctively felt familiar, especially the red hair color.

Naruto couldn't remember it, but he seemed to have seen and felt that kind of warmth, warm eyes.

Finally, that figure appeared in Naruto's sight again.

"Wait, wait a minute."

Naruto rushed up, but at this moment, a figure walked out from the corner next to him.



Both of them were stunned for a moment. Naruto’s speed was too fast, and neither of them had time to react.

The next moment.

Bang! !

Naruto only felt that he had hit a stone. The huge impact force hit, and the two of them flew out directly.

“It’s bad.”

Naruto saw that he was about to hit the red-haired girl in front of him. At this critical moment, the red-haired girl bent down.


Naruto fell to the ground hard, and a thin hand reached out to him.

“Are you okay?”

Hearing the other person’s voice, Naruto came back to his senses, and quickly stood up and ran to the person he had just hit.

“Yes… I’m sorry, are you okay?”

Naruto just bent down to apologize, and the next moment, the wind tore, and the air was pierced by something in an instant. Naruto didn’t even react. A hand behind him had already grabbed Naruto before the other party’s attack arrived.

At this moment, Naruto’s body took a small step back.

Next to Naruto's head, a sand thorn emitting coldness stood, and a blood mark appeared on Naruto's cheek.

"Gaara, he, he is angry..."

Temari and Kanjiro were also shocked to see Gaara being knocked away, and they became even more nervous when they saw Gaara taking action in such a place.

If Gaara is angered, he will die miserably.

"Gaara, this is Konoha, don't mess around."

Temari stared at Gaara nervously and reminded him.

As the sister of Gaara and Kanjiro, Temari had to stand up at this time even if she was scared, otherwise it would make things worse.

"Gaara, the exam has not officially started yet. If someone dies, there will be trouble."

Hearing his sister's words, Gaara stood up, and the sand around him returned to him at this moment.

There was no emotion in his eyes, but his eyes were not on Naruto, but on the red-haired girl behind Naruto.

"Karin, let's go, don't cause trouble."

The girl's companion also spoke up. They came here on behalf of the Kusagakure Village. In fact, it was just a formality, to give Konoha a face. If they were to make enemies with other ninja villages here, it would be more trouble than it was worth.


Karin nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Naruto looked at Gaara deeply and followed Karin.

"Hey, wait for me, my name is Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto."

"You are also from the Uzumaki clan, right? Is your name Uzumaki Karin?"

"Uzumaki clan? I am not from any Uzumaki clan, my name is Karin."

"Impossible, as soon as I saw you, I knew you were from the Uzumaki clan, because the people of the Uzumaki clan have special red hair.

The legendary Four Emperors Shanks also has such red hair."

Naruto squeezed into the three-person team of Kusagakure ninjas, not caring about the feelings of Karin's other two companions.

But Gaara, who was not far behind him, did not leave.

The next moment, the sand on Gaara's body exploded, and Gaara rushed towards Karin.

"Sand Shuriken!"

The sand on his body condensed into several shurikens in mid-air, and while Gaara rushed towards Karin, he attacked Karin at a faster speed.

Without any warning, Gaara's attack was too fast, and even Temari and Kankuro didn't react, and Gaara's attack had already reached behind Karin.


Ding Ding Ding Ding! !

A few sparks flashed, and Karin held kunai in both hands and smashed all the sand shurikens.

At the same time, the body dodged to the right in a strange posture, and Gaara, who was attacking Karin, seemed to cooperate with Karin and rushed straight to the direction where Karin dodged.


Temari, Kankuro and Naruto looked at this scene in amazement, not only dodging Gaara's sneak attack, but also blocking all the shurikens.

At this moment, Gaara's emotionless eyes suddenly showed a hint of excitement, but when he saw Karin's eyes, he saw cold murderous intent.


The extremely terrifying punch hit Gaara's face directly, and Gaara in mid-air crashed straight to the ground.

Without the slightest pause, he was abruptly stopped by Karin in mid-air, and the twisted chakra energy bloomed from Karin's body surface, and the red hair moved without wind.

The second punch, the twisted chakra on the right hand disappeared at this moment, and the next moment, Karin's right hand swelled a little, the sleeves were blown open, and the twisted muscles seemed to break through the limitations of the body. The terrifying power bloomed at this moment.

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