Bai didn't want Zabuza to get involved in Shanks's mess. Compared to this, as long as the news spreads, the Bladeless Pirates can just slightly involve the enemy on the periphery.

"I, I understand!!"

Cardo nodded.

"Remember, just spread the news, don't do too much."

Bai reminded again that Cardo knew the underground black market very well, just spread the news, and the people gathered by Dark would naturally go to the Land of Fire.

Chapter 57 Laying out the network of the ninja world [Typesetting compensation]

The situation was urgent. On the day when the Bladeless Pirates set sail, Cardo also left the Land of Waves.

That night, in a secret underground black market, Cardo also met the person he wanted to meet.

"Remember, just spread the information, don't do too much."

Bai's words lingered in his ears.

"Bai means to spread this information as quickly as possible to the widest range. There is no need to process the information. The most important thing is to spread it."

Kado looked at the man in front of him and had already made up his mind. He couldn't make any mistakes in this mission, otherwise who knows how the pirates will deal with him when they come back.

"Mr. Kakuzu, I heard that you once fought with the first generation Hokage, and your strength was even equal, so I believe your strength and status should be enough to accept this bounty."

Kado was still wearing his small sunglasses, and his two small mustaches shook up and down while he spoke, with an inexplicable smile and sarcasm on his mouth.


Kadozu saw Kakuzu's sarcastic expression, and when he heard what the other party said, his fists were already clenched.

This guy actually dared to mock him like this, equal, if it wasn't for Hashirama who didn't want to kill him at all, his people would have been gone long ago.


Kadozu's kunai was directly inserted into the table, and the murderous intent in his eyes was released without restraint.

Kado's heart tightened, something was wrong.

After countless dangerous experiences, Kado immediately sensed Kakuzu's malice. If he praised him again, he would not be able to return intact.

Sure enough, these ninjas all had problems with their brains. It would be better to have less dealings with ninjas in the future.

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"We want to spread some information here."

"What's the price?"

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes. If he could find him to do this, it would definitely not be a simple information dissemination.

"30 million."

"40 million."

Kakuzu spoke immediately after Kado made the offer. Although he knew nothing, he just didn't like the guy in front of him.

"The information is that Dark, a devil fruit ability user, had contact with Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame of the Revolutionary Army in the waters of the Wave Country half a month ago.

Then two cadres of the Revolutionary Army went to the Fire Country."

"At present, the ninjas of the Sand Village in the Wind Country, led by the Kazekage, are participating in the Chunin Exam in Konoha. All other small ninja villages have sent ninjas to participate in this Chunin Exam."

After Kado finished speaking, he looked at Kakuzu.

"That's all the information. The important thing is that everyone needs to pay attention to it in a short time."

"That's it?"

Kado was a little stunned when he heard this. It would be difficult to sell just this information.

"That's it."

Kado nodded. He swears to God that he really didn't mess around this time. If there was any problem, it wouldn't be his fault.

"Add another 10 million. No one will buy this useless information. It's not easy to pass it to the ninja villages of the five major countries."

Kado raised the price again. There was no way. As a businessman, it would be difficult for him to send this information out.

Although he had lived for so long and knew some old people in various ninja villages, those old people would never talk to you about feelings, but about money.


Kado nodded. Let alone 50 million, no matter what the final result of this incident was, a lot of forces in the underground black market would disappear.

It would be easy to make the money back at that time.

Kado was still confident about this.

And seeing that Cardo was so straightforward, Kado didn't drag his feet at all.

Although there is information about our own people in the intelligence, it doesn't matter. More than half of the money of the entire Akatsuki organization was earned by me, Kakuzu. Even if something goes wrong, it will be the retribution that Itachi and Kisame deserve.

Kakuzu's actions were also very fast, much faster than Cardo imagined.

In less than a day, Kakuzu spread the news.

This time, there was no concealment in the spread of the news. Anyone who was interested could find out that it was Kakuzu who spread the news.

Although no one knew what the so-called "Revolutionary Army" was, it didn't matter. What really mattered was that when people knew this seemingly insignificant information, a huge network was connected through this node.

That's right, everything was connected at this moment.

In the Hidden Mist Village, Mei Terumi put down the insignificant information in her hand.

"Notify Qing, there is no need to look for Shanks. We have more important things than Shanks now."

Mei Terumi frowned. The internal troubles of the Hidden Mist Village were solved at this time, but after this battle against the Mizukage, the Hidden Mist Village also suffered a lot of losses.

However, now such a big thing has happened in the ninja world.

"Sir, why do you suddenly want Qing to come back?"

Chojuro looked at the information on the table. There didn't seem to be anything special about the information.

"Our Kirigakure Village's offering silver was robbed, and it had nothing to do with Shanks. In the final analysis, it was Zabuza who did it.

Then Zabuza took over the country of Waves, and then that’s what we know. "

"Dark has the power of the Devil Fruit, and we all thought he got it from Shanks, but what if he didn't?

If not from Shanks, but from Konoha. "

Terumi Mei stared at the information on the table.

What a coincidence, it's all too coincidental.

