He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety Six: The Poison Runaway!

"Damn it, isn't this a novice little girl, why is it so troublesome...!!"

Musashi rubbed his head rather irritablely, and could only attack again: "The rice spoon snake, use the black mist!!"

The rice spoon snake opened its mouth, and the black mist immediately engulfed most of the stage.

"Mongoose Slash, use Slash!!"

However, in the smoke, only a flash of white light was seen.

sough! !

Suddenly a strong wind blew up on the stage, and it chopped all the black mist, which showed the power of this mongoose.

"Next is the tearing claw!!"

After successfully weakening the opponent's blood volume, this time it was Xiaoyao's turn to take the initiative to attack.

I saw Mongoose Zhan's sharp claws covered with a fierce red light, rushing straight towards the target.

The power of the tearing claw is higher than that of slashing, and it has the additional effect of breaking the opponent's defense.

"Use the poisonous tail to block it!!"

The rice spoon snake flicked its body, and the dagger-like tail at the end was already glowing purple, and it also swung out.

Bang bang! !

The attacks of the two collided and exploded, and they were evenly matched for a while, and finally they retreated towards both sides.

It's just this kind of attack that made the rice spoon snake completely angry.

"Cha, cha!!"

It roared at Musashi again and again.

Musashi understood that the rice spoon snake meant that it was going to fight by itself.

If you were another trainer, your self-esteem might be frustrated... Musashi chose on the spot to make himself a mascot who couldn't speak, and completely trusted his rice spoon snake.

"Then let's go, rice spoon snake!!"

In an instant, the rice spoon snake's fighting spirit was high, and when it spit out its mouth, countless dense purple spikes roared out.

"Use slash to block it!"

On the other side, Xiaoyao has a complete connection with Mongoose Zhan and fights together.

The mongoose's sharp claws slashed forward, smashing countless poisonous needles into pieces.

Whoosh! !

Just at this moment, the snake body of the rice spoon jumped out, and the poisonous tail at the end turned into a purple sharp arrow and stabbed straight at the target.

"It's useless, use see through to dodge!"

Xiaoyao used a bug move.

The reddish eyes of the mongoose shone with a strange green light, and it managed to dodge the poisonous tail attack.


A set of high-intensity attacks reduced Musashi's health to half.


However, the rice spoon snake stuck its tongue out on the spot, looking at the front with its cunning eyes, as if thinking about something.

This spoon snake is a cunning snake... which means it has a very high IQ.

Whoosh whoosh! !

In the next moment, the rice spoon snake made up his mind and shot countless poisonous needles again!

Whoosh! !

But the Mongoose Slash still uses the trick of slashing, smashing all the poisonous needles with ease.


At this time, the rice spoon snake rushed up again, shaking its tail, as if it wanted to repeat the old trick.

Seeing this, Mongoose Zhan was not in a hurry, and kept his body where he was, so he had to continue to launch the see-through trick and completely dodge the move.

Just seeing this scene, the rice spoon snake's eyes flashed, and it changed its movements in an instant, and slammed into the target in a head-on posture.

Boom! !

The see-through of the mongoose slash lost its effect, and he was knocked back on the spot.

"Appeared, using the rice spoon snake's feint trick!!"

The host is still trying to explain.

Feint attack is a move that can completely ignore protection and see through this kind of barrier move.


However, the rice spoon snake's offensive was not over yet, its slender body stretched out, and its tail directly entangled the retreating Mongoose Zhan.

The body took advantage of the momentum to get close to the target. At this moment, the rice spoon snake has opened its mouth wide, with slender fangs shining purple light on both sides of the mouth...

Venomous fangs! !

Click! !

The rice spoon snake was biting the mongoose Zhan's body, making a trembling sound of embedding into the flesh.

On the electronic screen, this time Xiaoyao's blood bar dropped a lot.


"Nice job~! Rice Spoon Snake!!"

A set of combined punches was successful, and Musashi praised repeatedly from behind.

Without her command, the rice spoon snake became even more powerful.

"What a powerful rice spoon snake..."

Even Xiaoyao couldn't help but admire.

Moreover, there is no need for a trainer to command at all, and various adaptable moves can be launched independently.


Not only that, Mongoose Zhan, who escaped from under the mouth of the snake, suddenly half-knelt down, his face glowing with a layer of purple light out of thin air.

Mongoose Slash entered a poisoned state.

"Haha~ God help me too!! As expected of my rice spoon snake!!"

Musashi put his hips on his hips and laughed loudly, as if he had a chance to win.

However, the next moment, the poisoned mongoose Zhan stood up slowly, not only did it not have any problems, but its eyes became more determined.

A violent red light appeared on it.

The attack power of Mongoose Slash has been increased!

"This is?!"

Xiaozhi off the field didn't know what was going on, so he quickly took out the illustration book to investigate.

Is it a trait of perseverance?

When his Heracross is in a burnt state, his attack power will also increase a lot.

"Didi. Poison rampage, when in a poisoned state, its own attack power will increase."

The illustrated book replied.

This is an extended characteristic of the mongoose Zhan's body adapted to fight the rice spoon snake for generations.

And another feature of the mongoose slash - immunity, it will not enter the poisoned state at all.

Both characteristics were created to deal with the venomous snake like the rice spoon snake.


The activation of the poisonous runaway feature actually caused Musashi's blood bar to drop a bit. Obviously, this feature worked very cleverly.

"Did you get poisoned the first time...?"

Xiaoyao didn't change his expression, as if he had expected it.

Once she entered the fighting state, she didn't feel like Xiaobai was new at all... Instead, she was extremely aggressive, as if she was a completely different person.

"It really is her!"

In the lounge, Yuki suddenly stood up.

This feeling is too familiar to him!

The girl on the stage at this moment must be the Xiaoyao he knew.

In an instant, all the weird feelings before were suddenly open-minded.

"Just why, the two of us will cross...?"

But the mystery that followed was even bigger, which made Yuki frowned deeply, and sat down slowly...

Xiao Shun: "?"

He next to him was stunned by Yuki's actions, not knowing what was going on.

But from the looks of it, this girl still has some talent, maybe she can become her opponent...


On the stage, the battle continues.

The time has just passed halfway, but Musashi's health bar has bottomed out, and the candle is dying in the wind.

On the contrary, Xiaoyao's health bar is still at the 1/2 position, obviously he has completely grasped the situation.

"Then we can only kill it quickly, let's go, rice spoon snake!!"

Musashi once again launched the automatic flow method.


The rice spoon snake roared out of embarrassment, and the venom tail lashed up again!


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