He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1077 Break through step by step, vs hyperactive ape!

I saw that the strong chicken was lowered, and when the two of them rubbed shoulders, the white light fist shot up into the sky again!

Boom! !

The Chongtian Fist hit Danghuangban's chin head-on, and the powerful impact even sent the latter flying.

The effect is outstanding!

Shaking Banana's petite body fell heavily on the ground like a sandbag.

When the smoke cleared, Xiao Sheng, who was the referee, slowly moved up.


Shaking Ban lay there motionless, whimpering indistinctly from his mouth.

Its eyes are dizzy... but the eyes of Pokémon like Wisteria have been dizzy since birth.

This made Xiao Sheng not know how to judge for a while, and even wanted to stretch out his fingers to probe the latter's breath.

Qianli: "..."

He took Danghuangban back with a silent face.

Now Xiaosheng also knew the result, and the old god immediately pronounced the verdict:

"Huanghuangban can't fight, but the strong chicken wins!"

After all, if the host who is fighting takes the initiative to take back his Pokémon, it means that this Pokémon can no longer continue to play.

In Qianli's hand, he has already touched the second elf ball.


After the red light passed, it turned out to be a white gibbon about the size of an adult human.

Brown ghost monkey face, with a tuft of red hair floating on his forehead.

It has thick and slender arms, ending in a palm with only two forked claws.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he jumped up and down on the spot, uttering screaming monkey calls, and seemed unable to stop for a moment.

This excited look reminded Xiaozhi of his own lobster soldier.

"Didi. Hyperactive ape, irritable Pokémon, with a rough personality, likes to destroy things by waving his arms, and his body is always in a state of tension and congestion, unable to relax."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

The first stage loonies lie on the ground and may not move for a day...but once evolved, the hyperactive apes can riot all day.

It can be said to be a very extreme evolution chain in Pokémon.

"How about it, do you want to continue fighting?" Xiaozhi looked at the turkey in front of him.


The strong chicken shook its arm, and its fighting spirit continued to rise.

"Then keep fighting!"

Xiaozhi looked like a strong chicken, staring at the opponent in front of him with piercing eyes.

Now the strong chicken is not in a hurry to evolve, and continues to adapt to the physical advantages of the second stage to squeeze its potential... When it evolves into the final stage of the flame chicken, its strength will far exceed that of the ordinary flame chicken.

However, the strong chicken is eager to evolve one day earlier, after all, it has already seen the portrait of itself in the next third stage.

Tall and slender, with a mighty and unyielding face, like a fighter.

And most importantly...

Half a head taller than the Lizard King!

According to the official data description in the illustrated book, the flame chicken is 1.9 meters tall, while the lizard king is only 1.7 meters, which is an overwhelming advantage!

Of course, the illustrated book did not tell it that if the two of them mega-evolve together, their heights will fall into the same situation again...



Soon, the eyes of the hyperactive ape also fell on Li Zhuang Chicken, and his aura changed from a random riot before to a very aggressive one.

The battle begins!

"Strong Chicken, use Lightning Flash!!"

The body of the strong chicken turned into a sharp arrow of white light, and shot out in an instant.


The movement was so fast that it even easily avoided the attack of the hyperactive ape's claws, and came to an optimal attack position.

"Now, use the double kick!!"

The strong chicken quickly kicked out two kicks, directly kicking the latter back several meters.

The effect is outstanding!

At this moment, the speed of the strong chicken is extremely powerful!

You must know the acceleration characteristics of the strong chicken, but it can be accumulated... The battle has just begun, and it is at its peak.

Of course, the acceleration feature is not to use one trick, just add a certain speed ability, that is too buggy...

Now it is probably in a state where the speed ability has been improved by three stages.

Even so, the speed at this moment is definitely not something that a hyperactive ape can touch.

Da da da...! !

The strong chicken runs around the hyperactive ape, running back and forth on the wooden gymnasium floor, with a ghostly and swift figure.


However, at this time, Qianli let out a burst of unexplained laughter, and then said in a deep voice:

"Use step by step break!"

It was said that the hyperactive ape's eyes flickered, and he caught the running track of the strong chicken in an instant.

Whoosh! !

With one blow, he slashed out obliquely, and hit the latter's shoulder, sending the strong chicken flying several meters away!

And next, no matter what kind of action the strong chicken is in, it seems to be seen through, and the acceleration feature has no effect.

"What kind of move is this?!"

The situation was reversed in an instant, Xiao Zhi was in a predicament, and quickly took out the illustration book in his hand.

"Didi. Break through gradually: Can ignore the opponent's ability changes and directly cause original damage!"

The illustrated book replied seriously.

Don't look at this sentence, it seems to describe that those defenses have been improved a lot, but after you use step-by-step breaks, the opponent's defense has not improved...

But it is also effective for targets whose speed is constantly increasing, thus increasing their own dodge rate.

No matter what fancy things you say, you can hit it!


"Is there still such a move?!"

Xiaozhi looked surprised.

"The battle of Pokémon with normal attributes is naturally the most balanced..."

Qianli crossed his arms and delivered a speech about being the owner of a general attribute gymnasium.

As the Gym Master, when you gain an advantage in battle, take advantage of the opportunity to blow a wave of attributes you are good at... This is a basic exercise.

Pokémon with general attributes do not have outstanding speed, attack, defense...but their quality in all aspects will be at an upper-middle level.

Not only that, but they can also master moves of most other attributes.

Even when faced with tricky situations such as accelerated features, there are means to cope.

"Damn it, use jet flames!!" Xiao Zhi took the initiative to attack this time after suffering a loss.

Facing the powerful flames, Qianli responded calmly:

"Use the tearing claw!"

The hyperactive ape let out a strange cry, his body rioted, and when he waved his arms with two sharp claws, he rushed towards the flame.



The sharp claws waving wildly split the flames forcefully, and even continued to rush in the direction of the strong chicken.

Whoosh! !

The movement was too fierce, which made Li Zhuang Chicken unable to dodge for a while, so he could only cross his arms in front of his body, forcibly blocked it, and his figure retreated again and again.

Xiaozhi quickly commanded and shouted:

"Use the Soaring Fist!!"

The Lizhuang Rooster, which retreated a few meters, kicked back on the ground immediately, and rushed out with its strength, and a dazzling white light flashed on one side of its fist.

He lowered his figure familiarly, and then burst out his strength all at once, hitting the hyperactive ape's chin with an upward punch.

call out...!

However, at the next moment, the upper body of the hyperactive ape flexibly fell backwards, and its chin brushed past the white light of the Chongtian Fist.

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