More importantly, what Shanks did overlapped with what Akatsuki was going to do, which is why Nagato and Konan's brains crashed for so long before they reacted.

After reacting, Nagato's evaluation of Shanks was.

The terrorist organization established by this guy is more terrible than Akatsuki, and Shanks is the same kind of people as the people in their Akatsuki organization, avengers who are dissatisfied with this world.

"Then will Kakuzu and Hidan continue to collect intelligence?"

"Kakuzu needs to pay attention to the changes in the ninja world at any time. Afei and Black Zetsu should really go out for a walk."

"I'm not worried about Afei and Black Zetsu, but Kakuzu seems to be investigating Akatsuki's past."

Konan knew what Kakuzu was investigating, because the traces of Akatsuki could not be completely erased, and Kakuzu didn't even need to spend too much effort to find out.

"It doesn't matter. The main thing is to let Kakuzu pay attention to the information from Shanks, and this time during the turmoil in the ninja world, we can also accumulate strength in secret."

There are too few people who can be used in Akatsuki, and even fewer people who can be trusted.

Ninjas like Itachi and Kisame are experienced and extremely wise.

But Nagato does not trust them.

Only Kakuzu is the most trustworthy, because Kakuzu will not talk about feelings with anyone, only about money.

It is precisely because of this that Kakuzu is the ultimate trustworthy person.

I have no problem with Nagato and Konan's views on Shanks. Most people in the ninja world have the same view on Shanks.

Especially for the daimyos of the five major countries, Shanks is a vicious criminal.

Similarly, most people do not understand the true meaning of the so-called "new era". They only see the appearance of this era and know that Shanks is not a good person.

The next day, Kakuzu also received news from Konan and Nagato.

"Continue to explore the news of Shanks and the Uzumaki clan?"

"It seems that we can only act within the scope of the Water Country in a short time."

Kakuzu did not think this was a big problem, but Hidan next to him was different.

"Do we still have to stay in this place?"

Hidan couldn't believe it, he was sure that he had heard it right.

Did the organization really ask them not to do anything? Such a good opportunity, but he didn't do anything.

"No way, just take it as a holiday."

Kakuzu replied. It was a good thing that there was no major task. He didn't know what the organization was doing now. It would be better not to get involved in the organization's affairs.

"In addition, Cardo and Shanks seem to have some kind of relationship. Recently, those people in the underground black market seem to give Cardo face. There are even rumors that Cardo is a member of the Uzumaki clan."

Looking at Kakuzu who was still analyzing intelligence, Hidan became more and more angry. Now was not the time to look at such things.

"Why do we care about this kind of intelligence? The most important thing now is about the organization, Kakuzu!"

"Be quiet, Hidan."

Kakuzu's eyes were cold, and he asked Hidan to shut up.

Kakuzu naturally knew what he was doing.

It didn't matter what the relationship between Cardo and Shanks was, and it wasn't what he cared about.

The most important thing was that, judging from the current situation, the relationship between Cardo and Shanks was by no means as simple as a normal "coincidence".

If it is not a simple "coincidence", then Kado can become a chess piece of Kado, used to test the relationship between Akatsuki and Shanks.

Because according to the current signs, Shanks and Akatsuki have already had contact, and what Kado needs to do is to see how much contact there is between Akatsuki and Shanks now.

Although he doesn't mind working for others, he will not make the same mistake again as being sold and counting money for others.

Kado told his plan, and Hidan beside him suddenly realized it after hearing it. No wonder Kado is not in a hurry at all.

"In other words, we can use Kado to detect some attitudes within our organization?"

"Well, with Kado's identity, if he encounters something, Shanks will not be able to get out, and our organization will not appear directly.

These things, on the contrary, need marginal members like us to do."

After Kado explained clearly, Hidan understood why Kado's identity is so important to them.

On the other side, in the Land of Tea.

Kado returned to the Land of Tea again. Unlike before, this time, Kado was kidnapped back.

The Root ninjas did not hold back. Cardo was covered in wounds and bruises, but despite such serious injuries, Cardo still looked alive and well.

"Danzo-sama, I'm really not from the Uzumaki clan..."

"Hahaha, Cardo.

You said that it was just a coincidence that Zabuza came to you, and that the God Tree Organization you sold was also made up by yourself, and that the secrets about the Uzumaki clan you mentioned were all made up by yourself?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, Danzo-sama, these are all made up by me, I just lied because I wanted to get Shanks' protection."

Cardo nodded repeatedly, and he swore to heaven that these things were really just coincidences, and that he, Cardo, Shanks, and the Uzumaki clan really had nothing to do with each other! !

"Cardo, do you think the only characteristic of the Uzumaki clan is that red hair?"

"I can believe that what you said just now is true, but..."

Danzo pointed to a group of people in the corner opposite, including Cardo's ninja guards, who had all fainted due to injuries.

"Even a ninja's body cannot bear the torture, but you, an ordinary person, can bear it."

"Besides the terrifying vitality of the Uzumaki clan, I really can't think of any other reason."

Danzo sneered and said, everything else can be said to be luck, but how can you, Kado, endure a punishment that even a ninja cannot bear?

"Kado, now you still want to say that you are not from the Uzumaki clan?"

Danzo is pressing harder and harder, and everything that happened to Kado can be said to be a coincidence or luck.

But as the power in the blood of the Uzumaki clan, it cannot be hidden no matter what.

And when he heard Danzo's words, Kado was also stunned.

Yes, why...why can he bear the punishment that even a ninja cannot bear?

