He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1078 Opened Drumsticks

Don't look at the animal ape as a grumpy old man... But in fact, its body is extremely flexible and can support it to complete various difficult body movements.

But at this moment, Li Zhuang Chicken's soaring punch hit the air, and his body was still in the stiff stage of taking off in the air.

If Shenglong misses, the consequences will be serious.

This sentence is an eternal truth whether it is in arcade video games or in real Pokémon battles.

"Now, use the tearing claw!"

Qianli's eyes revealed a sharp look, commanding.

I saw the fallen body of the ape returning halfway back, and the claws on one side glowed with a surging red light...

Whoosh! !

With an unimpeded tearing claw, it hit Lizhuang Chicken's chest head-on.


This made the latter let out a muffled groan immediately, and his figure stepped back in mid-air.

A penetrating scar appeared on the chest.

"Don't let it go, keep using the tearing claw!!"

The aggression between Qianli and the hyperactive ape was like fire, and the latter rushed forward again, the red light on the sharp claws was even more dazzling!

"Strong chicken, use a two-stage kick!!"

Xiaozhi commanded anxiously.

This sound made the Lizhuang chicken flying upside down immediately grasp the straw, and its eyes fixed.

clatter! clatter! !

In the process of retreating, the chicken paw's thigh took two steps in a row, and it happened to step on the tearing claw that the hyperactive ape had not fully deployed.

With the help of this reaction force, the figure immediately pulled away from the former, keeping a safe distance.

If it is said that the body flexibility of the animal ape is excellent, then the strength of the feet and legs of the strong chicken is also good...

This is the chicken leg that Master Ajin has opened!

Both the flexibility and the strength of the legs are extremely powerful!

The strong chicken used this to somersault in the air and landed steadily.

The moment it landed, it leaned forward and stomped on the ground, and it actually rushed towards the target on its own initiative!

"Now, use the Sky Fist!!"

Xiaozhi and the strong chicken had a perfect understanding, shouted loudly at the same time, attacking head-on.

"Hyperactive ape, use the tearing claw!!"

Qianli on the other side also commanded the same.

After the words fell, the strong chicken and the hyperactive ape rushed to the center of the arena at the same time, with dazzling white fists on one side, with extremely exaggerated strength.

On the other side are sharp claws covered with a red energy coat, which are extremely sharp.

When the two of them were close to three meters, they even jumped up at the same time, using all their strength to blast moves in mid-air!

Boom! !

The moves collided without hindrance, and the fists without fancy met the claws!

The powerful impact even caused the two of them to enter a state of rigidity in mid-air for a while, constantly impacting and colliding.

In the end, the Chongtian Fist broke through the opponent's red light claws.

But the tearing claws of the hyperactive ape also cut a powerful punch...

Phew! !

Wow! !

There was a burst of punching, and a grinding sound of claws tearing at the same time.

The moves of the two people in the center of the arena both hit each other, and then they flew backwards at the same time.

In the end, they all fell to the ground again, and fell on the floors on both sides of the arena.

The strong chicken and the hyperactive ape fell to the ground at the same time, their eyes circled, unable to stand up and fight again.

"The strong chicken, the hyperactive ape loses the ability to fight at the same time!!"

Xiaosheng was stunned for a while, and then he called out with a delay, his little head was full of surprises.

This kind of flesh-and-blood battle was so exciting that he almost fainted from suffocation.

Sure enough, it's great to be a trainer! !

At this moment, Xiaosheng is mentally looking forward to the day when he will become a trainer in a few years.

Sure enough, I still choose Lizhuang **!

When Qianli and Xiaozhi saw this, their tensed faces relaxed slightly at the same time, and they both let out a wry smile.

Is it a tie...

"You've done a good job."

Xiaozhi took the strong chicken back into the ball, and gave a comforting sound against the poke ball.

The difference in level between the two Pokémon is not too big... and my own command did not gain the upper hand at all, and was even suppressed by the opponent all the way.

"This man..."

Looking at the man in front of him who had also retracted the ape, Xiao Zhi's breathing became heavy.

The strength of this man is definitely far beyond the average gym trainer!


As for the last scene of the Orange Gym...

This time, Qianli didn't take the initiative to send out Pokémon, but stood there with his chest folded, as if waiting for Xiaozhi to strike first.

Of course, this is not to cheat, choose the attributes of the second hand to restrain so...

After all, he is a general attribute gym, and he was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of information from the very beginning.

Qianli has to wait for Xiaozhi to choose the Pokémon first.

He is obviously a powerful trainer, but what he carries is an immature strong chicken and a vase electric mouse on his shoulder...

It can be seen that this boy is doing a new practice, so he is not using his main Pokémon.

That being the case, Qianli plans to choose the Pokémon he will deal with according to the strength of the Pokémon sent by the opponent.

Xiaozhi didn't know what Qianli was thinking, he thought this was the unspoken rule of Chenghua Gym, so he simply threw the third poke ball.

"In that case, it's up to you!!"

A red light flashed, and the forest lizard appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

Then he picked up a branch in the corner of his mouth, and looked coldly at Qianli in front of him.

Xiaozhi didn't send someone like Emperor Yan to have a top-level battle with Qianlilai, but still chose the Pokémon captured in the Fangyuan area.

The main reason is the high-strength Pokémon on him now. Except for Pikachu, there are only legendary Pokémon left.

Emperor Yan, Latias, Electric God Pillar... Xiaozhi still doesn't plan to become a beast man on the spot to challenge the gym or something.

"Forest lizard..."

Seeing this, Qianli raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that this young man's practice is about to start again.

"In that case, I'm counting on you!"

Thinking of this, Qianli made up his mind and threw a poke ball.


A red light flashed, and a huge object landed on the arena, and there was a slight shaking sound on the ground of the dojo.

But the third one was actually a giant gorilla, covered with thick brown fur, and the spacious belly without fur was light brown.

The neck is covered with a layer of white hair, and on the thick head, there is a big pink nose like a pig Pokémon.

His eyes were raised, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

The whole person was lying sideways on the floor, propping his head with one hand, and caressing his belly leisurely with the other hand, looking lazily.

The huge figure even blocked the thousand miles behind.

"This is...?"

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see this kind of strange Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. The leave king, a lazy Pokémon, is very afraid of trouble, and only eats the food around his body... But once the potential is fully exploded, it has power beyond the legendary Pokémon."

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