Dark stood up under the impact of the waves of domineering domineering. Behind him, the only people who could still stand were Kidomaru and his four companions.

But Kidomaru and his four companions were not in much better condition. At this moment, they finally knew what kind of monster they were facing.

However, when they looked up.


A bolt of lightning struck directly from the sky, illuminating the entire sea surface.

But what was even more terrifying was the sword light in the distance.

There were no fancy moves. Shanks just drew his sword and put it away.

At that moment, nearly a hundred slashes flew towards the surroundings. Under the blessing of the domineering domineering of observation, all the shells that could cause trouble to the ship were shattered by the slashes and exploded directly in mid-air.

Shanks' domineering aura completely broke out at this moment. The terrifying domineering domineering aura was not hidden at all. The dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and the thunder and lightning became more and more violent.

As the domineering domineering aura spread out, at this moment, all the pirates understood what kind of person the legendary Four Emperors was.


Bang, bang, bang! !

On the deck, pirates fell one after another, and all the pirates looked at this scene in horror, but their horror did not last long, because the next one to fall was them.

"Is this... the power of the Four Emperors Shanks?"

"What kind of monster are we facing?"

"Even the sky is angry because of that guy. Can we really deal with such a terrifying and powerful person?"


Everyone had lost their fighting spirit when facing this scene. They thought that having more people would be useful, but watching a large number of people fall, that deep sense of fear swept over.

And those who did not fall, they finally understood what Dark said before, when facing Shanks, they were all the same.

Looking at the turbulent sea, and then looking at the people who only survived one in ten, everyone had only despair in their hearts.

No, it's not despair, but despair.

There is no going back. So many people fell at this moment, even if they wanted to run, they couldn't run away at all.

"If you want to survive, then go ahead. Those who can still stand now are the ones who are truly qualified to get the power of the devil fruit."

"When all of you set foot on this ocean, you have already abandoned the past. Don't be like those cowards."

"This is not a desperate situation, but the bell of a new era."

A man wearing a windbreaker and glasses stood at the bow. He looked at the thunder and lightning exploding in the sky. One day, he would let the bell of this new era ring for him!

The bounty in Shanks' arms flew away with the wind.

The remaining people who were still standing dragged their heavy steps and walked forward one by one along the dense ships.

They were different from those cowards who fell. They had not fallen yet.

"Are there still so many people who haven't fallen?"

Shanks looked at the quiet fleet opposite, which was a bit unexpected. The other party's belief was unexpectedly strong.

"But this is what pirates are like.

This is the real Age of Exploration. Even if you are facing the youngest Four Emperors on the sea in the future, or the sea emperor with the domineering color, you must show your fighting spirit."

"This is what a hero on the sea looks like."

Disappointed? No, how could he be disappointed? Shanks would not feel that he was weak. He has never been the protagonist of this sea.

Being able to see so many pirates in this place, being able to see the most shining beliefs of this era on this sea, this is what Shanks agrees with, the real Age of Exploration.

"Whether it is the pursuit of wealth, fame, or power, whether it is ambition or freedom, let me witness with my own eyes the brilliance of the will of this era."

Shanks jumped up from the deck and stepped out again in mid-air. The air under his feet exploded, and a white ripple appeared under his feet.

The figure of Shanks also rushed towards the fleet in the distance.

The not-so-tall body passed through the aftermath of the explosion, but the breath emanating from his body made everyone notice him at the first time.

Dark finally saw Shanks' figure clearly this time.

His devil fruit, to be precise, should be the superhuman type. Molting fruit.

This is one of the ninjutsu studied by Orochimaru. It is a rebirth through molting. Each molting can fully enhance physical fitness and resist the last fatal injury.

This is why Zabuza has not killed Dark so many times, because death means rebirth and becoming stronger for Dark.

And every time he faces Zabuza's death, he will be reborn through molting and enhance his resistance to slashes.

Of course, this fruit also has a flaw, that is, the number of molting can only be obtained through age.

And now Dark has eight times left.

"Shanks, let me show you my results. From the beginning, my goal is you."

"Metamorphosis. Slash defense!"

Dark stood at the bow with his legs spread out, with dozens of scars on his chest exposed nakedly. At this moment, the skin on his body seemed to have a layer of looming membrane, which looked very fragile.

But such a defense can block Zabuza's strongest slash. This is the power of the devil fruit.

"If you want to rush over, knock me down first."

Dark roared, his voice piercing through the thunder, his tall body was firm and unyielding, and everyone's eyes were on Dark's majestic body.