Isn't this simple? If you were beaten from time to time, or thrown on the mast and hung there for a few days without food or water.

For Kado, this kind of thing has become normal. The key is that this guy's current body shape is still fat and heavy.

From a certain perspective, Cardo's vitality is indeed very strong, but...

"I'm really not from the Uzumaki clan, and I have nothing to do with Shanks...Danzo-sama..."

Cardo wailed, he was really wronged.

"How dare you speak so harshly!!"

Chapter 98: No personal grudges

If Cardo hadn't been so determined to cut off the relationship with Shanks, Danzo would have felt there was something wrong with it.

After Kado suffered so much torture, he still insisted so firmly that he had nothing to do with Shanks. One can imagine how loyal Kado is to Shanks.

No matter how arrogant a normal person is at this time, they would have already given in. But Cocard is different. This guy seems to be a snobbery, a typical businessman who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

But under this kind of mental and physical torture, Cardo is still so determined to break off the relationship with Shanks. Does he really think that Danzo is a fool?

"Forget it, keep an eye on him, and then prepare to spread the news so that everyone in the ninja world knows about it."

Danzo waved his hand, he had already seen that Cardo was definitely Shanks' most important confidant.

"Danzo-sama... I really have nothing to do with Shanks, and I really have nothing to do with the Uzumaki clan..."

Before Kaduo could finish his words, his mouth was immediately sealed and he was taken away.

Seeing Cardo's appearance, Danzo also put aside his contempt for Shanks.

"If he were an ordinary ninja, he would have been deceived by Cardo long ago. Even illusions can't make Cardo tell the truth, and physical torture is also useless."

"What's more important is that he is obviously a member of the Uzumaki clan, but he can act like a snobbish businessman so vividly. He is even better at disguise than a real spy. This guy."

Danzo knew the methods of the Uzumaki clan. It was too easy for the Uzumaki clan to resist this ordinary illusion.

Using genjutsu may make normal ninjas tell the truth, but that may not be the case for people from the Uzumaki clan.

On the other side, Cardo really felt the crisis of life and death again.

Shanks had already warned him that using the name of the Uzumaki clan indiscriminately might bring him trouble.

But for Kado, the so-called "trouble" is nothing to be afraid of.

As a black-hearted businessman, Kado can gamble his life as long as he has 300% profit. Now with the name of the Uzumaki clan and Shanks, Kado can become a giant in the underground black market.

This is more than just a 300% profit, so what if you take a little risk?

But now the situation is different. Now Cardo is no longer taking risks, but his life is 100% in danger. At this time, only a fool would take risks.

Is Kado being tough? He is so tough-talking, all for the sake of his own life. How can he, a mere ordinary businessman, dare to have anything to do with Shanks and the Uzumaki clan?

Cardo is not a fool.

Of course, Danzo is not a fool.

However, the two people have completely different ways of thinking. Judging from Danzo's ninja thinking, there is no problem with his judgment of Cardo.

Any ninja with a right mind would not find Danzo's idea problematic.

From Kado's point of view, he has a typical businessman's mentality. I gave up on the spot, my life was important, and I didn't care about anything else.

Do you think Kado has a brain? He really doesn't have much. Compared with the big guys in the underground black market, Cardo basically doesn't have any gloomy thoughts and government.

His only talent is as a businessman, he can make money and make dirty money.

Apart from this advantage, Kaduo has no other advantages, and even has an incredible disadvantage - he is easily beaten.

Otherwise, do you think Kakuzu just thought about it and thought of using Cardo to test the Akatsuki organization? How is it possible? This is just the utilization of waste, coupled with public revenge and private revenge.

Just like Zabuza when he went to rob the Kirigakure Village's money, he looked aboveboard, but in fact he was avenging his private revenge.

On the other side, Shanks and Shisui were still thinking about staying in Konoha for a few days and waiting for Kado to come over. However, on the third day, there was still no news about Kado.

Shanks had no choice but to leave with Shisui first.

They still had to find Danzo, and there wasn't much time to waste.

When it comes to revenge, it is never about a gentleman's revenge. It is never too late to take revenge even after ten years. It is best to take revenge on the spot.

The grudge between Shisui and Danzo cannot be said to be a simple personal grudge. No matter what, Shisui is the descendant of Uchiha Kagami, and they are all people around the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama.

As a result, Danzo not only ignored the feelings, but also lost his own identity and directly attacked Shisui.

So this matter is not just as simple as getting back the eyes. In fact, it is even simpler, that is, revenge.

"Captain, there is no need for us to wait so long. Anyway, we can leave at any time."

"That is the famous Ichiraku Ramen. It's not easy to get here. Stay a little longer."

Shanks muttered. He has been squatting in Ichiraku Ramen for three days and has eaten ramen for three consecutive days.

For Shanks, this thing is simply delicious.

Of course, the same is true for Shisui.

Shanks has only lived alone in the wild for almost a year, while Shisui has lived outside for several years.

"Even if you come here with great difficulty, there is no need to serve all the dishes."

Shisui held his forehead with his hand. Shanks was still eating.

While walking on the road, he stuffed a large bowl of ramen into his mouth.

Due to Shanks' good appetite and the chef's hat, Ichiraku was very happy these days and felt that his cooking skills were recognized by the chefs in the ninja world.

He taught Shanks everything he knew, and Shanks did not refuse, so he learned cooking for three days.

"That guy is finally gone."

"I didn't expect a chef to be so powerful."

"Yes, even the two of us Chunin can't beat him together."

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