In Ichiraku Ramen, the bruised and swollen Saebei and Kotaro sighed, and then looked at Ichiraku with great admiration.

"Boss Ichiraku!"

"Boss Ichiraku!"

Ichiraku was stunned when he saw the two guys suddenly kneeling on the ground.


"It's okay to buy on credit."

After a long pause, Ichiraku finally spoke gently.

"No, Boss Ichiraku, please teach us cooking skills."

"We can't accept losing to that chef anyway, please make us stronger."

Saebei and Kotaro now determined that they couldn't beat the other party because of the other party's professional problem.

This is right, if you don't believe it, look at Uncle Ichiraku. As the strongest chef in Konoha, whoever comes to this place, doesn't he give Boss Ichiraku a face?

At this time, Saebei and Kotaro's eyes exuded an unbearable passion. As long as they become chefs, they will defeat that man sooner or later.

At the same time, Danzo has brought Kado to the Land of Waves.

Looking at the Wave Country, which had been built like a military fortress, Danzo finally showed a happy smile on his face.

"This place is still missing one thing."

"Danzo-sama, what is missing... Tell me, I will prepare it for you immediately. It is my honor to help you, Danzo-sama."

The tied Cardo was still struggling.

"We are missing an execution platform for the Uzumaki clan."

"Hahahaha!! Spread the news, Cardo, the Uzumaki clan members will be executed in three days.

Let Shanks experience the feeling of his own clan members dying again."

Chapter 99 Danzo is going to settle (two in one)

Danzo's news spread quickly. When Shanks and Shisui slowly returned to the Tea Country, the news spread by Danzo had spread to half of the ninja world.

This is the horror of the underground black market intelligence network today.

Ordinary intelligence does not have this speed of transmission, but what Danzo did involved Shanks and even the Uzumaki clan.

In addition, the Kingdom of Wind has been in a state of impending storm recently, and some people have even artistically processed the news spread by Danzo.

They don't want Shanks to get involved in the Kingdom of Wind. Both the pirates and the ninjas of the five major countries don't want Shanks to enter the "battlefield" of the Kingdom of Wind.

Once the Four Emperors intervene, all events will become uncontrollable, and Danzo's appropriate standing up at this time will undoubtedly help some people solve this problem.

This also once again shows the outrageous political minds of the four old guys in Konoha. Even Shanks can't understand Danzo's operation.

"Danzo has now taken control of the Kingdom of Waves, and he also said that he would execute Cardo. Why is he jumping out now?"

Shanks was on his ship, looking at the information he got from the tavern, with a puzzled look on his face.

Along with this information, there is also information about Cardo's identity.

"There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about Cardo's identity information. So, is Cardo really your confidant?"

Shisui couldn't see the words, and Shanks read out the information about Cardo's identity to him from the list, and then...

Then Shisui really didn't find anything wrong.

If we look at the geographical location, it makes sense that Cardo has any relationship with the Uzumaki clan.

From what Cardo has been doing, it is true that he has a close relationship with Shanks. Before Shanks appeared in the ninja world, Cardo would release Shanks' first-hand information.

In addition, looking at Cardo's style of doing things, he is also brave and resourceful in the underground black market, with the style of the Little Four Emperors.

In a short period of time, he was able to spread the intelligence network of the entire underground black market to the entire ninja world, which shows that Cardo's spirit is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

In short, the Cardo who looked extremely wretched and unpleasant before, in the eyes of many people now, has a vague spirit of Shanks.

"I really have nothing to do with Cardo."

However, Shanks couldn't see how this group of people could connect all the things together. Even if they could really connect them together, please take a look at Cardo's appearance. Is there any similarity between him and their Uzumaki clan?

That guy is definitely a bitch who won't survive more than three episodes.

"But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it has nothing to do with you, Captain."

"This matter is more troublesome to explain. In short, whether Cardo lives or dies has nothing to do with me."

"Zabuza should have some reaction."

Shanks hesitated and spoke.

"Zabuza, is Cardo a member of the Bladeless Pirates?"

"No, but Cardo paid protection fees to the Bladeless Pirates. If Cardo dies, the Bladeless Pirates will definitely send someone to take over the Wave Country."

Shanks scratched his head and continued to explain to Shisui.

This matter is rather complicated to explain. Normally, Zabuza would definitely send someone to rescue Cardo. After all, he is a pirate with integrity.

Zabuza would not do such a treacherous thing.

But considering what Cardo had done before, it was already good that Zabuza didn't kill Cardo himself. Now that he knew that Cardo was going to be executed, he would definitely send someone back to take over Cardo's legacy.

"It seems like Cardo has offended a lot of people."

"Including me."

Shanks pointed at himself in particular. It was outrageous no matter how you thought that Cardo could survive to this day.

This guy was one of those who spared no one who deserved to be offended, and never spared anyone who shouldn't have been offended.

However, he is still alive and well now. I can only say that his vitality is really tenacious.

Let’s look at Kado in the official history. As the last person to die in the hands of Zabuza, if we look at it in reverse, Kado died together with Zabuza.

The reason why Kaduo died was entirely due to plot killing.

"Then we really don't need to care about Cardo's life or death."

"But since Danzo is out at this time, we still need to go there, at least to get your eyes back."

What Shanks and Shisui didn't expect was not that Cardo was kidnapped and the Land of Waves was controlled by Danzo.

But Danzo actually dared to jump out at this moment, looking like he couldn't figure it out.

