
The terrifying death threat really appeared at this moment. This punch will kill him.

If you really take this punch, you will definitely die.

In Gaara's eyes, Xianglin completely turned into an invincible terrifying monster at this moment. The red hair seemed to turn into a bloody sky in his eyes. The feeling that the punch gave him was like The whole sky seemed to have collapsed.


With a terrifying punch, the ground cracked and collapsed inch by inch, spreading out like a spider web.

In the central area of ​​the battle, smoke and dust were everywhere, and a drop of blood fell to the ground.

Chapter 53 Konoha is the same as always

In the smoke, a huge claw blocked Xianglin's attack.

Xianglin's eyes were cold, and the skin on his right hand was already torn, but in just one breath, the injury on his right hand was completely recovered.

"You, a scumbag who has no regard for life, don't deserve to live in this world.

Why is it that while a person like you can live, the lives of others are so unimportant? "

Xianglin's words were full of anger.

Why? Why can this guy survive? That look that doesn't care about other people's lives at all, that look that treats other people like objects, is simply disgusting.

Xianglin's life was saved by her mother's sacrifice. Those ninjas looked at their mother and daughter as if they were objects.

They are just medicine cans for those ninjas.

Due to their special abilities, as long as the injured bite their skin, they can restore chakra and injuries to the injured.

The meaning of Xianglin's existence is nothing more than a can of medicine for the ninjas.

Her cold gaze, the gaze that didn't treat them as human beings at all, the gaze that treated them like objects.

"It's really disgusting. Guys like you, if you have such disregard for life, just go and die."

Kaoru in Kusakure Village did not receive much preferential treatment, but in the past few months, Orochimaru had been secretly developing Kaoru's potential.

Even Xianglin herself didn't realize this. She only knew that in the past few months, she had encountered many dangers and crawled out of countless deaths.

Life and death, fighting again and again, in the process, he developed his Leshen mind to the extreme and realized the reverse perception.

Completely lock up your own life force and chakra, releasing the body's ultimate power.

This medicine pot of hers has been getting stronger in the past few months, so strong that even the Grass Hidden Village can no longer restrain her.

But this guy actually looked at me like this! !


The locked chakra was integrated into Xianglin's body at this moment, directly stretching the body beyond its limit.

The terrifying power contained in this punch was released again.

The ground cracked again.

The sand on Gaara's body began to fight back, and another claw stretched out from the sand to grab Xianglin.

However, slow, too slow.

It's not that it's slow, it's that Xiang Rin has predicted all of Gaara's attacks in advance.

Orochimaru's "training" on Xiang Rin was carried out according to Shanks' training method given by "Madara".

Temper Xianglin's body, temper Xianglin's will, and dig out the painful memories from the depths of Xianglin's memory when Xianglin is about to die.

Recalling the scenes he experienced when he was a child, he recalled the look in his mother's eyes when she was taken away, and the cold looks of the ninjas who regarded her as a medicine jar.

She fell into desperate situations again and again, and it was those painful memories that pulled her back from death. She wanted to live, even if it cost her own life, she must defeat the enemy in front of her and survive! !


Avoiding the attack of the sand, Xianglin's terrifying fist penetrated the sand claw, causing layers of air waves to rise in the surrounding air.

Every time the sand condenses, it will be interrupted by Xiang Lin, and every time the sand on Gaara's body comes into contact with Xiang Lin, it will be affected by the seal on Xiang Lin's body.

Xianglin directly locks his chakra and life force on himself. Any physical contact will cause this "locking" seal to affect others.

As for the one-tailed Shukaku in Gaara's body, there is no way to completely liberate it at this time.

Gaara Karin fainted with the first punch, and at the same time, the crazy Shukaku began to take over his body.

But, if you can’t do it, you simply can’t do it.

At this time, it is impossible to completely condense the body in an instant, because the "locking" seal on Xianglin's body will interfere with Shukaku's chakra through the sand.

And Shukaku doesn't control the sand for defense, then Gaara will definitely die.

"Damn it, why did you meet a member of the Uzumaki clan, and such a scary guy."

"You can't touch him at all, you can't touch him at all. What kind of monster is he?"

Shukaku was going crazy. Due to the existence of the seal, his power could not completely break through. In this case, he had to face such a madman.

The battle here also attracted Konoha's attention at this time.

There is no way, the fluctuation range of the battle is too large.

The entire Konoha could feel the vibration coming from here, and cracks appeared within a hundred meters radius, just like a tailed beast attack.

Temari and Kankuro were even affected by the aftermath of the battle and were unable to get close.

Naruto was also taken out by Karin's two companions. Only they knew how terrifying Karin would be once she fell into that state.

"Is Karin... okay?"

Naruto stared at the scene in a daze, because the power Karin showed at this time was too terrifying.

Terrifying power, plus... Observation Haki?

"Something happened. She can't hold on for too long. Her fighting style is completely life-or-death, with the premise of sacrificing her own life."

"But... we can't intervene. Karin will not hold back against the kind of enemy who disregards life. That guy should not have taken action."

