He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1188 Ash vs. Local Ash! (middle)

In less than a few minutes, he had already lost two generals, and the local Xiaozhi's face had completely darkened.

The opponent in front of him is far more terrifying than he imagined!

"What's the matter, do you still want to fight?"

On the other side, Xiaozhi just spoke plainly, subconsciously imitating Brother Chi's demeanor.

The strong have aura.

Although the current Xiaozhi is still a long way from Chi...but he has already entered the level comparable to the king of the alliance, and he has already begun to have his own strong aura.

This caused the noisy discussions around him to be subconsciously absorbed.


This instead makes the crisp spring sound of the Dian Shenzhu bouncing back and forth seem very funny.

"Hmph, the battle has just begun!"

The disparity in strength completely ignited the flames of war among the local Xiaozhi.

At least... to get rid of this Dian Shenzhu! "It's up to you, Forest Lizard!!"

Raising his hand and throwing it, this time he released the forest lizard. This elf has turned the tide of the local Xiaozhi many times in critical situations.

"Haven't evolved yet?"

It was another familiar face, which made Xiao Zhi slightly taken aback.

I don't know how many badges the other party has now.

However, after this forest lizard appeared on the stage, it also subconsciously picked up a branch first, looking cold.

It can only be said that the forest lizards in the whole universe share the same brain.

"Forest lizard, use the seed machine gun!!"

"Electric God Pillar, use the electric shock wave!!"

The battle started, and the two used long-range moves at the same time.

It's just dense energy bullets, which have no effect at all in front of the electric shock wave, and are easily smashed and scattered.

Boom! !

The stamina continued, and the electric shock wave then shot towards the source of the target.

"Get out of the way!!"

The forest lizard is not a turtle-speed Pokémon like the coal turtle. It took a big step and jumped high, avoiding the electric shock wave very dangerously.

Sizzling! !

However, the electric shock wave that passed by seemed to lock on to the target, and the trajectory was refracted, and it turned back again!

Shockwave is a move with a guaranteed hit effect.

The forest lizard didn't dare to greet it, so it could only continue to dodge hastily.

Da da da...!

Running to the back, even the forest lizard ignored gravity, and the gecko swam around the walls around it, and its fancy movements immediately aroused applause from around.

Even the powerful electric shock wave that followed, after being led around several times, the energy gradually disappeared.

Looking at the opponent's appearance of winning the battle, Xiaozhi shook his head.

The speed of Dian Shenzhu, even his final evolved Lizard King, was a bit slower.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi didn't let the water go, and said:

"Use the grid, grab it!"

The moment the words fell, Dian Shenzhu's figure disappeared in place.

At the same moment, the blue-yellow bouncing pillar appeared directly in front of the forest lizard, with a speed like a ghost, which frightened the latter so that it could only freeze in place.

Zizizi! !

Raising the electric current arm, the dense electric current turned into a large lightning net and covered it.

The forest lizard had no time to dodge, so it was completely enveloped, unable to escape at all.

The raw pain from the contact point between the power grid and the body made it even more painful.

Boom! !

Another lightning beam blasted the forest lizard with its lightning net, and finally landed heavily on the ground.

The combined machine of the power grid and the electric shock wave made the forest lizard enter a state of dying in the wind and almost fell down.

"Forest lizard, don't lose to it!!"

However, it was another familiar roar of rejuvenation, hanging the forest lizard's last hp.


As the body gradually stood up, the fighting spirit in the eyes continued to rise.

In the next moment, the body of the forest lizard burst into an emerald green energy light cluster!

The characteristics are activated, flourishing!

"Is this characteristic again?!"

Under the green light, the local Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was also fully aroused, with a fanatical expression.

The last time I saw this characteristic was when he was fighting against Mr. Qianli in the Chenghua Gym...

Da da da...!

In the lush state, the forest lizard's figure turned into afterimages of green light, galloping rapidly, and started to attack on its own initiative.

In the extreme state, not only the strength of the grass attribute has improved, but even the speed of itself seems to have improved a lot.

The forest lizard has mastered a new move - high-speed movement!

For a while, even the Dian Shenzhu could only bounce around in place, looking left and right.


An unknown telegraph frequency sounded from his head, and he seemed to be completely stunned by the opponent, not daring to attack first.

"Now, use the strongest blade blade!!"

The local Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he suddenly roared loudly.

In the lush state, the blade leaves of the forest lizard even directly grow into a green machete, and the power is as powerful as you can imagine!

Then, at an extremely fast speed, he slashed on Dian Shenzhu's body!


The green knife shadow flashed by!

The forest lizard that had completed the attack half-kneeled on the ground, sheathed the leaf blade, picked up the branch again, and only gave everyone a handsome back view.


However, the next moment, the forest lizard's expression changed.

After realizing it, it didn't feel what entity the leaf blade cut just now...

Turning his head, he saw that Dian Shenzhu's body was split into two by it.

This is an afterimage!

And the real Electric God Pillar has already arrived above the forest lizard's head.

The raised energy pulse arm is already covered with strong electric sparks, gradually spreading outward...

Boom! !

One hundred thousand volts poured out, completely blasting the forest lizard! !

The huge explosion made the metal building arena tremble violently!


The smoke current dissipated.

On the field, Dian Shenzhu still jumped left and right as if nothing happened.

As for the forest lizard, its whole body was scorched and collapsed there, losing the ability to fight.

"Damn it, even a forest lizard is no match at all?!"

Xiaozhi, a local, clenched his fists, with a look of resignation.


The absolute crushing situation made Nuoda's competition field quiet, and everyone was silent like a cicada.

What is the origin of this man named Dakdo! ?

"It's not easy..."

Even Adam, who was sitting on the VIP seat, stood up abruptly.

A drop of sweat has already fallen on the elegant face.

The pressure this guy put on him was not much lower than that of his disciple, the league champion Mikri...

Immediately, Adam let out a long sigh of relief and sat back in his seat again.

Anyway, tomorrow's exhibition game will be interesting...

On the field, seeing the local Xiaozhi take back the forest lizard, Xiaozhi also suddenly pressed the button of the insulating ball to take back the Electric God Pillar.

There were only the last two left on the opposite side, so there was no need for a series of fives to be so violent.

If you wear two and five, it's just right...!

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