Cardo slowly spoke out the information he had collected. The information seemed unimportant, but when all the information was brought together, one could see just how crazy the merchants in the underground black market had done. move.

"But during this time, many merchants began to reorganize the fleet, and some national nobles also stepped in."

"Get straight to the point."

Zabuza said impatiently, what he wanted to know was what the other party had done and how they should respond.

“We can make a lot of money!”

Kado directly said the most important thing, but all of a sudden, Zabuza, Shiro and Jin were silent.


Kado also fell silent. Zabuza-sama, didn't you ask me to get to the point directly?

Kado recalled all his past experiences. Usually at this time, he would be beaten.

"Mr. Cardo, you don't need to go to the most important point directly. You can go to the previous key points."

Bai gently reminded that making money was what Kado needed to care about, not what they needed to care about.

"Dak used us to build momentum and has secretly gathered a fleet of more than 50,000 people. The fleet is composed of merchants in the underground black market and criminal organizations active in the underground black market. In addition, some national nobles have secretly intervened."

After hearing the news from Kado, Zabuza felt a chill rising from his feet. This time, he was not just playing on the ice for nothing. Zabuza really felt the chill.

Only Zabuza, who has experienced war, can understand this frightening chill. With fifty thousand people, this is already a national war.

Fifty thousand people were dispatched just to deal with Shanks alone! !

Compared to Zabuza and Jin, Shiro is much calmer.

"In other words, the reason why Dark has been blocking the country of waves is to use himself as bait to attract more people.

From the beginning, that guy Dark didn't come to fight us, but to let everyone see that he had the strength to face the Bladeless Pirates. "

"More importantly, no matter what angle you look at it from, or no matter what channel you use to investigate, the news we can know is..."

Bai looked at everyone and opened his mouth slightly.

"Dark was defeated by Shanks, and even his own ship was cut off by Shanks, and he almost died at sea."

"But before being defeated by Shanks, Dark was just an ordinary underground black market thug. After he came back, he became a user with the Devil Fruit ability to face the Bladeless Pirates."

Bai pointed out the most important information among them. Let alone others to check this, this was the only information they could find.

After everything is connected, the disconnected information will naturally be filled in by logic.

The most logical information chain is that Dark was originally in the waters of the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of Water, but he did not know where he got the information about the Devil Fruit.

That's why he rebelled directly, because Devil Fruit is obviously more important to Dark than money.

As for the "battle" between Dak and Shanks, it can naturally be filled in with logic.

Apparently, Darhk stole a Devil Fruit from Shanks through some means, and also paid the price of a ship.

Just fill it in with the simplest information and it all makes sense.

"So we were tricked by that guy Dak?"

Zabuza also reacted at this time. Logically speaking, normal people could think of this kind of thing, but they had never thought of it before.

The reason is really not because Zabuza is stupid, but because Zabuza knows too many things. For example, he knows that Shanks doesn’t have Devil Fruit in his hand, let alone Devil Fruit, on that island , that guy lived almost like a savage.

It is precisely because they know too much that they have never thought about it in this direction.

But it's different for others, and that's the "truth" that others know.

Dark grabbed a Devil Fruit from Shanks, and in just half a month, Dark used the Devil Fruit to have the strength to confront the Bladeless Pirates head-on.

“It’s not just us who were taken advantage of by Dak, but everyone involved in this matter was taken advantage of by Dak.

Precisely because he was born in the underground black market, Duck understands the greed of businessmen and the rules of the underground black market better than we do. "

"If you eat a Devil Fruit, you will have such great strength. I believe that even Mr. Cardo will not be able to withstand such temptation."

Bai added.

Kado naturally nodded when he heard Bai's words.

Who is Kado? He is someone who can fight Zabuza desperately to protect his own money. And if he can really get the Devil Fruit, no matter how much money he pays, Kado will not hesitate.

Because he knows what strength can bring.

Only with strong strength, reputation, wealth, and status can be obtained.

"It would be great if I could eat some Devil Fruit and have the power to defeat Zabuza directly."

Thinking of Dark's Devil Fruit ability, Cardo said it was impossible not to want it.

If he had the strength to defeat Zabuza...

Before Kaduo could finish his thoughts, he felt his body become lighter and his whole body was lifted up.

After a while, there was another person on the mast in the port, and Cardo's bloated body hung on it, making the mast creak.

"So what do we do next?"

Shiro turned his attention to Zabuza again. Although he probably knew what Zabuza wanted to do, at this time, the captain's will was the most important.

"Fifty thousand people! Even if Shanks possesses overlord-colored domineering power, he may not be able to cope with it. Although that guy can run away if he wants, but in the face of this situation, with that guy's courage, he will never Running."

"As the captain of the pirate ship at the forefront of the new era, the only thing Shanks can do is to break through all obstacles."

Zabuza is not sure whether Shanks can deal with those 50,000 people.

Because even he doesn't know where Shanks' upper limit is, but the number of 50,000 people is really terrifying. Even if he knows that Shanks is very strong, and he knows that the Overlord's color is very domineering, no matter what kind of power it is, It will be consumed.

