He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 997 Semifinals, Yuki vs Xiaolan!

In Chenghua City, in an unpretentious dojo.

A teenager wearing glasses was sitting in front of the TV, looking at the screen with relish.

About 7 or 8 years old, he is a little kid.

What is playing on the TV screen at this moment is the real-time live broadcast of the gorgeous competition in Kaina City.

"Is it my sister's turn to play?"

Xiaosheng's eyes lit up, and he kept stuffing the snacks into his mouth.

He is Xiaoyao's younger brother, and there are still some days before he can become a trainer and be able to leave home freely to travel, which makes him anxious.

The youth's enthusiasm, which has no place to rest, can only be temporarily placed on the TV.

"Wow, my sister actually used Dad's Mongoose Slash!"

Seeing the appearance of the big white cat, Xiao Sheng stood up abruptly with an excited expression.

Strictly speaking, in fact, this Mongoose Zhan is not a Pokémon given to Xiaoyao by Qianli...

It is a Pokémon that is used to temporarily defend itself in the face of dangerous situations.

The level itself is very high, and the Mongoose Zhan is a very arrogant and violent Pokémon, let alone a novice trainer, it is difficult for ordinary elite trainers to control.

Of course, if Xiaoyao can command smoothly, it will not be a big problem to give his proud mongoose to his daughter.

It's just that in Xiao Sheng's eyes, the elder sister who obviously didn't understand anything before, can control this violent mongoose chop very smoothly on the stage at the moment.

And the level of combat is surprisingly strong.


Xiaosheng couldn't help taking a breath.

Although he is not a trainer, nor has he actually fought...

However, he likes to watch all kinds of battle collections, top10 and other videos on TV, and he has a lot of experience in commenting.

"Xiaoyao contestant from Chenghua City, advanced to the semi-finals!"

It wasn't until the host's words were completely finished that Xiao Sheng sat back in his seat, and the shock in his heart could not be subsided for a long time.

But then, my mind was full of annoyance.

Originally, he planned to find an opportunity to cling to his sister forcibly and travel together...

As a result, Xiaoyao, who had received the initial Yusanjia, did not go home at all, and directly bypassed Chenghua City, leaving Xiaosheng who was waiting for the sniper to wait lonely.


In the end, Xiao Sheng could only secretly pray that he would grow up quickly.

Speaking of Xiaozhi, who was brushed out in the first game just now...

Could it be the winner of the Silver League Conference and the legendary Xiao Zhi who became the king trainer...?

Xiao Shengren was in the living room, just turned on the TV, but he didn't see the foreplay clearly.



Kaina City, the venue of the Gorgeous Competition.

All four of the semi-finalists have also been released.

Yushu, Xiaoyao, Xiaolan, Xiaoshun.


Everything on the screen, the order of the semi-finals officially appeared in front of everyone.

"In the semi-finals, contestant Yushu from Weibai Town will face contestant Xiaolan from Zhenxin Town!"

Soon, there were only two figures Yushu and Xiaolan left on the stage.

"Come out, Swamp Leaping Fish!!"

"Big Mouth Baby, get ready to fight!"

Throwing the poke ball together, the familiar sluggish marsh jumping fish and Xiaolan's big mouth baby appeared on the field.

The ground attribute of Marsh Leap Fish can restrain Big Mouth Baby, which is considered to have a slight advantage.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, the big mouth baby opened his strange big jaw on the spot, revealing sharp teeth and a huge mouth, which looked quite scary.

Intimidate feature activated!


However, the marsh jumping fish just stood there without the slightest expression fluctuation.

Clearly, the intimidation feature failed.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, Xiaolan was lowered by a drop of blood.

Xiaolan \u0026 Big Mouth Baby: "..."

Sure enough, facing this peculiar marsh jumping fish, Alexander, didn't even have the slightest intimidating characteristics.

Yuki: "..."

It's really just an ordinary marshjump fish!

Intimidate itself tends to fail when you're not high enough level.

"By the way, my Marsh Leaping Fish didn't have some kind of mental illness because it was put in the Poké Ball for a month, right?"

Yushu suddenly had a bold idea in his heart for no reason.

At the request of Dr. Oda Maki, Yuki waited for Xiaoyao at home for a month, and did not bring Shui Yueyu out again until the day of the trip.

It is not uncommon for a novice trainer to receive the initial Pokémon, and then backhand save it in the computer... This behavior is not uncommon.

But right now, fighting is more important.

"Swamp Leap Fish, use mud to shoot!!"

"Big Mouth Boy, use Assault!!"

The surprise move can attack one step ahead, and the figure of the big mouth baby turned into a black light, hitting the chest of the marsh leap fish.


It's just that the Marsh Leaping Fish's durability is not low. When the body is retreating, the mud shooting move is not interrupted, and it just spews out several balls of brown mud.

Da da pou...!

The mud shot hit Big Mouth Baby head-on, causing a lot of damage.

However, Xiaolan thought of a countermeasure immediately, and took advantage of the situation and said:

"Use its moves, just use fake crying!"

The next moment, I saw Big Mouth Baby half sitting on the spot, covering half of his face with his small hands, tears hanging from the corners of his eyes.

Cooperating with the dirty mud around the body, this delicate and pitiful appearance is fully displayed.


This time, it was Yushu who dropped a block of blood suddenly.

Marsh Leap: "..."

It's just that the expressionless Marsh Jumping Fish, it seems that the enhanced version of the fake crying move directly failed, which in turn caused Xiaolan to drop a tube of blood.

Xiaolan: "..."

Big Mouth Baby: "..."

This made the cute and fake cry very embarrassing, it could only pat the mud off its body, and stood up quickly.

"Rock avalanche!!"

Yuki, who came back to his senses, launched an attack again.

As the marsh jump fish raised its palm, countless rocks appeared out of nowhere above Dazuiwa's head, and they fell down in unison.

"Block it with an iron wall!!"

Xiaolan, on the other hand, did not hide or dodge at all.

The rock attribute is not effective against the steel attribute, let alone the defense with an iron wall.


Countless rocks fell down, and the movement was huge, even completely covering and swallowing the petite Big Mouth Toy.

However, it was Yuki's side who was blood-deducted.


"This is the battle rule of the gorgeous contest, it's really incredible..."

Off the court, Xiaozhi scratched his head, secretly surprised.

Until now, he has not fully realized how to fight in the gorgeous contest.

But this guy, Xiao Lan, is surprisingly quite adaptable to this kind of rules.

Obviously it was the first temporary competition like him, but he was able to play well.

"Well, watch it carefully, study hard, and you will be eliminated in the first round."

Xiao Gang was just reminded by such a pure passer-by.

At this time, on the stage, Xiaolan had launched a new round of attack.

"Use Bite!!"

On the side of the stage covered by countless rockfalls, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

The strange big jaw at the back even opened its bloody mouth, and it was about to slam on the body of the marsh leap fish!

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