This naturally included Shanks.

"A devil fruit user?"

"Even if you are a devil fruit user, your ability has its limits."

Shanks moved his feet and disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the samurai sword in his hand was unsheathed, and the moment it came out of the scabbard, a touch of brilliance appeared on the blade.

At the moment the blade was completely unsheathed, the surrounding wind was torn apart, and the waves on the sea surface exploded.

Buzz! !

A white blade light slashed directly at Dark, and the front deck was touched by the blade light and shattered instantly.

Dark looked at the blade light without any fear. Let Dark see the strength of the Four Emperors!


The terrifying blade light slashed at Dark, and was blocked by Dark.

However, it was not over yet, and the blade light had not been completely blocked.

"Stop it!"

Dak put his hands together, his whole body was stinging, blood seeped out from under his skin, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his veins were bulging.

His originally tall body seemed to have turned into a prehistoric beast at this moment. The deck under his feet was shattered inch by inch, and Dak's body kept retreating.

Behind Dak, the deck on the ship could no longer withstand the power of the slash and slowly broke.

"Stop it!"

Dak roared, and the next moment, blood splattered on Dak's body, and severe pain came from his chest.

Boom! !

The knife light penetrated Dak's body, cut off the mast on the ship, and the huge mast collapsed and hit the ship next to it.

Dak looked at the horrible wound on his chest, his hands were already bloody, and his fingers were completely twisted in this short moment.


Dak's tall body fell to the ground with a bang.

Crash! !

It started to rain, and the man stepped onto his ship again.

At this time, more and more people began to appear behind Dark, all of them were people rushing over from other ships.

As the "strong men" who were still standing, they came to this ship.

Shanks looked at the people who kept coming up, but he didn't take back the samurai sword in his hand.

Looking at the people who had spent a lot of effort to climb onto this ship, Shanks understood even if he couldn't directly see the strength of this group of people.

"Although the strength is low, they have the belief to stand up under the domineering color domineering. Once they reach the new world, they will definitely become heroes on the sea."

Shanks only knew that the sea area he called seemed to be a certain sea area in the east.

In the four seas, it is normal to encounter such ordinary-looking pirates, but it is a bit unexpected to encounter devil fruit ability users.

Of course, so many pirates can pick up weapons under the domineering color domineering, even if the hands that pick up the weapons are still shaking, which is also remarkable.

Sure enough, the real great age of navigation has just begun. Have the countless heroes on the sea not yet entered the Grand Line?

"Shanks, hand over the treasure!"

At this time, a trembling thin man stood up. The treasure of the devil fruit, all of them, came for the huge devil fruit treasure.

"Oh? One Piece?"

Shanks looked at everyone, and he finally understood why so many pirates showed up. It turned out to be because of his identity. Do these people think they know the information of One Piece?

"If you want to get the news of One Piece, defeat me first!"

The raindrops hit everyone, and the samurai sword in Shanks's hand exuded a terrifying chill, but at this moment, the fire in everyone's heart was ignited.

The treasure of the devil fruit really exists! ! !

Is that the treasure of the devil fruit? The legendary treasure is: ONE PIECE! !

Chapter 61: Brats, it's time to get off the boat

Banquet, pirates, treasure, freedom, ambition, this world that has completely run away, this era belongs to pirates.

Shanks's silent heart slowly became hot.

Shanks has gradually adapted to this world. At least, the conversations with these people now will not make Shanks feel that there is something wrong.

Of course, other people did not think there was anything wrong. Everything happened naturally.

"So, let's warm up before I go out to sea."

"Newcomers, if you can survive, go to the new world to see the world!"

Even if he stopped, Shanks could not guarantee that the people he cut would survive.

However, as a pirate, if you don't even have the awareness of risking your life, you should quit as soon as possible.


"Bang bang bang!"

A few gunshots did not hit Shanks at all.

At this time, Shanks had already rushed into the crowd, without any powerful force or gorgeous sword light.

Approaching the first person, the other party just raised his gun, Shanks had already bullied him and got close to him.


The samurai sword in his hand slashed, a splash of blood splashed out, and the man also flew backwards.

At the same time, other people around rushed up.

But without exception, they didn't even touch the corner of Shanks' clothes, and they flew out.

The samurai sword in Shanks's hand kept flashing, and one figure after another fell to the ground.

The rain dyed the deck red.

But those who fell still tried their best to stand up again. The group of people on the deck seemed to be crazy.

Kidomaru and the other four thought that these people were crazy, all of them were crazy.

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