"Let's go too. If Shanks gets rid of those guys, we won't have anything to do. If Shanks loses, rescue that guy. He can't die in front of the new era."

"What's more, I still owe that guy my life!"

Zabuza made a decision immediately.

The friendship between him and Shanks was not deep, but Zabuza's life was indeed saved by Shanks.

Without Shanks, Zabuza would probably be a walking corpse now.

Of course, Zabuza didn't want to return this favor.

Even if there are 50,000 people, as a man who is creating a new era, he should have nothing to fear. It’s just 50,000 people.

What Zabuza can't do, Shanks can do, that's normal.

"So... don't let me return this favor, Shanks!!"

Zabuza looked at the sea, it was almost time for the Bladeless Pirates to go to sea.

Shiro seemed to be a different person at this time, the tenderness in his eyes swept away, and he followed Zabuza's footsteps.

He didn't know if Shanks could face those 50,000 people, but he knew that the Bladeless Pirates were absolutely incapable of facing those 50,000 people.

Not to mention the strength, even if the opponent's ship has five ship-borne guns, their pirate group cannot withstand it.

Businessmen may be short of other things, but they are not short of money at all.

"If Shanks is really in danger, Master Zabuza will rescue Shanks even if he risks his life."

"However, if possible, it is best not to die."

Bai let out a long sigh.

The storm of the new world is coming.

Fifty thousand people. If these fifty thousand people are dispatched, at least half of the entire underground black market will be mobilized.

This is one of the reasons why Kado said he can make a lot of money.

But making money is not the purpose of the Bladeless Pirates, nor is it Shiro's purpose.

"By the way, is it possible that Dark actually stole the Devil Fruit from Shanks?"

Next to Shiro, Jin scratched his head blankly. As the third in command of the pirate group, he also expressed his opinions a little.

"probably not."

Shiro shook his head, how could it be possible? With Shanks' strength and the powerful Haki of seeing and hearing, how could the Devil Fruit be stolen by someone? Let alone Dark, even Master Buza couldn't do it. Bar.

So being stolen, that's impossible, unless it's...

"Unless it's intentional."

Bai looked at Kado who was hanging on the mast not far away and stopped.

Zabuza once said that Shanks' strength and wisdom are among the best in the world, and that powerful Haki of seeing and hearing can even see the future to a certain extent.

So no matter which aspect you look at, Shanks will never cause trouble for himself.

That is to say...

"Vice Captain, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. You go first. I have something to ask Mr. Cardo."

Bai has already thought it through.

They were used by Dak, but who knows if Dak was also used by Shanks? Now it seems that this is not impossible.

Bai lifted Kado down again.

"Mr. Cardo, if we mobilize more than 50,000 people, how many forces in the underground black market will be involved?"

"At least 70 percent. In addition, various countries will also be implicated to some extent.

So this is our chance to make a lot of money, Vice Captain. "

Cardo thought Bai had changed his mind, so he rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

This is a big cake. Even if it is not finished by then, if you can eat half of it, the country of Waves will get huge benefits.

After hearing Kado's words, Bai also had a rough answer in his heart.

"The legendary Yonko Shanks is a great pirate that even Captain Zabuza admires so much. I see. Is this the strength and courage of the Yonko?"

"It only takes one Devil Fruit to cause chaos in the underground black market of the entire ninja world, thus directly affecting the entire ninja world.

This is the spirit of the Four Emperors, in such a simple way, but even if they knew it, there was no way to stop it. "

At this moment, Bai truly felt the horror of Shanks.

Everything seemed so coincidental, so clever.

However, the closer you look, the more you will find the horror of Shanks' great wisdom.

It is very difficult to change the situation in the ninja world from the front. If a tree is damaged, it must start from the root, and the underground black market in the ninja world is the most vulnerable root of the ninja world.

"It seems that there is no need to worry too much.

But even so, Captain Zabuza cannot take this risk."

Bai felt that his brain was not enough, let alone fighting with a strong man like Shanks. Even if he used his brain, he could hardly reach such a big man.

Although he finally saw the opponent's plan clearly, Shanks' wisdom was still overwhelming for all of them. This kind of overwhelmingness lies in that you finally understood the opponent's operation, but you can't do anything.

Any "resistance" you make is futile.

This is how Bai felt.

"Kado, you need to do the next thing."


Cardo pointed at himself, and the meaning was very clear. Vice Captain, don't you know what kind of person I am? What can I do?

"It's just a simple spread of information.

After all, in addition to our Bladeless Pirates, there were also people from the Revolutionary Army in the waters of the Land of Water and the Land of Waves."

"Captain Zabuza's former colleagues seem to have not left the Land of Fire yet, so let's start from this aspect!"

"In addition, Konoha's Chunin Exam has already begun, and this time, even the Kazekage of the Sand Village is present."

Bai's words came to this point, and Cardo probably understood.

In fact, it didn't matter whether he understood it or not. Cardo only needed to spread the news, and naturally someone would understand it.

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