The two grass ninjas spoke up. They had not been with Karin for a long time, but they knew very well what kind of person Karin was.

That guy was terrible, with terrible strength and belief, but also very gentle, because for Karin, everyone's life needs to be respected.

"Will...will he die?"

Naruto stared at Karin in amazement. At this moment, the sand was already stained with blood. It was Karin's blood. She used her life as a price to force her body to the limit.

At this moment, Naruto's mind flashed with what Zabuza and the pirates had said to him in the Land of Waves.

"You don't know what that guy is carrying?"

"The words 'Uzumaki' carry too much weight, Naruto."


Naruto had lived in Konoha since he was a child. Before he came to the Land of Waves, he didn't even know that there was a Land of Whirlpools.

And in Karin, Naruto saw the will of the Uzumaki clan carried by the word 'Uzumaki'...

"Let me watch her sacrifice herself. I can't do it at all."

Naruto rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi walked silently to the side of the Third Generation.

"That girl, is she from the Uzumaki clan? If she continues like this, she will die."

"Hmph, let her die. If she causes trouble in Konoha, we won't be responsible even if she dies."

The elder of Konoha, "Mitomon Yan", said that they would not care about such things.

Hearing this, Kakashi was not surprised. He still shrugged his eyes and spoke lazily.

"That's right. After all, Konoha treated the former Whirlpool Country the same way."

"Kakashi, you..."

When the elders heard Kakashi's words, their expressions were more exciting than each other, and the expression of the third generation was even more complicated.

Kakashi's words undoubtedly exposed the scars of Konoha, which made them feel embarrassed.

"Go ahead."

The third generation had a complicated look in his eyes, but he still took the ninjas to go.

Chapter 54 The same starting point, but there are also differences

With the order of the third generation, the ninjas of Konoha also went to go.

The barrier blocked the battlefield, and the third generation also entered the barrier directly. Gaara and Karin in the barrier had completely fallen into a crazy state and had no reason.

If you want to stop these two people, you can only use the seal to suppress them forcibly.

Orochimaru, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene and just sneered in his heart. Under the brilliance of Konoha, it has completely rotted.

Kakashi's words only revealed a corner of Konoha. In fact, Konoha did far more than that.

The death of Hatake White Fang, the death of the fourth generation Hokage Minato Namikaze, and the extermination of the Uchiha clan.

In addition to these, let's take a look at the result of the invasion of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Hiashi originally rescued his daughter Hyuga Hinata from the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village, which led to the deterioration of the relationship between the two villages. The final result was that Konoha apologized, and Hyuga Hiashi's brother Hyuga Hiashi paid for his crime with his own death and handed over his body to the Hidden Cloud Village.

I knew that the cause of this incident was that the ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village sneaked into Konoha and kidnapped Hinata Hyuga, and then Hinata's father, Hiashi Hyuga, fought back.

But are these the only scandals of Konoha? Far more than that, far more than that.

Orochimaru's expression was indifferent. The will of fire was endless, but now, the big tree of Konoha has been broken and can no longer sprout new buds.

"Let's go."

Seeing Kakashi leave, Orochimaru no longer stayed, and the two Otonin around him were surprised.

"Sir, don't you want to take a look?"

"No need to take a look, that's her limit."

Orochimaru knew about Karin's situation a long time ago, and he had tried everything to stimulate Karin's potential.

But it is obvious that not all people in the Uzumaki clan have the qualifications of Shanks.

Don't say that Karin's training method is not good, Orochimaru copied it completely. After all, Shanks didn't hide anything from Madara, and Madara and Orochimaru were information-flowing.

Although it cannot be said that it is 100% copied, at least 80% is copied, but there are always differences between people.

The most obvious fact is no different from Madara and Sasuke.

Comparing the two people, you will find that they both have the same starting point of Uchiha clan bloodline and Indra's chakra.

But without the help of Orochimaru and the Six Paths Sage, can Sasuke finally reach the same height as Madara? The answer is obvious, no.

It is not obvious enough. Look at Indra himself. His starting point is higher than many people. In fact, if you let Indra and Bambi, it is hard to say who will live and who will die.

"The rest needs time to settle.

Not everyone can have the courage and belief of Shanks. Without the courage and belief of becoming a Four Emperor, even if you embark on the same road as Shanks, you can't go far."

Orochimaru took the two Oto-nins away, and there were more important things waiting for them.

"Courage and faith?"

The Oto-nin next to Orochimaru murmured.

He didn't quite understand, but what Lord Orochimaru said must have made sense.

In fact, Orochimaru had almost given up on Karin, because no matter how you look at it, Shanks didn't mind others learning from him, and it could even be said that he was promoting that kind of training method.

It can be seen from the situation of the Bladeless Pirates.

Breaking the restrictions and barriers between the village and the ninja clan, smashing the monopoly of ninjutsu in the old era, plagiarism? Stealing? Not possible.

That was the Four Emperors Shanks. If someone embarked on the same path, he would be happy, because he also wanted to see if the latecomers could surpass him.

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