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't be a big deal if there was a Kage participating in the Chuunin Exams, just treat it as a friendly diplomatic measure between the two villages.

However, at this time, Terumi Mei had just taken office, and a strong man like Shanks appeared in the ninja world.

Now, the forces on the sea have begun to gather, and almost all eyes are focused on Shanks.

It was at this time that Konoha also gathered a lot of forces because of the Chunin Exams.


Yes, all of this was a coincidence, but this coincidence made Terumi Mei feel a terrifying chill, as if a big net was slowly opening across the entire ninja world.

Terumi Mei didn't dare to bet. Konoha's suspicion was too great. Even if there was a 99% chance that this incident was a coincidence, Terumi Mei didn't dare to bet.

If the bet is wrong, maybe the entire Kirigakure Village will be destroyed. And if this thing is really a coincidence, do they have anything to lose? Basically no.

"But Terumi Mei-sama, didn't you say before that Shanks poses a far greater threat to Kirigakure Village and the Kingdom of Water than Zabuza?"

Hearing Chojuro's doubts, Terumi Mei covered her forehead. Chojuro was still too young.

"That's true, but..."

"Shanks is a member of the Uzumaki clan. The Uzumaki Kingdom was exterminated in the Third Ninja War. At that time, Konoha was an ally of the Uzumaki Kingdom.

Konoha, on the other hand, watched helplessly as the Uzumaki clan was destroyed. "

"Shanks is indeed a great threat to Kirigakure Village, but... he is an even greater threat to Konoha, you know?"

Chapter 58 It’s time to place your bets!

Compared with other ninja villages, the current Kirigakure Village is undoubtedly the weakest. Even if he understands the situation in Konoha, Terumi Mei cannot take action immediately.

At this time, Terumi Mei just wanted to pull out the Yondaime Mizukage and beat the corpse. If it weren't for that guy, how could Kirigakure Village be in this situation now.

Terumi Mei also knew that there should be some secrets that she didn't know, but that was not important. After all, as the shadow of the village, if she could not shoulder the heavy responsibility, then she would die.

As the supreme leader of the village, incompetence is a graver crime than defection.

"Now I am the only one left in the Kirigakure Village. In the ninja world, strength comes first after all. My limit has not been reached yet. If I cannot have the strength to threaten those guys, even if I go, it will have no effect."

"My limit is far from reached."

After Chojuro left, Terumi Mei looked at the lifeless village alone. The village now looked like a tomb, and she had to do her best to bring these people buried in this tomb back to the world. .

If she can't do it, she will become the last shadow of Kirigakure Village.

Terumi Mei was thinking a lot. Behind her, an old man walked over accompanied by two ninjas.

"If you want to do it, go ahead. There are still old guys like me in the village watching."

The old man spoke.

The person who came was the elder "Genshi" of Kirigakure Village. His status was not inferior to that of the Mizukage. Terumi Mei's ability to become the Mizukage was also recognized by the Genshi.

At least in Genshi's opinion, there is no one in Kirigakure Village who can take on the heavy responsibility, and Mei Terumi is the most suitable person.

"Elder Yuanshi."

Terumi Mei also knew that some things had to be done.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to the village as long as I'm here.

The only thing I can do is stay in the village. "

Genshi is too old, almost ninety years old. He has lived from the Warring States Period to the present. When he was a boy, he also witnessed the grace of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

But not even a hundred years have passed, the Senju clan has disappeared, and the Uchiha clan has been exterminated.

He has lived too long and has seen too much.

"Elder Yuanshi, is this really done by Konoha?"

"What would you do if I said no?"

Genshi's voice was full of sullenness. He and Terumi Mei stood together, looking at the sullen village.

Fortunately, the chance that the village is still rejuvenating will not be buried with this old guy.

"I'll still go."

Terumi Mei's answer was extremely firm.

"We will wait for your return, Mizukage-sama."

Genshi was very satisfied with Terumi Mei's answer. Terumi Mei was already a qualified Kage, and could even be said to be outstanding.

Whether it's strength, wisdom, or the belief of being a shadow, if the shadow of a village doesn't even have the ability to make decisions on its own, how can it lead the village forward?

There is not much that Master Yuan can do. He can only use his own prestige to stabilize the current Kirigakure Village. But how long can he, who is almost ninety years old, be able to stabilize this village?

On the other side - Cloud Hidden Village.

Cloud Hidden Village is undoubtedly an alternative to the entire ninja world. It can be said that the entire Cloud Hidden Village is completely armed.

Whether it is combat power or scientific research level, he is the top existence among the five great ninja villages.

The "top" of the Kirigakure is completely different from Konoha.

Konoha is completely on the genius route, with a lot of top geniuses who have piled up their combat power, while the Hidden Cloud Village does not have so many geniuses.

This village is strong because the middle class of this village is strong enough, and they use the advantages of the middle class to pile up their strength.

You said top genius? Even if the fourth generation Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee were added together, they could only stop the fourth generation Hokage of Konoha, Minato Namikaze.

This is the difference between the Hidden Cloud Village and Konoha.

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