At this moment, when Kidomaru and the others looked at Dark in front of them, they no longer had the contempt they had before.

Even though they all knew the weakness of Dark's fruit ability, even though they all knew that Dark was just a down-and-out pirate not long ago, an ordinary person they looked down upon.

At this moment, Kidomaru and the other four really looked at the man in front of them.

As for the other crew members on the ship, let alone, these pirates were extremely fanatical about looking at Dark.

This is Dark's method, the spirit of this great pirate.

"Me? How is it possible? Even the Bladeless Pirates can't do it, how can I do it? Only that man in the world can do this."

"That man?"

"The Four Emperors - Shanks!"

Captain Dark said in a deep voice, at most he was the one who lit the lighthouse to the new world, and the real route to the new world was created by Shanks.

The reason why he could gather so many people in such a short time was not because he, Dark, was strong enough, brave enough, and not because of the so-called devil fruit.

The real reason was... that man.

"Let's go! It's time to meet those guys."

Dark's ship began to turn, and behind their ship, countless pirate ships made way for the ship.

Finally, several large ships appeared in front of Dark and others.

Click, click, click! !

A harsh mechanical sound came from the large ship, and then a series of stairs extended from the large ship to Dark's ship.

Afterwards, several people walked down the ship slowly with their subordinates. These people used to be the existence that Dark needed to look up to, and almost everyone was one of the top figures in the underground black market.

After seeing Dark, these people also had a hint of shock in their eyes. Dark's size and height that surpassed ordinary people shocked them, but what followed was a surprise.

"Is this the power of the devil fruit?"

"I didn't expect that Dark, the little gangster in the black market, can now stand on the same ship with us."

"I didn't expect that you all knew my name, Dark, but I don't know who you are."

Dark's face showed a mocking look.

"Of course, I'm not interested in knowing. I hope that one day in the future, your name will reach my ears."

"Dark, are you looking down on us?"

After hearing what Dark said, one of them said angrily, and pointed his gun directly at Dark. Behind Dark, Kidomaru and the other four also put their hands on their sabers.

Although they are not proficient in swordsmanship, they can definitely cut off the other's hand before this guy shoots with their own physical fitness.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I look down on you, but that I don't take you guys seriously at all."


"Okay, if there is anything, let's talk about it after it's over."

Another person next to him sat down, not looking at the others next to him, but staring at Dark with burning eyes.

The undisguised ambition in his eyes, the ambition for power, the ambition for this world.

"You, you are really interesting. Maybe I can hear your name spread all over the sea in the future."

Dark grinned. Ambition, power, belief... this is a pirate. If you can't abandon everything you once had, then even if you go out to sea, you can't be a pirate.

The guy in front of him is much better than the others.

"My name will only appear on this."

The man reached out and took out a bounty from his arms and put it in front of him.

The sea breeze blew from the sea, and nearly a thousand ships of different sizes, with sails of different styles, painted with colorful and simple skull flags on the sails.

These sails did not block the sea breeze, but seemed to guide the sea breeze to the ship of Dark in the center. The sea breeze blew up the bounty on the deck, and a portrait of a man appeared on the blank list.

That was added by Dark himself after he came back. It was a portrait of Shanks, with red hair, four scars on his left eye, and unshaven beard. He looked not much different from the group of gamblers in the casino.

The only difference was that the guy was the dealer at this gambling table.

"Let's talk about how to deal with Shanks!"

"There is no way to deal with him. The only way is to use people to pile up. In front of that guy, whether it is you, me, or those guys who dare to go out to sea with empty barrels, there is no difference."

Dark said briefly and looked at everyone.

"All of us are the same. On the sea, the only bargaining chip we have is our lives. Do you think your lives will be more valuable?"

Dark's words were not sarcastic, but facts.

At this point, he thought of Shanks's knife. In the face of that attack, they didn't even have the ability to resist.

At this time, everyone also noticed the sharp breath on Dark's body. What Dark said was true.

"We are facing the Four Emperors, the real pirates, the Four Emperors!"

"In front of the sea, everyone's life is the same, and in front of Shanks, it is the same.

If you can't show the faith to face the Four Emperors, go back as soon as possible."

"If you want to deal with the Four Emperors, you have to show the faith to conquer this sea."

"Do you mean to let them fill it with their lives?"

Everyone looked at the other people on the sea. They were in a different position. They would not charge in the front.

"It depends on you. The only thing I can tell you is that facing Shanks, both you and I may die."

"If we were afraid of death, we would not come here, kid.

We were once the giants of the underground world. Don't look down on us, kid."

"How can we survive in such a place without the awareness of risking our lives?"