On the other side, in Otogakure Village, Orochimaru also learned about Danzo's information.

"Konoha rebelled against ninja, and Danzo Shimura occupied the Kingdom of Waves. In three days, he will execute Shanks' close confidant Cardo in the Kingdom of Waves, and threatened to leave a place for Shanks on the execution platform. As long as Shanks dares to come, he will Let Shanks see the power of Konoha.

Konoha was able to destroy the Kingdom of Uzumaki and wipe out the Uzumaki clan before, but now it can truly bring an end to the Uzumaki clan. "

Looking at the information that he didn't know who wrote it, Orochimaru looked embarrassed. Although Danzo was stupid, he would never say such arrogant words.

But whether others believe it or not is their business.

"Lord Orochimaru, do you need us to take action?"

Kidomaru stood up. Since the last time they came back to Konoha, they have not been on a mission. Instead, they have returned to Otogakure Village and started practicing the Six Styles attentively.

Among them, the one who made the fastest progress was Jirobo, who was already proficient in physical skills.

"No need, just go to the Kingdom of Wind with Kimimaro. I will handle Danzo's matters."

Orochimaru shook his head. Since he made a deal with Shanks and Danzo happened to jump out at this time, don't blame him.

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

Kidomaru nodded respectfully.

Bei Liuhu on the side had a curious look in his eyes.

"It seems like you are really planning to fight with your own life. I also want to see if the legendary dragon, the strongest creature, really exists."

Bi Liuhu's interest was real, and so was the ridicule in his eyes.

If Orochimaru hadn't been as despicable as ever, even doing something like directly destroying Kakashi's Sharingan, Beiruhu would have really doubted whether the Orochimaru in front of him was still Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru is very precious about his life.

“Times have changed a long time ago, Beiliuhu.

Only when you truly feel the power of Shanks will you understand that it is not that simple to break the shackles of fate. "

“If I couldn’t transcend my own instincts, I would never be able to take that step, let alone pursue a legendary creature.”

Orochimaru's gloomy and pale face showed an extremely determined expression. His greatest instinct was the instinct of confrontation.

It is also because of this powerful instinctive pursuit that Orochimaru's research direction has always been on "survivability".

However, Shanks made him see the limitations of the path he was on. If he kept pursuing his instinct, he would never be able to reach the peak in his life. Even if he really found the way to become a dragon, he would still be unable to do it.

Although I don’t know what a real dragon is like, as the strongest creature in legend, there is no description in history. Even the dragon cave has only some legends.

Orochimaru can be sure that if he wants to truly become such a powerful creature, the path he has to take will not be much simpler than Shanks's.

And his advantage is that with Shanks' experience, Orochimaru can completely abandon his desire for life when necessary.

The birth of Bawang Se Haki was a rebellion against the anti-life form and the world.

And if he wants to become the legendary dragon, he will inevitably go through this process. To break the shackles of fate, he must go through this step.

"That's what I say, but I don't think you can do it to that extent. You are too obsessed with the continuation of life. Do you think you can really do it?"

Beiruhu bluntly attacked, in his opinion, Orochimaru was not a person with such courage.

"It is precisely because I don't know that I have to take a gamble and use my life as a bet to seek a more powerful life."

Orochimaru does have an obsession, but his obsession is to become a more powerful being, so he has no interest in the half-finished sage mode of Ryūchi Cave.

As for Beiruhu, he would not persuade Orochimaru. He and Orochimaru worked together, and there was also a reason why Orochimaru helped him explore the way.

The emergence of the new era also broke Beilihu's obsession with the limits of blood inheritance, because the new era directly raised the limits of blood inheritance to the level of devil fruits.

If Orochimaru really goes his own way, it will also be good news for Beiruhu.

"Take these crystals used to cultivate the sacred tree. If possible, we may be able to learn from Shanks what these crystals are about."

"I'm going to continue studying the devil fruit."

The cold voice of Hiruhu came. The deal between Orochimaru and Shanks was Orochimaru's business. Hiruhu had his own things to do.

After that, he went back to the laboratory.

On the other side, Nara Shikaku in Konoha also learned about Danzo's news.

"Tsunade-sama, Danzo has now officially declared war on Shanks. Although the affairs of the Uzumaki clan have nothing to do with our Konoha, Danzo is a traitor of Konoha. It's not good to tolerate Danzo talking nonsense outside like this."

In the Hokage Building, Shikaku also raised this issue. More importantly, the Wave Country is next to the Fire Country. They can't help but intervene in this matter.

"It's not good for us Konoha to directly intervene in the affairs of other countries. This will cause misunderstandings."

Tsunade spread her hands. She didn't want to get involved in such things.

"Besides, Konoha is short of manpower now, so it's not easy to send people there."

"The two newly promoted Chunins from Konoha in the last Chunin Exam can go there. They originally came from the Land of Waves, and then..."

Before Shikaku finished speaking, a distortion appeared in the center of the hall. Seeing this distorted space, Tsunade and Shikaku stopped discussing.

As the distortion disappeared, Kakashi walked out of the distorted space.


Kakashi nodded to Tsunade, who was sitting in the main seat and waved casually.

"Don't be so polite. Did something happen in the Land of Snow?"

"Something happened. It was about the lord of the Land of Snow. We brought him back, but he was seriously injured."

Kakashi didn't elaborate. Anyway, things were fine at first, but their client turned out to be the princess of the Land of Snow, and then they were inexplicably involved in the coup struggle.

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