"Since we have gone to sea, we have never thought about going back."

After hearing what Dark said, everyone spoke up. They were not cowards.

They gambled their decades of accumulation, even the accumulation of several generations. When they made that decision, they had no way out.

They were carrying the youthful vigor, the hope of the family, and the expectations of countless people under them.

They were not ninjas and did not have strong strength. They could stand in that position by relying on their own wisdom, means and strategies, and the support of countless people.

Seeing the burning light in the eyes of these ordinary people, Kidomaru and others also felt hot in their hearts.

They finally understood, is this the new world that Lord Orochimaru said?

Even these ordinary people, even the disgusting businessmen who look fat and big-eared, or the old men who are over a hundred years old and thin, have the same faith as their ninjas, and even stronger.

This is the new world, a brand new era.

As everyone returned to the ship, Dark's pirate ship set off again. This time, the Dark Pirates are still ahead of everyone.

Like many people, Dark has his own beliefs in his heart.

And his feelings for Shanks are more complicated than others.

Although he has a grudge against Shanks, if it weren't for Shanks, he could only be a thug for life, and perhaps one day in the future, he would become a cold corpse in the stinking ditch.

At the same time, Shanks's spirit and strength also made Dark in awe. A powerful pirate who can create a new era, even if he is an enemy, Dark still respects that man very much.

"So, as a man who opens up a new era, you must not die, Shanks!"

"You must win, Shanks, let me see if you, as one of the Four Emperors, can break the shackles of the old era and have the strength to fight against ninjas."

"I have already staked my life on this bet, but even if I have to sacrifice my life, I will..."

"I hope you win!!"

Dark sat at the bow of the ship, which was slowly sailing towards the direction where Shanks was, and Dark had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He had the courage to face Shanks again, but this was not because he was brave, but because Shanks's spirit of breaking through the old era gave him the courage.

Even if he had to sacrifice his own life, he would not hesitate. Let this thug see the spirit of the Four Emperors.

Dark looked up at the sea, his eyes flashed with brilliance, his pupils kept shrinking at this moment, and a black dot appeared at the limit of his vision.

The island appeared.

At the same time, the drunk Shanks stood up and walked towards the sea with a knife in his hand.

Everyone by the lake was drunk, even Xue Hui, who was very reserved at the beginning, has now become a drunkard.

And Shanks, when he walked to the beach, he was half sober.


After a long yawn, Shanks got on the boat.

In the past twenty days, he has learned how to drive a boat. After all, he will go out to sea as a pirate in the future. He can't be like Luffy who knows nothing.

"So many people, when did I offend so many people?"

"He is really a powerful guy who can gather so many people."

Shanks sighed. If he remembered correctly, the "Crick Pirates" that appeared earlier in One Piece only had 5,000 people.

Now he sensed the situation in the distance and felt that there were at least 30,000 people.

"It's really troublesome, but the number of people alone is useless."

Shanks lowered the sail and jumped to the bow.

The ordinary samurai sword was lying next to him. A gust of wind blew, the sail swelled, and the boat gradually sailed towards the sea.

Shanks closed his eyes. The wind in the sky seemed to be getting stronger, the clouds were rolling, and the waves were getting faster.

The roar of the sea was pleasant and terrifying.

After a wave of sound.



The waves broke, the wind and clouds changed color, the sky was dark, thunder cracked, and huge lightning fell from the sky.

Shanks, who was sitting on the bow, opened his eyes. Black and red ripples burst out from his eyes. Deep in his pupils, there were almost endless ships and shells in the sky.

The air cracked, and the sound of the ship's shells was as deafening as the thunder in the sky.

"Here they come!!"

Chapter 60 Treasure? I understand.

"Here they come!!"

Dark, who was standing at the front, stared, and his tall body stood up, ready for battle.

Buzz! !

A violent tremor came from the air, followed by a huge impact accompanied by red and black ripples. The terrifying impact hit the waves directly, and the ship on the sea was forced to stop by the waves.

The ships formed a circular circle in front of Shanks' ship, unable to move forward.

But this was not the end.

The next moment, Dark felt as if his entire spirit had suffered a huge impact. He hadn't even seen Shanks yet, but in his spiritual realm, a terrifying beast appeared and was staring at him.

Majestic and domineering!!

"Domineering Haki!! At this moment, I won't fall down again."

"Shanks, don't look down on me."

The other pirates behind Dark fell down one by one, and even Dark almost succumbed under this pressure.

"I'm betting my life."

"Let me see where the limit of your domineering Haki is. Even if it is a power that has never been seen before, as long as it is power, it will be consumed."

"Shanks, with your spirit, can you defeat us!!"

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